Chapter 49: Call it Magic Now.

Chapter 49: Call it Magic Now.

Chapter 49 – Call it Magic Now.

If you were to name the most famous thing in Merhen Academy, it would be impossible to leave out the Magic Sword Emperor.

The stadium was already packed with no room to step. This year’s opening match, the combat event, was a huge success.

“Wow... This is just the first-year match.”

Eric, a scout from the Mysterious Valley, muttered as he took a sip of his drink.

“Of course it has to be like this. It’s a combat event.”

Colin, another scout, opened his mouth as he sat next to him.

“Well, the rules are simple, the viewing is easy... It seems like a popular event that can’t help but be popular.”

Combat was an event that gave merit to many spectators.

The simple one-on-one format made it easy to evaluate the individual abilities of the players, and the power of them clashing with full force in the stadium gave pleasure to the viewers.

“Anyway... We have to do our job. Let’s get ready.”

As Colin threw a glance, Eric immediately started to cast an illusion magic.

Today, they were going to capture the scenes of the match and turn them into visual materials.

“I don’t know if I can focus on the job. I might end up just watching Ivan and miss everything.”

“You’re lucky. I’ve been doing this for over ten years. The students don’t look like students to me, they just look like merchandise.”

“Ugh... Don’t say such disgusting things.”

Eric frowned as if he was appalled by the thought.

“And one more thing. We’re not watching Ivan today.”

At Colin’s sudden remark, Eric tilted his head.

“Huh? What are we supposed to do then...?”

“Flan. Focus on recording him.”

“Huh...? What’s that supposed to mean...?”

“Elisys, the leader, told us to do that.”


Elisys. At those four letters, Eric was convinced. That was the way of the Mysterious Valley, to cut if they had to cut.


As he was about to start his observation, Eric felt a sinister aura.

He looked at Colin, who had a similar expression.

Their eyes simultaneously turned to the right side of the audience.

“It seems to be over there.”

“Yeah, a bloodsucker?”

But soon, that faint aura disappeared.

Eric still couldn’t take his eyes off that direction and murmured.

“What should we do? Should we check it out?”

“Drop it. You can’t find out anything about a bloodsucker by looking. Just do the job you were told to do properly.”

-This is the match between Ivan Rose from the Knight Department and Flan from the Magic Department!

The announcer started the commentary, and Flan and Ivan showed up in the stadium.

Colin checked again.

“Did you hear me? Don’t miss any of Flan’s movements. The leader emphasized it several times.”

“Yeah... I got it...”

Eric looked at Flan, who stood opposite Ivan.

A face filled with nothing but confidence, without any gap. It showed that he was an extraordinary person.

He didn’t flinch even with Ivan in front of him, a fierce spirit, a head that didn’t bow even in front of countless doubting spectators.

He ignored the disregard towards him.

Eric vaguely understood why Elisys told them to pay close attention to him.

‘Why him, instead of Ivan?’

He still didn’t get it.

“A verbal contract should have the same effect.”

“Don’t say that!”

Ivan shakes his right hand vigorously in front of me.

I feel like this will never end, so I reluctantly shake his hand.

-We will start the match now. Three!

After we finish the handshake, we each take some distance. The announcer starts the countdown.

Ivan draws the sword he stuck in the ground.


He emits a pure white energy. The sharp energy wraps around not only his body, but also his sword.

It must be his unique ability.

I’ve never seen it before, but it doesn’t seem to pose any problem. I’ll observe and understand it at the same time.

First, observation.

I’ll look at everything in the world as ‘magical’.

I cover my eyes with mana, and all the objects start to be replaced by lines and circles. At the same time, I understand everything as a magician.

I start to see the lines that are drawn all over Ivan’s body. They are not blood vessels, but magic circuits.

Seeing the circuits means that his unique ability is nothing more than one way of using mana.

It’s not much different from magic.

Not much different from magic, that is...


However, it seems that his unique ability does not require any ‘understanding’ or ‘application’ to manifest.

He just has to want to use it, and he has the leisure to focus on his sword.

Simply put, his unique ability is like a magic scroll that a knight has in his body.

That’s all in one second.


Ivan’s center of gravity shifts forward.

It’s just a preparatory movement, but it’s very powerful. His toes are already digging into the ground.

I also slowly open my mana.

To grasp the ‘overwhelming victory’ that I boldly wrote and declared on the poster...

I raise my concentration to the utmost.


As soon as that, Ivan charges at me like a ray of light.

No, to be precise, he tries to charge at me.

