Chapter 74: 10,960 Times.

Chapter 74: 10,960 Times.

Chapter 74 10,960 Times.

The morning of the elimination round for the hunting festival finally arrived.

The music of the musicians filled the campus, and the Merhen Academy was soaked in a festive atmosphere.

Lord Flan Lord Flan Hes nowhere to be seen today. Where are you~ Lord Flan~

Meanwhile, Yushia was busy roaming around the campus.

Adventurers, magicians from the magic tower, merchants, royal officials The human crowd gathered at the academy was diverse.

All these things were fascinating to Yushias eyes.

Can we drink already? Arent you going to sleep during the match?

But how can we resist. Can you?

Thats true. We cant.

Even though the sun had just risen, they were making noises with eating and drinking.

The appetite-stimulating smell was too much for Yushia.

Her current interest was, first of all, Flan.

There are too many people here. Your Highness, if you need anything, it would be better for us to procure it for you.

Yushia was not alone today.

The royal treasurer was disguised as an ordinary tourist and stayed by her side.

But the girl tapped her badge on her chest.

Mr. Treasurer? Im also a student of the academy.

Yes. But you must not forget that you are the third princess.

I wont forget, but today Ill be a student~!

No matter how much the treasurer was, he couldnt win against the princess, so the treasurer eventually sighed and protected Yushias side.

Newspaper~ Newspaper~

Someone was handing out newspapers to the students who were bustling around. Yushia also took one.

[ Magic Department Without a Flan Flan Missing ]

Where on earth is Lord Flan

The girl sighed deeply.

She wanted to meet him in person and give him a word of encouragement before the elimination round started.

Mr. Treasurer.

Yes, Your Highness.

Mr. Treasurer, you will also look for Lord Flan with me.


The treasurer reluctantly nodded.

Flan, Flan, Flan The name that had been mentioned a few times in the palace.

Now it was enough to make his ears ring.

But then.

Did you bet? Did you do as I told you? Hey! While youre at it, bet on mine too!

Yushias footsteps stopped at a shop that was unusually crowded.

The sign said Prediction.


This shop, which was only set up during the hunting festival period, was actually a legal gambling place that predicted the outcome of the matches, but it was enough to attract the interest of the third princess.

Prediction What do you predict

Yushia peeked her head out and muttered, and two male students stuck to her.

You might not know if youre a freshman~ Shall we tell you?

Youll definitely win money if you do as we say. Wanna hear?

But their greedy whispers were quickly stopped.

With the sharp gaze of the treasurer, the two sweated and quickly backed away.

There are so many people here How fun!

Thanks to the treasurers help, Yushia was able to push through the people and move forward.

When she came to her senses, she was at the front row.

[ Prediction of the Final Ranking of the Elimination Round ]

[ Prediction of the Detailed Results of the Elimination Round ]

[ Prediction of the Hunting Time of the Elimination Round ]

Yushias sparkling eyes examined the letters carefully.

There were three items in total.

The girl asked the shop owner.

Excuse me, how do you do this?

Then, the people around looked at Yushia with strange eyes.

That was understandable, since Yushia was probably the only one who didnt know the rules here.

The shop owner answered sullenly.

You can predict one or bundle three and get extra dividends if you get them all right.

Ah! Then Ill bundle three and get them right.

At the same time, the treasurers expression turned stupid.

When he came to his senses, Yushia had already taken three papers.

The treasurer whispered urgently.

Your Highness Are you thinking of participating yourself?

Yes. Because its Lord Flans match.

Isnt it enough to just cheer for him? This kind of thing is too gambling. You should stay away from it.

But Yushia stubbornly picked up a pen. There was no hesitation in her movement of choosing the items.

Not long after, she handed the papers to the shop owner.

Lets see. No, what kind of prediction is this

The shop owner narrowed his eyebrows as he took the papers.

He looked at Yushia as if he was dumbfounded.

Magic department advancing to the main round as the final first place, detailed results are winning against the four siblings, and hunting time is within 10 minutes for each stage Are you really going to do this?

At those words, the noisy shop quieted down a bit.

Looks of disbelief, ignorance, and curiosity All of them were directed at Yushia.

The treasurer was the first to ask anxiously.

