Chapter 59: You’re Really Crying.

Chapter 59: You’re Really Crying.

Chapter 59 Youre Really Crying.

After we paired up, there was a strange awkwardness between Trixie and me.

To be precise, Trixie felt a bit uncomfortable with me.

It was understandable.

We were facing a duel, and even our last conversation was not in a very good mood.


Finally, Trixie broke the silence. That was her first word.

Actually, I wanted to wander around alone. I had my own plan, and she had hers.

But unfortunately, we couldnt act individually.

If your partner doesnt show up for more than 15 minutes, you have to ignore them. Thats not your partner.

It was because of this clause. In other words, we couldnt be apart for more than 15 minutes.

I wasnt afraid of such a strange phenomenon. But Trixie was the problem. She would be swept away.

Well, just this once.

Trixie von Frits.

I had marked her as a candidate for the extermination. So, I decided to go along with her because of the clause.

Lets eat breakfast.

She urged me. I nodded quietly. I didnt plan to skip breakfast anyway.

Lets go.

I had memorized the geography of Saphor last night by looking through the booklet. Now, there was no place in this exhibition hall that I didnt know.

Wait a minute.

Trixie tried to stop me.

The restaurant is not that way.

Follow me.


But I ignored Trixie and started walking in the direction I had decided.

Where are you going.

In the end, Trixie had no choice but to follow me. She asked me again.

What are you doing? Thats not the novice area.

I knew that better than anyone. But what could I do if there was a better restaurant outside the novice area?

I walked stubbornly. Trixie followed me with a displeased face.

And soon, a sign appeared.

[ ]

The sign had only one note on it. This was the restaurant I had in mind, Harmony.

Youre not going to eat here, are you?

Im going to eat breakfast here today, so you better know that.

Then, a waiter in a neat suit came up to us. He looked ordinary, but he had a gold pin on his chest.

Good morning, sir. If you have a reservation, may I ask your name?

No, we didnt. Were just passing by.

Trixie answered for me. The waiters eyes naturally went to the white badges on our chests.

And soon, a smile of embarrassment appeared on his face.

White badges are Im sorry. Unfortunately, for the safety of our customers, it might be difficult for you to use Harmony.

No, its possible.

The waiters face became more troubled. He pointed to a signboard-like list with a polite gesture.

As you can see, even the pen for writing the list has a yellow badge on it

Come on, lets go. We have to follow the rules.

Trixie urged me, but I reached out without a word.

The white badge on my uniform couldnt represent me. It couldnt bind me either.

The pen in my hand moved smoothly on the signboard. Soon, Trixie and my names were written.


[ Kaplan ]

The hand that moved habitually wrote my real name. It was engraved in my soul, so I guess I couldnt help it.

I thought about crossing out a few lines, but I left it as it was. It wasnt an easy-to-read handwriting, and it didnt matter who saw it anyway.


Trixie and the waiters faces were simultaneously surprised. I asked the waiter calmly.

Is that okay?

He nodded his head with a bewildered face. But soon, he started to guide us calmly.

Yes, weve confirmed it. Please come in.

Trixie looked at me with her eyes wide open. I walked in leisurely, with or without her.

You asked me to act as a web novel editor and translate a Korean text into English. I will do my best to fulfill your request. Here is my edited and translated version of the text:

We arrived right after the restaurant opened, so we were almost the first customers. It was not hard to find a seat by the window.

As I looked around the interior of the restaurant, I felt a surge of satisfaction with my choice.

The ownerless string instruments moved by themselves and produced melodies, and every single detail of the restaurants decorations was elegant and antique.

Sit down.

Trixie stared at me as I sat down.

The reason was obvious. From the table to the chairs, and the forks, knives, spoons everything had a yellow tag on it.


I snapped my fingers once.

I created a thin barrier around Trixie, so that I could take the burden of her power. With Hera by my side, this amount of mana usage was easy.

Just sit down. Its okay.

Trixie gave me a suspicious look. But I just returned a calm one.

Soon, Trixies fingers moved. Very timidly, she touched the chair with her fingertips.

Tap, tap, tap.

After checking three times that nothing happened, Trixie quickly sat down on the chair.

How is it?

She said, slightly lifting her chin. As if she thought she endured it with her own ability.