“That’s not it.”


Ivan’s head snaps back.

He couldn’t kick the ground as planned. My telekinesis hit his forehead faster than that.

“Output it again.”


The sword barely missed me. Ivan twisted in the air again and thudded on the ground.

“Damn it... Damn it, why!”

Ivan shouted and grabbed his sword again. But the result didn’t change.

The number of times Ivan crashed: two.

I confirmed that when the ‘interference’ category was applied to my innate ability, it had its own resistance.

Three times.


Surprisingly, I confirmed that there was no additional effect when my innate ability was combined with the ‘support’ category.

Four times.


I confirmed that there was some interaction with the ‘harmony’ category. However, it seemed that I needed a deep research to find the interlocking gears.

. . .

Nine times.


I confirmed that even if I drew the circuit of my innate ability perfectly, there was an error in the manifestation value.

That is, a magician had to draw a different formula to achieve the same effect. I remembered it clearly.

‘What if I approach it as a summoning, not a manifestation.’

While I was organizing the information.

“...I don’t understand at all.”

I heard Ivan’s voice and confirmed that she was no longer attacking me.

Then I noticed her miserable state.

Everything was miserable. Her hair and body were covered with dust, and her ankles looked stiff and not soft.

Ivan was already exhausted. Only her eyes, shining like a flash, were fine.

As soon as I saw her ragged figure, I frowned. I opened my mouth first.

“We don’t have time for this, Ivan.”

I straightened my clothes and looked down at Ivan, who was no different from a lump of flesh.

“...I still have a lot of questions.”

There was no cheering or booing in the arena.

There was only a silence close to emptiness.

“If you don’t come, I’ll go.”

Of course, I didn’t mean to take a step myself.

ᅳSo don’t worry, just move forward.

I agonized and agonized over what kind of scenery I should show to the other magicians so that they could let go of their worries.

Finally, I came to a conclusion.

Nine times.

I gathered the information I obtained by smashing Ivan to the ground nine times in my head in an instant.


Summoning, but not a simple summoning.

The current address to be moved. The certainty that I will go forward. The creation that I speak as a magician. The negation and change that will push away this world as it is.

The indomitable attitude that will not bow to anyone. The practice that I emphasized to death. An inspiration to someone. The hope that will continue.

I summoned the essence of it with the feeling of summoning.

I insisted on efficiency considering the total amount of mana.

Fortunately, Ivan’s swordsmanship level was high, which was an advantage for me.

Because it was a swordsmanship that was performed with the minimum movement and precision, I could also use the minimum mana.

Drawing a magic circle was not enough. I put my palms together and crossed them slowly as if the gears were meshing.


Finally, the summoned creature appeared with an explosion.

As the smoke cleared, Ivan’s eyes widened.

The golden hair that shone like a wheat field, the thick lips. No one in the arena did not know this appearance.

“...It’s me.”

Ivan muttered in a low voice.

It was true. I summoned a doll based on her origin.

Ivan’s hand holding the sword trembled. She opened her eyes wide and clenched her teeth.

“What are you thinking?”

The energy that wrapped around her became incredibly intense.

“I won’t ask twice. What are you trying to do with a doll that just imitates my appearance?”

The energy that started to scatter like a storm, clearly showed that she was angry.

I looked at her golden eyes without avoiding them.

“Ivan, who devoted her life to the sword, Ivan, who I observed nine times...”

And I calmly recited.

“Which one do you think has better swordsmanship?”

A vein popped up on Ivan’s forehead. She spat out her anger.

“You... are you trying to insult me!”


But when Ivan rushed in, the doll blocked her sword brilliantly.

The knight’s eyes widened.


Ivan clenched his teeth and swung his sword.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sparks flew as their swords collided. The noise was deafening, and rocks flew every time they stepped on the ground.

“Cowardly...! Hiding behind!”

Ivan tried to push aside the summoned creature and aim for me, but the doll blocked him with quick movements.

“Come out! Come forward! Fair and square...!”

Finally, the doll’s body was wrapped in a pure white energy.

I had implanted the circuit I read from Ivan inside it, and it was now manifesting.

“Well, something like this.”

My words made Ivan’s shoulders tremble. His mouth opened slightly.

“What is this...? How, how did you copy my unique ability...?”

His sword shook a little.

“Even the swordsmanship...”

“It’s not swordsmanship.”

I cut off his words.

“How rude of you, Ivan.”

And I corrected him.

There is a clear term for this phenomenon.

“Call it magic now.”