Chapter 85: To Write Journalist on a Business Card…

Chapter 85: To Write Journalist on a Business Card...

Chapter 85 To Write Journalist on a Business Card

A scandal, me?

I was speechless.

I thought it was a joke, but Sephias face was very serious.

She hastily pulled out a newspaper from her pocket.

I immediately unfolded it in the air.

[ Victim Succumbed to Sexual Coercion. Flan had Connections with the Magic Department Editorial Board from the Beginning. ]


I laughed when I looked at the article.

If I had to express my impression, it would be cute. But I wasnt pleased, so Id say it was ridiculous.

For three days, I was stuck in the dormitory, and the article said that I used my power to exploit the body of another female representative, who had connections with the Merhen Daily Editorial Board.

It didnt even speculate or discuss the possibility.

It outright confirmed the sexual coercion.

[ Considering the fact that there is no record of buying contraceptives, it wouldnt be hard to imagine the situation ]


I checked the name of the reporter first.

The editorial board of the journalism department, Bess.

I asked Sephia.

Bess. Is she a famous reporter?

I looked it up and shes a rookie reporter. But

Sephia crumpled the newspaper with a loud sound.

Shes too malicious to be ignorant and reckless. Im trying to fix it, but its spreading too well, which is suspicious.


I think so too. To begin with The fact that Flan had contact with me is not something a rookie reporter can get.

She just took the blame.

There must be someone behind her, and it wasnt hard to guess who.

Someone naturally came to mind.

Mad dog, Grim Reaper The reporter with such nicknames, who stared at me with a sharp gaze during the exclusive interview.

The chief editor of the journalism department, Eliza.

Sephia sighed deeply and opened her mouth.

I know this is nonsense, but Please be careful with your words and actions for a while. I have to go to the other representatives right away.

She was about to leave her seat, but she glanced at me once.

Flan, do you have any interest in women?

Id consider it if they were excellent magicians.

Geez, the next romance rumor will be with the dean.

Sephia burst into laughter. Her voice became a bit lighter.

How do you want to make a statement? Of course, Ill do whatever you want.

Just leave it alone.

I cut off Sephias words. Her expression was full of question marks.

Okay, then just leave it alone No, no. Youre going to let this go?


I left Sephia behind, who was dumbfounded.

After leaving the building, I headed straight to the hotel in the magic tower.

I was short on time.

I had to train the representatives as soon as possible, and I had a schedule to attend at Udits mansion.

But then.

You must be busy.

A seductive voice tickled my ears.

From head to toe, all black.

The chief editor of the Merhen Daily journalism department, Eliza was the owner of the voice.Yôur favorite stories at, well. You must be very busy.

As if she knew nothing, Eliza approached me with a leisurely attitude.

Im Eliza from the Merhen Daily. Flan, I have a lot of questions for you.

Ask them through the magic department.

Are you talking down to me again, Flan? I think Im older than you.

Eliza shrugged and continued.

And go through the magic department What do you mean by that? Do you want me to get rejected by the magic department?

Of course.

Eliza snorted, brushing her black hair.

She naturally brought up the main point.

Theres no news of changing the representatives after the preliminaries. Are you really going to keep it this way? Im still curious why you chose a freshman as a representative.

Its the same reason why you didnt fire the rookie reporter.

Eliza tilted her head slightly.

What rookie reporter are you talking about?

Why didnt you fire the rookie reporter who only writes trashy third-rate novels and articles that are close to garbage Its obvious.

My red eyes met her black eyes.

Listen carefully. Im similar to that.

There was a brief silence, and then she smiled.

How amusing. Ill have to reject you officially, after going through the magic department.

Eliza handed me her business card.

[Eliza, Head of the Journalism Department, Merhen Daily]

I stared at it wordlessly, and she shook it slightly to urge me.

Take this. Well be seeing each other a lot from now on.

I only took her card.

I have one thing to say to you.

Make it more than one, please. Im a reporter, after all.

I erased some of the letters on her card and gave it back to her.



At the same time, her eyes lost focus.

I had planted a sophisticated illusion on her card.

Now, she would see the efforts of the magic department in the illusion world flash before her eyes.

Then, I changed the scene.

The most primal way of punishing a liar, execution.

In the fantasy, she was bound and burned forever, unable to resist.

After a while, I ended the illusion and said one more thing.

Her lips did not move.

But she wanted to scream for life.

She wanted to live anew.

It was unfair to wait for death quietly like this.

You just have to say you want it.

Ella nodded quietly.

Soon, she felt something seeping into her soul.

Hotel of the Magic Tower, large room.

Maiev, who arrived first, was alone in organizing the books.

She had a pile of things to report to the Blood Demons and Flan.

She had no time to rest today.


But then.

Someone covered Maievs books with telekinesis.


She was furious, but she clenched her lips.

There was only one person who could do such a thing.

She turned her head towards the door.

As expected, it was Flan.

None other than him.

Youre here. Master.

This is not the time for that.

Then what should I do

Maievs words were cut off as he tried to talk back out of habit.

Watching the preliminary match, Flans stature in Maievs mind grew even higher.

He would kill me if I crossed him. For sure.

What should I do then. Please tell me.

First, bring me some tea.


Flan nodded.

I need to focus, you see.

Yes. Thats not a hard task.

Maiev was relieved that the difficulty was not high.

Of course, she would have to obey even if it was a hard task.

Bring the tea at 12-minute intervals. No sugar, and different kinds every time.

The difficulty was not high before, but now it is.

Wait a minute.

On second thought, couldnt she try to assassinate him at 12-minute intervals?

It was a pretty good opportunity.

Maiev nodded eagerly.

Very well. Master.

Oh, and.


Flan narrowed his eyes.

Maiev, who was plotting an assassination method, swallowed her dry saliva.

The environment is not very good. Clean it up.


Maiev tilted her head.

She didnt know what was wrong with the environment.

At least to Maievs eyes, it was dust-free and neat.

It looks dust-free already.

Dust-free good. Youll be responsible for that remark, I suppose.

Ill clean it up. Do you want me to do the bathroom too?

Flan nodded once, and Maiev went to clean with a despairing feeling.

When you finish cleaning, cover the whole room with a fire spell. You need the best efficiency.


After giving Maiev her tasks, Flan used his magic to hang 32 books in the air.

Only three days left.

Flan muttered softly.

If he didnt waste a second, he had enough time.

The representatives of the magic department would surely be worthy candidates for the expedition.

But, to do that.

It was not enough to just present the things to learn.

He needed materials that he could understand and apply as soon as he saw them.

Therefore, he had to make these 32 self-study books before he left for Udits mansion.

Ill do it.

He didnt hesitate for long.

He just did it.

If he decided to do it, and if it was something that he had to do, then he just did it.

And there was one more thing.


The most important element in the finals.

Increasing the purity and reducing the manifestation speed was a way to enhance ones ability.

So this time, he needed to make the three representatives harmonize and show their superior skills.

This can be substituted with an assignment.

He presented an assignment along with the materials.

It was a task that required the three of them to harmonize in order to achieve the goal.

Flans red eyes began to flicker.

Learning magic was certainly a fun thing, but teaching it also had its own charm.

The reason was obvious, this was also a proof.

After taking a short breath, Flan started to fill the blank spaces of five sheets of paper at the same time.

The mans eyes became hazy as he wrote down the textbook without any movement.

He seemed to be gazing at something far away, beyond the world.

Click, click.

Soon, the room was filled with only the sound of letters being engraved