Chapter 76: Flan, the Magic Department’s Flan, the Magic Department’s…

Chapter 76: Flan, the Magic Department’s Flan, the Magic Department’s...

Chapter 76 Flan, the Magic Departments Flan, the Magic Departments

Nothing but appearances

In the waiting room on the 13th floor of the magic tower, one of the knight trainees was annoyed.

It was a delicate height that allowed him to look down at the ground from afar, but not enough to touch the clouds.

From the soft chairs to the interior of the magic towers waiting room, it was full of antique decorations.

Robes, hats, staffs They only care about these external things, and thats why they say the magicians have no substance.

It was a remark that Flan would have praised if he had heard it.

This time, another knight trainee opened his mouth.

If were going to face them, we should at least get something out of it, but the others will just hear that we won easily.

Since we can hear that anyway, I wish they would just forfeit. Why bother when the outcome is so obvious

The criticism of the magic department continued.

No, wait a minute, they cant forfeit. They have to be beaten to death in the arena. Did you see what that bastard said?

As they were talking, the story narrowed down to one person.

The target was, of course, Flan of the magic department.

The atmosphere heated up like a fire scene.

I doubted my eyes after seeing him. He said it was obvious that he would pass the subjugation preliminaries, and that he would even win the whole thing.

Thats not all. It was ridiculous that he mentioned the Knight of the Flame. Who can talk like that?

Hes a magician, thats why. Hes never seen it in person He has no idea how amazing he is.

As the conversation about Flan continued, one of the knight trainees suddenly asked Ella.

Ella. What do you think?

About what?

About the guy were talking about. Flan.


He didnt need to think about it.

A crazy bastard.

Ella clenched his sword.

A whip is the cure for a mad dog, and a sword is the cure for a mad magician.

After that, the insults against Flan and the magicians continued, but suddenly a female knight spoke up.

Youre all too careless.


The heated waiting room cooled down.

In the frozen atmosphere, everyones eyes turned to one person.

Golden hair and eyes.

Flash Knight, Ivan Rose.

In the silence, she said.

Theyre not fools. They might lose if theyre not careful.

Ha, Ella snorted. He couldnt believe it.

Ella grabbed his sword and pushed Ivans chin with the hilt of his sword. As if he was going to break his neck.

Lose Like you?

The other knights also sneered, but Ivan kept his composure.

Ivan. My unique ability is different from yours The magicians can never imitate it. Right?

Never mind imitating, just do your best.

Ill do it my way.

Dont be complacent

Ivan sighed and stopped talking. He knew he couldnt explain it to them now.

They wouldnt believe it until they saw it for themselves, and they wouldnt listen to Ivans words in the first place, since he was a second-year student.

In the end, Ivan sighed deeply.

Just do whatever you want. But I warned you.

There was one more here, a crazy bastard.

The moment Ella put his hand on the sword hilt.


The knights heads turned to the entrance of the waiting room.

And as soon as they confirmed the owner of the voice, they quickly straightened their posture.

Ella also loosened his grip with a displeased expression.

Your enemy today is the magician. Not each other.


A person who was equivalent to a professor in the magic department.

Regular Knight Alex looked around at everyone and opened his mouth.

The knight department lost badly in the first event.

At that, Ivan bowed his head. But the other knights stiffened their necks.

Yes. Thats right.

Alex said in an angry voice.

When the magic department won in the first event How much did the noble knights feel sad, can you even guess?

The other knights finally bowed their heads.

But their eyes glanced at Ivan with resentment.

It was because of him that they had to hear such words thats what their expressions said.

The excitement of the magic department ends today. If a similar situation happens again no one will forgive you.

Alexs voice was sincere, and some of the trainee knights swallowed their saliva.

A normal victory wont do. We have to crush them completely, so they can never utter such nonsense in the press again. Do you understand?


Lets go. To the press conference.

Alex led the way, and the trainees followed him.

Press conference room.

Alex stared at the dean of the magic department, Conette, who was sitting across from him.

