Chapter 5: Young Master

Chapter 5: Young Master

Chapter 5: Young Master

"Wow. Do you live in such a nice place? You seem to have a lot of money. But well, if that's the case, why didn't you live in the dormitory?"

Even at a glance, the luxurious mansion gave the girl a sense of the immense wealth that the boy's family possessed.

Additionally, the patterns of the flaming sword were scattered throughout the mansion, making it quite upscale.

At her question, the boy asked in response.


"Yes. The Merhen Academy's dormitory facility is unbelievably good with numerous benefits. So why didn't you choose to live there?”

“Why didn’t you choose to live there?”

In response to her question, the boy politely answers with the same questions.

Hearing him the girl coughed dryly and said.

"Well, I, um... why is it?... it just turned out that way."

"It's the same with me."

"How interesting..."

She took a second and looked at her clothes. Compared to Flan's, they were too shabby.

​As she approached the front gate, Becky sighed in admiration.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't jealous. She too wanted to live in a place like this.

​"Wow... Are all the students at Merhen Academy living like this?"

Muttering to herself, Becky looked at Flan.

The boy was still making an expression that didn't make any sense.

After bringing him all the way home, instead of a feeling of relief, his eyes were filled with unfamiliarity. It was as if he was looking at someone else's house.

'Definitely not.'

“Flan. Isn't this your house?"

​But before that boy could answer-

"Who are you?"

-A clear and firm voice hit Becky's ear.

Turning her gaze, she saw a maid with red hair.Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

Her perfectly cut bobbed hair seemed to represent her personality.

From her confident demeanor, she seemed like a head maid. But her appearance looked young.

...It was to the point where Becky wondered if she was the same age as her.

Anyway, it seemed like she was the head maid, as there was a golden pin on her chest for identification.

"... Who are you?"

She asked again.

​At first, it was a question directed toward an unspecified group, but this time it was solely directed toward Becky.

At that, Becky politely greeted her and said.

"Hello. Flan couldn't find his way home, so I brought him here."

“Young master Flan, couldn’t find his way home?”

There was a hint of doubt mixed in her voice.

"Please come in, young master."

As the head maid nodded her head, another maid followed and led Flan into the mansion without a word.

Now the only ones left were Becky and the head maid.

​Becky froze in the cold atmosphere but soon realized what she was being suspected of, and began fidgeting her hands.

​Compared to those who coexist with luxury, nobility, and formality, Becky - a commoner - was somewhat petty and insignificant.

"I met him for the first time today."

"First time meeting him today..."

'Oh, was this more misleading?'

“It’s nothing... Really."

The head maid narrowed her eyes and then slightly bowed her head to take on the etiquette of a maid.

Her expression with a slight smile was as beautiful as a work of art, but not at all gentle.

In effect, it felt like an imperial decree, so Becky also hurriedly lowered her head.

"Oh, yes! Goodbye!"

Saying that Becky quickly left that place and walked towards her house.

While she was walking...



She stopped in surprise.

As if possessed, she looked back at the pattern she had seen in the mansion.

What remained in her mind was the pattern of a flaming sword. She couldn't possibly think of it as a magician noble family.

Yes, no matter how she thought about it, it was a knight family.

Knights and magicians were beings that bite each other. They were just very antagonistic to each other.

Being born into a family of knights and wanting to become a magician was even more incomprehensible. Not to mention, his excellent magic skills were even more difficult to understand.

Thinking about that Becky muttered involuntarily.

“... What the hell is it?”


The head maid Katarina had a lot of work to do.

First of all, she had to ask Flan why he didn't respond to his older sister Scarlett Judith's call.

“Where is my room?”

However, for some reason, Flan opened his mouth first and even asked an unusual question.

​He seemed very calm in the serious atmosphere of the mansion like he was just unaware of it.

"...Young Master. Have you been drinking?”

“I didn’t drink.”

​"You brought a woman to the mansion whom you met less than a day ago."

“She was just guiding me.”

Although his changed tone and attitude were irritating, it wasn't the kind of change that could be explained by drinking alone.

Katarina became curious about what had happened, but she lost the eye contact battle with him.

His gaze was really the kind that one would use to look down upon someone, causing her to unknowingly lower her head.

Katarina quietly told Flan where his room was and quickly gave instructions to some other maids.