Hey, how much will you get if you do this?

The payout

The shop owner flicked the abacus beads at a fast speed.

10,960 times. If all three hit, its 10,960 times.

10,960 times.

In other words, it was almost impossible.

Laughter erupted from the crowd.

If you have that much money left, just give it to me~ Wow~ One gold coin is enough for ten thousand. Ten thousand.

Was there anything more fun than watching someone lose money?

Their faces were filled with anticipation.

How much money would Yushia lose That was their expectation.

The instigator of the commotion calmly handed something over.

Here, gold coins.

It wasnt just a few gold coins, but a whole bundle.

It was a large amount that was hard to imagine a freshman would offer.

It might be a sensitive and rude question. Or, a difficult question.


I just want to get stronger too.

With a faint smile, Ivan answered like that.

They felt a strong will from that short sentence, and the expressions of the three magicians became a bit more determined.

They had to do their best too.

Were going to start the final training now.

After checking everyones eyes, Flan opened his mouth.

But, since its the last one, we cant be sloppy.

His red eyes turned to Ivan.

Ivan, have you ever killed anyone?

Inside the corridor of the magic department dormitory, the reporters from the magic department spent the night here.

The reason was, of course, because of Flan.

At least it was inside the building, but the outside situation was even more fierce.

The outside was full of reporters from the knight department.

It looked like beasts had surrounded a rabbit hole.


A drop of sweat ran down Sephias forehead.

The deputy next to him opened his lips.

Hey, chief.


The Conquest Festival is much more important than the combat event, right?

Now youre saying that.

Sephia glared at the deputy.

It was indeed a monumental event that the magic department won the combat event. A ray of light had fallen on the long and dark era.

But its still not enough.

They still had a long way to go.

They had to turn the ray of light into brightness.

The academy, all kinds of markets, the royal family Everything was intertwined in this huge event.

If they achieved results, it would be a big step.

So it was important.

Extremely important.


They had declared their victory so confidently.


Sephias mind was filled with thoughts of him.

He hasnt come out of his room for three days

Sephia muttered dejectedly.

The representatives of the magic department had not shown their faces for three days.

They didnt even show up for training or meals.

The vice-president seemed to have given up.

President, I think were doomed.

Shh! Dont say that!

Thats the situation. I mean, what have they been doing for three days?

Stop. I get it, just stop talking.

Sephia rubbed her throbbing forehead with her hand.

All the representatives were in Flans room.

Even Ivan, a knight department student, was there.

How was he supposed to accept this situation?

But then.

The door, the door opened!

One of the reporters shouted.

At his cry, the people who had been waiting like wilted weeds jumped up from their seats.

Flan! Find Flan!

How did you do the questionnaire? Didnt you prepare it?

Student Flan! There, Student Flan!

But a moment later.

What, what the hell

Why are they like that?

The reporters who had run towards Sephia started to back away.


Sephia pushed past the retreating reporters and moved forward.

And shortly after, she had a similar reaction.


What unfolded before her eyes was hell.

I feel like Im going to vomit Ugh, ugh

Haha Me too. I cant eat breakfast.

My head hurts.

Sephia blinked her eyes without realizing it.

The preliminary round of the extermination contest hadnt even started yet. But they looked like they had already finished the match and were exhausted.


Becky leaned against the wall of the hallway and slumped down. Her open mouth and unfocused eyes were chilling to see.

What the hell is going on?

As Sephia muttered that, Flan finally showed himself.


At the same time, the reporters eyes widened.

Flan was the same as usual.

His indifferent gaze, his well-groomed appearance, his own leisure.

Flan was still like that.

They left behind the things that looked like they were either alive or dead, and quickly headed towards Flan.

A barrage of questions poured down.

Student Flan! Please answer some questions!

Today is the day of the preliminaries. Do you know that?

Among the numerous questions, Sephia also said one.

Student Flan, what did you do for three days that you look like this?

Flan, who had been indifferent, reacted to Sephias question. His sharp eyes turned to Sephia.

Dont you know even after seeing this.

How could she know from seeing this, Sephia was incredulous.

No. I have no idea.

Then Flans lips curved slightly.

Well, youll find out soon enough.