The dean of the magic department

She had white hair on the outside, but black hair on the inside.

And her strange inverted eyes.

She was a magician with many peculiarities.

The knight of the flame, Scarlet, had warned him to be careful of that woman

But the knight of the flame is too humble.

Alex didnt think Conette was that impressive.

Even if she was a great magician, it was a different matter to judge her as a dean.

Alex looked around the magic department side.

The dean Conette was in the center, with a secretary on her side, and three professors on her right.

There were no empty seats except for the four representative students.

He felt curious as he looked at them.

Whats this?

Did they gain some confidence?

The most worrying thing was the expression of the knight department.

They either held back their laughter, or laughed out loud, or even looked down on them like bugs.

There was no respect for each other.

It was probably because the magic department had not proven anything.

It was a bit bitter.

Flan of the magic department

The moment Elizas last call was about to end.


A loud noise echoed in the conference room.

The door was somehow open, and orange light poured out from the gap.

Eliza narrowed her eyebrows slightly.

The eyes of everyone in the conference room turned to the entrance.

And they soon realized who had appeared.

He, who had arrived after several calls, was as usual.

He wore a neat appearance and a calm expression, and he stood under the spotlight that descended like a halo.


Eliza tied up the third call belatedly.

The representative of the magic department.

Flan looked around slowly.

The smile that had spread on the knight departments face had already hardened.


Flan answered casually and smirked.

Then, three representatives of the magic department came in one by one behind him. T

hey all found their seats and sat quietly.

Finally, Flan took a step.

Im Flan.

He parted his lips and called himself.

He also started walking.

Not to his seat, but to the center of the conference room.

I came here as a magician.

It was vague to say that he answered the call, and he didnt sit down to say that he came for the conference.

A pride that would not bend to anyone, an attitude that would look insanely arrogant to someone.

But thats why he added one more word.

That one word that he came here as a magician.

Ha, Ella snorted.

Youre shamelessly late. What do you mean you came as a magician What does that mean?

I had something to deal with.

The moment Flan smirked again.


Ella doubted her senses.

They were not harmonious, but they had strong personalities that only made sense when they were together. It was clearly the rest of the four siblings.

And her senses were right.

Hi everyone~

Hi is informal, you idiot.

Behind Flan, Ellas student appeared.

They all sat down with handcuffs on.

Everyones eyes turned to Flan.

It was an incomprehensible situation without explanation.


In the meantime, Connet couldnt help but laugh.

It was interesting.

Reporters, knights, presidents, professors All kinds of positions were gathered here, and Flan was just a student.

But even so, the weight of this conference room was already tilted towards him.

It was too interesting.

Flan opened his mouth again.

Before I visited the conference room, I requested a special pardon for the four siblings of the knight department.


Special pardon.

Everyones faces were shocked.

It was an unexpected word.

Everyone stopped their actions as if time had stopped.

Only the record paper recorded Flans words.

The silence was broken by Eliza.

Special pardon Why, Flan student?

The crimes of the four siblings except Ella were especially bad.

They fought not only fights, but also chased and beat students who were magicians.

Why did he ask for a special pardon for them?

I thought it would calm down the anger of the magic department a little if I scolded them in front of everyone. I did it on purpose.

The eyes of the knight department widened at Flans remark.

But his words were not over yet.

Also, I lost because three of them were hastily replaced I dont want to hear such an excuse later.

Ellas head tilted slightly.

It was ridiculous.

It was nonsense and absurd attitude.

Flan dared to assume victory against the four siblings.

As Flan finished speaking, the conference room was silent.

This time, even the reporter Eliza was shocked and couldnt break the silence.

Finally, the first one to open his mouth was Ella.

You arrogant bastard-

But then.


Flan hit the bell with magic.

The huge red bell roared fiercely.

Ding- ding- ding- ding-

The preliminary round of the conquest began.

It was less than three minutes since he showed up.

Whether its a conference, a question, or a remark

After burying Ellas remark with the bell sound, Flan spoke very slowly.

Do it with magic at the stadium.