Chapter 83: Donate Everything to the Knight Department.

Chapter 83: Donate Everything to the Knight Department.

Chapter 83 Donate Everything to the Knight Department.

After the preliminary round of the hunting competition, it wasnt only the students who were swept away by the wave of change.

Hey, lets talk for a moment!

Dont push me, you jerk! Move!

Chief of General Affairs, no. Just let me see the dean for a bit!

The merchants were busy hovering around the magic department building.

They were the ones who were commonly called big shots in the upper world.

They didnt visit the academy to enjoy the games in the first place.

Their only interest was one thing.

A hero who would roll their wealth like a snowball.

Especially the knight candidates.

But in the preliminary round, a huge change occurred: The first place pass of the magic department.

They had eyes, so they saw it, and once they saw it, they naturally made a judgment.

Its a business worth trying at all costs.

Lets pave the way in advance, no matter what happens.

In the end, money was power.

The preliminary round had just ended, but it was also undeniable that the magic department showed an amazing appearance.

The hunting competition preliminary round was perfect for observing and judging that power, and the result was this pandemonium.

But then.

Theres no need for you all to act like this.

A woman appeared and stole their attention.

Snow-white hair like a snowfield, short hair that seemed to cut if touched, a cold impression that seemed like not a drop of blood would come out even if pricked by a needle.

She introduced herself.

The representative of the Marceline Trading Company. Im Dana Marceline.

At that, they all narrowed their eyes. Marceline Trading Company, that was a name they had never heard of.

But the following words were very different from their expectations.

The distribution rights within the magic department have already been monopolized by the Marceline Trading Company. So, if you want to talk about anything related to business, go through me.


The eyes of those who heard it widened. Someone muttered urgently.

She said she already monopolized it? We came running as soon as the preliminary round ended. When did?

Oh, I invested in advance before the preliminary round.

They all gaped.

They were just amazed.

The magic department had proven nothing until the preliminary round.

How could she have invested in advance, seeing what point?

Marceline nodded slowly.

It was an attitude that seemed to understand their feelings completely.

You dont understand, do you?

She lifted the corners of her mouth slightly, as if she was a little dumbfounded herself.

The words that Im not human. I hear them often.


Among the bloodsuckers, she was called Maiev.

Late at night, I headed to the deans office.

The dean of the magic department, Conette, called me, and I was currently responding to her request.

Three days.

The main round starts right away in just three days.

The best way to spend three days, the way for the magic department to show a perfect appearance in the main round. I was thinking about both of them at the same time.

But there was already a big change in the academy, and they didnt leave me alone.

I felt it in person as I walked down the corridor with red carpets.

A magician who walked from the opposite side met me and stopped with a start, then asked bluntly.

Hey, is it going to rain tomorrow?

It was so out of context that I ignored it.

The world is wide, and its not strange that there are many weird people.

But I could meet those without context again. It was when I was waiting for the warp to reach the floor where the deans office was.

Two female magicians in front of me chatted.

I feel it every time I come, but the corridors here are too long. My legs hurt so much.


The way of organizing is strangely familiar.

It all started with the retest of the grade test, where I explained instead of the professor, and then the process of changing the exam criteria and being selected as the representative

It was a digression, but it also mentioned what papers I was interested in.

Only Becky knew about this.

This is the full text, and the important thing is the reaction!

At Sephias shout, the record sheet printed out the students reactions in bold letters.

[ Wow, he was different from the start ]

[ But the magic department students couldnt watch the game, right? Wasnt he just lucky to get first place? ]

[ Luck is also a skill, you idiot ]

[ I cant wait to see the main event of the Hunting Competition! ]

There were hardly any negative reactions.

Sephia looked at the record sheet with a face like she was looking at a paradise.

But Flans name is not only mentioned in relation to the Hunting Competition. Its like a trend, its constantly mentioned in everyday posts.

And this will make a lot of money!

An old man interrupted with excitement.

He coughed and introduced himself belatedly.

Hehehe Im sorry. I was so happy, Im the general affairs manager.

He flicked his finger and intervened in the record sheet.

A long list of names stretched from top to bottom.

These are the merchants who want to do business with the magic department. Except for the Marceline Trading Company, they all came rolling in after the preliminaries.

The accountant of the magic department, who had a face like he had found a gold nugget, said.

Its not an exaggeration to say that they all came to see Flan alone. As the students popularity grows, money naturally follows.

At the general affairs managers words, the secretary nodded vigorously.

The stakes are high, many people are interested, they prove it, and Flans actions have been like that. We will actively support the main event this time.

At the secretarys words, I quietly rubbed my chin.

Active support what kind?

Lets grow the market together at the department level. Flans position, this time, will be the position of the whole magic department.

How arrogant.

I almost blurted out.

I dont think the magic departments status is higher than mine.

But I held back.

It was also a clear fact that I aimed to raise the status of the magic department.

Sephia chimed in with excitement.

I didnt expect this much, so the editorial department was in a mess. Oh, of course, in a good way!

The general affairs manager smiled and took over the conversation.

Please do well when you report on Flan. If this continues, we will be able to attract new facilities within the magic department.

We dont have to do anything. We just have to write and send out what we have now, and the reaction is so hot. So

Everyones eyes turned to me.

Sephia wrapped up the conversation with a face full of anticipation.

Flan, please keep doing what youre doing!

The secretary also pushed up his glasses and asked me politely.

Oh, and can I ask you for a few more exclusive interviews? Your ambition, plan for the Hunting Hompetition It will be a huge benefit for the magic department.

The secretary flicked his finger and the record sheet listed the items. Gold coins, flower pots Most of them were gifts.

Look. Some merchants even gave gifts and left, saying they wanted to establish relations.

I answered without hesitation.

I refuse. And I dont need anyones help.

The secretarys words are cut off, and silence falls.

I will decide how to use the gifts I received.

I dont want to say that its a bad thing that everyone is enthusiastic.

But the problem is that this way, I cant reach the goal I want.

And this time, as always, I know how to reach the goal I want.

Donate everything to the Knight Department.


Everyones faces turned stupid at once.

To make sure that this expedition doesnt end with doing our best and winning, I will do my utmost.

So I calmly said.

And dont forget to add that you pity them.

There was no longer even a breath in the deans office.

One day until lunch with Scarlet.

I wonder what her expression will be.