Flan was still in the bathtub, and it was too cumbersome to open the bathroom door and then the room door, so he didn't move.

"Young master?"

After a while, the sound of the door opening was heard. The door seemed to have opened on its own.

"It's breakfast time, where did you go? Young Master... Young Master!"

The loud noise was quite annoying. And because of that Flan opened the bathroom door with a mental urge.

“How about breakfast, Young master...”

Katarina, who came in with a calm expression, froze.

She quickly turned her head around.

"I'm here."

"Oh, yes. the bathroom. Ah, yes. I have something to tell you. Yes, it's because of breakfast. Yes..."

Katarina's face turned slightly red, though not too noticeable. She had been working all her life, so she was not yet immune to the sight of a man's naked body.

"Don't worry about it."

How could she not worry? Flan's body in the bathtub was something that the maid didn't dare to look at.

She continued speaking with her head turned.

"Anyway... Breakfast is ready. Miss Scarlett returned last night. so you will be eating with her.”


Flan rested his chin on the bathtub for a moment and pondered.

Eating among the knights was quite suffocating. He wondered if he should ask her to bring food to his room.

Katarina glanced at the boy who was in agony.

The atmosphere was very different from usual.

The overflowing dignity and elegance were somehow visible in the boy in front of her. It was a difference that couldn't be explained simply by getting older or more mature.

It was as if he had become a different person.

Anyway, she looked back inside the room, rolling her eyes once again.

Her movements were sharp. It was only natural since it was Katarina's role to anticipate and address any potential problems that the "superiors" of the mansion might have.

Soon, the maid's gaze fell on the magic books piled up on the floor.

"Young master, have you been reading magic books all night?"


"Magic books..."

She pursed her lips with a subtle expression.

“May I, the head maid, dare to speak out of turn?”

"Go ahead."

"You were classified as the lowest-ranking student in the Academy."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Would you like to pick up a sword again? Even if the young lady doesn't come to help you now, she may at least treat you like a younger brother or even like a human."

Flan snorted and got up from the bathtub. And he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Not required."

Disregarding, insults, hatred, etc were already familiar to him because he had experienced them once.

The biggest realization he had through experience was that he didn't have to worry about anyone else.

“Eh... Young master."

Meanwhile, Katarina urgently covered her face with both hands.

But soon she peeked through her fingers and watched Flan wiping the water off and getting dressed.

It was absolutely not because she liked him or because she wanted to satisfy her selfish desires. She was just curious.

'What has changed?'

It was the body of the Flan she knew. His tall, thin body had not thickened in the slightest on the sides.

Although he was born into a knight's family with a wide bone structure, the important thing was that he hadn't grown much since then.

​But he was clearly different today.

His usually weak and cowardly appearance was completely gone, and his body looked unusually large.

"I'll go now."

Katarina, who was about to leave the room as if possessed by a low order, suddenly remembered what she was going to say. She almost forgot and almost left without realizing it.

"If you don't come, I'll have to take you out."

Flan was wearing his pants on, but his upper body was still naked.

Flan tried to push Katarina away, but she held onto his hand. She still had her head turned far away.

"...Young Master! In society, you are referred to as a disgrace to the Judith family."

With her eyes tightly shut, she continued to speak. No matter what the situation was, she had to fulfill her duty.

“If you continue to use magic like this, your family won't just sit idly by. You may no longer be Judith's man.”

"Why are you bringing this up?"

"Well, because I'm worried. After all, I've been by your side since I was young."

"I see."

Flan shook his head. Again, this is not a nod of agreement.

Rather, he raised his chin. It was not Flan's rebellion, but Kaplan's own rebellious spirit that was burning.

"Hey. How much prestige does this family have with the sword?”

“... ...Yes?"

Embarrassment spread across Katarina's face.

“If this family is one that proves its worth with a sword, then it's better to work even harder from now on. Tell everyone that."

"What are you talking about?"

She looked around to see if anyone else was listening.

However, Flan only smiled as usual.

"At some point, you might wake up and find yourself in a magic family."

After saying that and laughing, Flan headed to breakfast.

"Y-young... Young master! Miss Scarlett will be joining you for breakfast this morning! You must not say such things during the meal!"

Katarina's voice could be heard from behind.

Of course, Flan didn't care

“Shall we go?”

There was a lot to prove.

In other words, yes.

Now this was enjoyable.