The waiter came with the menu.

Welcome, both of you. On such a lovely day, what would you like to have?

I handed the menu to Trixie.

Then, Trixie started to order only three salads.


I had to intervene. This would ruin our breakfast. I said to the waiter.

First, prepare three salads. With different dressings.

I had confirmed Maievs unique ability. Now, all I had to do was tap the calculator according to it.

Theresa nodded her head.

Then Ill see you in two hours. Youre the pride of your race.

I nodded quietly. I could also guess that the midterm evaluation of the bloodsuckers would take place in two hours.

Two hours.

That was more than enough time to make a plan.

What the hell.

Trixie was left alone.

But she didnt think of holding onto Flan. She knew by now that he was a person who acted more selfishly than Trixie.

His spell was very skillful.

He didnt seem nervous when he faced the waiter, and he didnt even look confused when he chose the menu.

It would be impossible if he hadnt been exposed to fancy dishes often Flan was always new to Trixie.

Just then, the food was brought to the table. The girl who was left alone picked up a fork and a knife.

Maybe this restaurant was different from the others, with its yellow name tags.

She finished her meal in less than five minutes. She even ate all the flan.


Trixie cleared her throat and wiped her mouth with a napkin. Flan should be coming soon, but there was no sign of him.

Should I wait outside the restaurant?

That seemed like the most reasonable choice for now. If she started wandering around, she might miss him.

But suddenly, she noticed the name on the signboard.

[ Kaplan ]

The handwriting was so fluid that it was hard to read, but Trixie was sure she had seen this shape before.

And even if she couldnt recognize it, she could tell that the penmanship was impressive.

It was rare to see such a fine handwriting even among the Frits family.

She copied it on the memo page of Trivia. If she thought a little more, she might remember where she had seen it.


At that moment, Trixies eyes widened.

Im only thinking about Flan.

Me? Thinking about another man?

She shook her head vigorously.

She couldnt help it. He was her designated partner, but he had disappeared.

Where did you go?

There were only a few minutes left until 15 minutes.

She didnt want to get caught up in any strange phenomena.

But then.


Her head suddenly spun.

At the same time, a strong wind blew.

Trixie closed her eyes tightly. Her hair flew wildly.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a space she had never seen before.

A plain white room.

In front, on the sides, behind, above, and even on the floor There were mirrors in frames everywhere.

Trixie glanced at one of them by chance.


And she stepped back involuntarily, puzzled. The mirror did not reflect her as she was.

What is this.

In the mirror, Trixie was standing in front of a tombstone.

She clearly remembered that day.

It was not long after she buried her mother. In other words, a day from the past.

Trixie focused on the fact that the image in the mirror was real, and started to look inside the other mirrors.

The knight academys stadium?

She could tell by the appearance.

A stadium filled with spectators.

Someone was standing in the middle of it.

Blue hair, blue flames waving It was not hard to realize that it was herself.

This is me too.

Despite being covered in wounds, she stood proudly, receiving the cheers that rained like rain.

But I dont remember this.

I have no memory of experiencing such a thing. I have never seen it even in my dreams.

But the situation in the mirror was unfolding vividly as if it were real.


The moment I tried to look closer, the mirror cracked like a spider web and shattered.


Trixie swallowed her dry saliva. She had no choice but to approach another mirror.

This time, it was the biggest mirror.

The world was bathed in orange as twilight descended. In an unknown place, Trixie in the mirror was kneeling.

I could only see her back. But.

Is she crying?

Trixies shoulders in the mirror were shaking like crazy.

Something transparent and sparkling was falling from her chin without a pause.

Shes really crying.

The person in the mirror was clearly sobbing.

And she was holding someone who had collapsed.

She pressed the hand of the fallen person to her cheek and cried like mad.

It was heartbreaking.

Even though I couldnt hear the sound, I could feel the emotion.

Why is she like that.

Trixie unconsciously furrowed her brows.

Kneeling, holding someone else, crying while shaking her whole body. All of these were unimaginable things for her.

She knew very well that she didnt have the temperament to care about others like that.

It was around then that Trixie in the mirror turned her head this way.

At the same time.

I caught a glimpse of the face of the person who was lying in Trixies arms.

The moment I recognized his identity.


Trixie was so shocked that she couldnt even scream.