Chapter 66: I Think You’re Cute

Chapter 66: I Think You’re Cute

Chapter 66 I Think Youre Cute

Uh? Hey, uh, hey! Fl, fl, Flan!

The next morning.

On my way back to the dormitory after finishing my usual personal training, I ran into Becky.

She was twice as noisy as usual.

Did you, did you see? Yesterday! Oh, never mind. Do I have to ask if you know? Do you? Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, you know!

Becky blurted out something that didnt make sense.

Every time she swung her arm, a strong rose scent wafted over.

Surprisingly, I understood what she was saying.

I nodded slightly.

I was the one involved, so I couldnt not know.

Hoo- ha- hoo- ha-

After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, Becky opened her mouth again.

Youre working hard. Not just that, but you said youd win, right? Is that true? Really?

Let me ask you one thing first. Why are you paying attention to that remark?

Then Beckys eyes widened. She clenched her fist and ranted.

Of course, Im paying attention to that! If you just said youd do your best, Id just think thats that- and move on.


If you nail it down that youll win, every department will have their eyes on fire! I think even the seniors are talking about you now.

Thats it.

I nodded with satisfaction.

That was my intention from the start.

A simple determination to do my best would never attract everyones attention.

But now its different.

I nailed it down that Id definitely win, and the tournament is a competition that even second-years participate in.

I wonder what expression the knights are making right now.

Actually, their expressions dont matter.

As long as they light up their eyes and clench their fists, looking forward to the tournament, thats enough for me.

But then it happened.


A low and calm voice.

At the same time, a jasmine scent blew over.

The owner of the voice was Trixie.

Her skin soaked with sweat and a towel around her wrist, even that everyday scene became quite noble when the subject was Trixie.

She seemed to have just finished her morning training.

What are you going to do? Are you doing it today?

Huh, huh? What are we doing today?

Becky looked at me with a questioning look.

What Trixie was asking was the duel we had promised before.

I shook my head.

I had to get a report from Maiev, and based on that, I had to make a detailed plan. I had a lot to do right now.

How about the day after tomorrow?

The day after tomorrow?


She rolled her eyes silently a few times, and Trixie nodded and accepted it neatly.

But still, Trixie didnt budge. Rather, she started to stare at me intently.

Is there anything else you want to say?

Trixie was still silent. Our confrontation grew longer and longer, and I hated wasting time like this.

If you have nothing to see, go your own way.


Tournament. Trixie muttered that bluntly.


You said youre going.

Thats what Im thinking.

The other three.

Trixie seemed curious about the three people who would form the same team as me.

In fact, all three of them were decided.

As soon as I found out about the tournament, I decided right away.

And I observed them carefully in the sandpaper and confirmed my thoughts.

But it wasnt something I could talk about right now.

Especially if the other person was Trixie.

She stared at me for a while, and then Trixie just turned around and went her way.

Becky looked at her back and said.

Trixie is very interested in the tournament. Well, its natural, since she had that incident

Is there a reason she has to be interested?

There was silence for about three seconds, and then Becky suddenly jumped like a frog.

Ah, ah, no? I, I dont dare to say anything. And its not even certain Just pretend you didnt hear it. Okay!

Was there something I didnt know?


I decided not to care about it.

Fine. Ill go ahead.

Hey, hey? Wait a minute! How about some food!

When I returned to the dormitory, I looked at one corner of my room.

There was a large picture hanging there that wasnt there before.

The World in the Painting.

Maiev was currently living in this place. I entered the painting to meet her.

I quite like it.

The world that was all white before now had a decent structure.

From the office to the training ground, the laboratory The branches of magic intertwined and created various buildings.

As I slowly tightened my grip on her chin, I calmly recited.

Also, I like you.

Uh. Ugh.

Maiev licked her lips several times.

Each time, her sharp fangs flashed.

Rather than a slave who follows me obediently. I prefer someone like you who tries to test me.

What. What are you. You, you human.

Doubt and verify me every moment. Im always confident, and therefore, Im not annoyed or afraid.


Uh, ugh!

The intangible hand pushed her back, and Maiev fell to the floor gracefully.

Test me a hundred times, a thousand times, and figure me out yourself.

Haa. Haa.

Maiev glared at me with heavy breathing. Her red eyes were full of hostility.


But soon she avoided my gaze and quietly put the dagger back in her pocket.

I couldnt even imagine the shame and humiliation she felt. But I didnt have to.

I left her alone and calmly left the illusion world.


As soon as I left the illusion world, someone knocked on the dormitory door.

Oh, student Flan.

When I opened the door, an unexpected person was standing there.

White hair and purple eyes, and a witch-like pointed hat. It was Professor Violet.

Are you busy right now?

She asked bluntly, then shook her head by herself.

No, even if youre busy, you have to do this first. You have to go to the Deans office. Right now.

The Deans office?

Violet nodded urgently.

Yes. The Dean is looking for you, student Flan. For now, for now. Shall we talk on the way?

We started walking side by side.

Violet looked at me with a strange eye and licked her lips.

You blew up something big this time. Well, I expected that from you, Flan student.

I guess you understand me a little bit now.

Just a little. I wish I could know more.

Violet was soaked in sweat, probably because she was in a hurry, but she gave me a faint smile.

It was more of a supportive expression than a worried one.

The dark circles under her eyes seemed to have faded a bit. Her face had some vitality.

Oh, right. By the way.

As if she remembered something, Violet opened her mouth again.

Didnt Professor Audrey ask you to come to the lab before?


How did that go? Did any other professors make any suggestions? Im just curious.

Violet fiddled with the tip of her pointed hat. She must have been concerned about that.

I shook my head.

I declined. There were no other offers.

Oh, really? I see. I see.

She nodded with a faint relief on her face.

Three seconds later, she added hastily.

By the way, just so you know, Im not bringing this up because I want to make an offer. Im not offering anything.


I never asked anyone, and no one ever applied to be my assistant. My research is too weird for that.


I unconsciously furrowed my brows.

Even the most notorious professors have at least one assistant.

What kind of research is so strange that no one wants to apply?

I was naturally curious.

What do you research?

Me? My research? Well, do you want to see it?

She seemed oddly pleased.

At the same time, her pointed hat twitched.


A moment later, a frog jumped out of her hat.

Oops, this little guy.

She caught the frog and handed me a piece of paper.

She looked like a real witch.


And shortly after, I opened my eyes wide. Violet, who was watching, gave a bitter smile.

You dont understand what it says, do you? Its a bit weird, I know.

Its weird. Definitely.

I answered without hesitation. I could say it with certainty.

This is, ancient runes.

Ancient runes that didnt exist in the previous world.

The same runes that were written in the dream.

I admit it too. The other professors always criticize me. Well, I have a taste for this kind of thing.

Ill take a look at this myself.

I put the paper in my pocket.

That? Its a copy, so it doesnt matter.

By then, we had arrived at the corridor where the Deans office was. It was time to part with Violet.

Finally, as we reached the huge wooden door.

Well, well. Ive been waiting for you.

As usual, the Deans voice came through before we even knocked on the door.