Chapter 95: You Like Flan, Don’t You?

Chapter 95: You Like Flan, Don’t You?

Chapter 95 You Like Flan, Dont You?

Ella, the female knight who once led the four siblings in the Knight Department, was sitting leaning against a nameless ruin.


A low sneer from above. Ella slowly lifted her head.

A strange hair color that mixed white and gold.

It was neatly braided and tied up, revealing her pale neck seductively.

Also, the goat emblem on her cloak.

Ella knew that it was the symbol of Witch.

Youve been wandering around a lot. This is the south. You know?

You are Ugh

A headache rang and information was injected.

Without her will, she realized that the woman in front of her, who could be called the incarnation of the Grand Witch, was the Witch of Envy.

The Witch of Envy spoke leisurely.

You killed everyone you met Twenty? Thirty? Hehehe, its not good to be so conspicuous.

Ella was silent for a moment and opened her lips.

The reason.


The reason why you gave me power

Pfft. No, no. Im the one who asks questions.

The witch lowered her posture a little. Her gray eyes met Ellas closed eyes.

How was it? The power I gave you?


Ella retraced what had happened.

She had encountered thirty adventurers without a destination, but Ella had never lost.

This was thanks to the power she received from the Witch.

Strong. Very strong.

That was the only way to express it.

The witchs lips curved slightly.

Im glad you liked it. Then, can you take revenge now?

Ella bit her lower lip.


How to explain that absurd guy.

She could list one by one the impressions related to that mage, but in the end, the words that Ella uttered were too simple.

Im not sure.

The witchs eyes sharpened.

I have this power for sure. But, Flan was in a different dimension. An insurmountable wall. Thats how it felt.


The witch tilted her head.

Thats how it is.

She found Ellas reaction unfamiliar.

She had never seen such a reaction after giving power to a human.

Humans always had the same reactions.

They either rejoiced and ran wild with the sudden power, or failed to overcome it and went berserk and got eaten It was just that kind of amusement, but this was the first time.

It wasnt a small power either.

But, even with that power, she still feels a wall.

Interesting. No, should I say envy?

Even though she received the power of the Witch of Envy, Ella was still bound by the existence of Flan.

From that point, the Witch of Envy felt half envy and half interest toward Flan.



Ill give you more power. Ill curse you. Then, can you take revenge?

Ella lifted her head quickly.


The unique power of Witches.


A power that selfishly consumes the happiness and vitality of others and takes it for ones own benefit.

Yes. Of course, its not for free. You have to bring me something from Verkel.


Yes. Something. You dont need to know what it is. Dont be curious either.

Ella made a quick decision.

If she could meet Flan again and find the answer to that day, if she could take revenge on the celestial who looked down on her like a worm

She could do anything for a simple errand.

Give me power. Hurry.

Im not done talking yet. Ella.

The witch stepped hard on Ellas back of the hand.


At the same time, a violent pain swept through Ellas body. Her head turned pitch black, and her consciousness faded away.

Kuh. Huk.

She eventually spat out blood.

In Ellas ear, clenched her chest, the voice of the jealous witch, colder than ever, pierced through.

If you fail, Ill erase your existence completely.

Ella nodded obediently.

She was already as good as dead once before.

Good. What you just received is the Curse of Absorption.


Ella took a deep breath.

She clenched and unclenched her fist, focusing on sensing the changes in her body.

It felt like she was born as a completely different being.

Every bit of energy in her body was clear and light.

From now on, if you kill someone, it will be absorbed as your own power.

Completely. my power?

The hunting competition is going on in Verkel right now, right? Flan will be there too.


Verkel is covered with thick fog at night. In other words, even the reporters cant know whats going on inside.

Ellas body shuddered.

She began to vaguely understand what the jealous witch was trying to say.

How about it, Ella. Isnt this a feast for you?

Ella clenched her fist tightly.

I dont doubt her, I just dont worry.

The knight muttered quietly.

I sit in the private room of the train, checking my belongings.

A clock imbued with Surtrs element, a top hat that helps with calculations, a cloak that increases durability I modified the items I acquired from the auction house to suit my taste.

They are not for me, of course, but to prevent the representatives from being swept away by unfortunate accidents.

Armor and other defensive gear that are familiar to the knights are too flimsy for the magicians, so I had to fix them myself.


I bit my tongue. Im not their parent, why do I have to take care of these kids

Ill teach them properly and make sure to use them well.

As I was thinking that.

Knock knock

Who is it?

Instead of an answer, the door swung open.

Soon, the jasmine scent filled the private room.

I didnt need to look to know it was Trixie.

I have something to ask you.

What is it?

Why did you do that?

She spoke curtly and sat down across from me.

What did I do?

The handkerchief.

Tap, tap, tap, she tapped the table with her well-manicured nails.

Why didnt you give it to Mr. Guidance?

I did.


Why is she so serious about something so trivial?

As soon as I thought that, Trixie added.

Dont get me wrong. I didnt compare your scent to the handkerchief. I was just curious if you kept your promise to me

I told you already. I gave it to him.

If you didnt, I wouldnt let this go so easily Huh?

Trixie stopped mid-sentence and twitched her eyebrows. Then she licked her lips and asked.

You gave it to him?



Why dont you ask him yourself?

There was a brief silence in the private room.


Then, at some point, Trixies mouth curled up, but she soon coughed.

She glared at me and licked her lips again.

Then change your perfume. It annoys me.

I grabbed her hand, whether she liked it or not.

This watch had a lot of elemental power in it, and I was worried that it might hurt Trixies circuits.

It would be bad if my assistant broke down.


Trixies eyes widened a beat late.

I calculated that this watch suited her best.

It would help her flame become even bluer.

The contact was brief.

I wrapped the watch around her wrist and let go of her hand.

I didnt like touching others either.

Always wear this watch.

You, again!

Trixie quickly brought her hand to her chest.

She blushed and widened her eyes, looking back and forth between my hand and me.

But she didnt have a chance to question me.

The door opened again and Becky and Louis came in.

Trixie glared at Becky.

Specifically at Becky.

What are you doing here?

Out of the blue? Im a magic student in the first year of Merhen Academy

Shut up.


Trixie muttered something dissatisfied, and spat out two words.

Ill tell everything to Mr. Guidance. Be prepared for the backlash.

With that, Trixie left, and Becky and Louis blinked and sat across from me.

Whats going on, Flan What happened between you two?

Never mind. You two take one each.

I handed them each a piece of equipment. A pointed hat for Becky, and a cloak for Louis.

They were already expensive items at the auction, and my magic added to their value.

Fl, fl, Flan gave me this?

Becky teared up, feeling it.

Dont make a fuss.

Ah, uh, ugh! Sniff!

Becky pulled the hat down to her chin.

She acted to make me laugh, and it worked.

Louis seemed touched too.

He put on the cloak with a neat design, and his mouth opened slightly.

Both of you, get out now.

I sent Becky and Louis out and checked the many train routes.

As always, I had a lot to do.

Train routes to avoid the beasts

The data that Maiev wrote for me.

It said avoid the beasts pompously, but Maiev only listed the routes that had a high chance of encountering them.

If I followed the opposite, I could find the routes that avoided them.

It wasnt hard, and it was very safe.

But I dont need to do that.

I chose only the dangerous routes.

No, actually, it was wrong to say they were dangerous.

I chose only the interesting routes.

I nodded quietly, looking out the window.