Chapter 100: Why are you being so annoying when you can’t do anything!

Chapter 100: Why are you being so annoying when you can’t do anything!

Chapter 100 Why are you being so annoying when you cant do anything!

After Flan left, only the three representatives remained.

I have to use them all Ive never done that before.

Becky scratched her head with an awkward expression.

It wasnt that she didnt want to, but she had no experience of spending money lavishly in her life.

Guys, what should we spend it on?

At the girls question, Louis pondered, and Trixie just told her to do whatever she wanted.

What the hell, why did Flan tell us to waste our points? He must have a plan, but we cant guess what it is. Im always dying of curiosity.

Well, maybe he wants us to enjoy ourselves a little in advance. We might d*e at the hands of the demon tomorrow, you know.

Ack! Dont say that!

Becky jumped up in fright.

Hahaha, Im kidding. Kidding.

As they exchanged such conversations, the three representatives soon arrived at the heart of the Heart.

There were strict guards everywhere, probably in preparation for the demon.

After checking the badges of the three representatives, the guards kindly opened the way for them.

As they walked a little further, a dazzling space appeared before their eyes.

There were various paths leading to lodgings, shops, gambling halls centered around a square with a fountain.

From now on, where to go was entirely up to the three of them.

Beckys mouth gaped open.

Its amazing Is this all really made for the representatives only?

Of course.

Trixie answered.

Originally, Verkel is a region that maintains security with the conquest system.

If they skimp on support for the representatives, they only hurt themselves.

Ah, I see. That makes sense.

This idiot.

Why are you being like that to me?

Becky sweated nervously, and Trixie turned her head to the side with a snort.

Lets go, guys.

Louis took the first step forward.

Lets start using them for real.

Ah Im full, I cant eat anymore.

The group filled their stomachs first.

They didnt look at the prices when they chose the menu, and they ate as much as they wanted.

They felt so full that they could barely move.

As Becky rubbed her belly with one hand, Trixie clicked her tongue.


Youre happy because youre full.

Why are you being like that again?

After that, they also enjoyed snacks and drinks.

And that wasnt all, they also bought some potions from the shop.

But the points still didnt run out. Louis smiled as if he was troubled.

At this rate, the day will break faster than we can use them. The things related to rest or food are set so low in points.

That, thats true. But we cant buy anything from the shop either. Flan told us not to buy anything other than potions

Becky nodded quietly.

Flan had instructed the representatives to use their points, but he also added that they shouldnt buy anything other than potions.

Trixie thought for a moment and opened her lips.

You. How about buying some clothes.

You was obviously Becky. Naturally, everyones eyes turned to Beckys shabby clothes.

Huh, can I?

The clothes they sell here are not very appealing, but they might suit you well.

Is that a compliment?


Becky still rubbed her full belly for a while, and then shook her head from side to side.

I do need clothes, but I cant.

What do you mean you cant. You look like a beggar. You should at least get some help at a time like this.

I cant. Flan said he would buy me clothes.


Trixie narrowed her brows, but this time, Beckys position was so firm that she had no choice but to give up.

Then. Louis, who had been watching from the side, opened his mouth.

Okay. Guys. Then theres only one way left.

His index finger pointed to the gambling hall.

Beckys eyes lit up.

Oh, right! There was a gambling hall!

They all agreed easily.

At this rate, they wouldnt be able to use up all their points by the time the day broke.

But will there be anyone in the gambling hall?

Lets go and see, first of all.

They naturally headed towards the casino.

And the moment they stepped in.

The three of them blinked a few times.

Not in awe, but because it was much smaller than they had expected.

Why is it so shabby?

Its like a different world here.

Trixie and Becky blurted out at the same time.

The tables and chairs were plain and basic, the gambling machines were dusty.

Compared to the other buildings in Heart, the casino was noticeably run-down.

There werent many people either.

At a glance, there were only a few staff and knights.

Becky scratched her cheek.

There arent as many people as I thought.

Well, the truth is, knights dont really like gambling.

Is that so?

Even if knights dont know what spirit is, they wouldnt have written to stay close to gambling.

Oh, right.

What should they do from here? Becky tilted her head.

So, what do we do now?


Th, that cant be.

Becky denied it vehemently, but everyone in the gambling hall understood that she was playing poker for the first time.

Right after they received one more card each.


Kian immediately raised the stakes.

It was partly because Becky was a novice, but mostly because he had a very good hand.

He was close to completing a full house.

Uh me too, raise?

Becky raised without knowing anything.

She felt like she had to follow Kians confident call. There was no other reason at all.

Is this okay? The pot is getting too big.

Leave it. Its not our score anyway.

Well, thats true.

The size of the pot grew rapidly, and the spectators started to murmur.

After betting all the score he could, Kian looked around leisurely with a smile.

I promised to do my best in this game, so I want to increase the size more. Anyone willing to lend me some score?

Kian added one more thing.

Of course, Ill pay you back with interest.

The knights who were watching gladly lent him some score.

They thought it was a sure thing, since he had such a good hand.

The score exceeded the total amount that Becky had, and it became a huge pile.

Kian grinned.

If youre short on score, you can bet an artifact. Or maybe a story about your first love. If its interesting, Ill count it as a score.

Then, the knights who were watching cheered and agreed enthusiastically.

The young girl who knew nothing was the perfect target for teasing.

Hey, you guys.

Finally, Trixie intervened.

If you came to play poker, just play poker quietly.

Well, I just made a suggestion.

Kian shrugged.

Thanks to Trixies intervention, Becky didnt have to respond to the provocation.

After all, the pot was already huge, even without betting an artifact.

What about the rest of you?

Im out. Me too.

The rest quickly folded.

This game was a showdown between Becky and Kian. Everyones attention was focused on them.

The staff chuckled and asked Becky.

The pot is too big now. Miss, how about it? Is your hand good?

Uh, um. Well.

Becky couldnt answer and looked back.

What should I do?

But Trixie and Louis didnt say anything.

They were looking at Beckys hand from behind, and their faces were pale as if they couldnt say anything.

Becky sensed her defeat.

She slowly checked the five cards in her hand.

First of all, all five cards were black diamonds.

10, J, Q, K, A

Theres only one number

It was a strange hand with no matching cards.


I know my pride will be hurt, but its not bad considering I can quickly return to my accommodation.

I decided to console myself with that thought.

Shall we reveal our cards?

Lets do that.

Okay, then Ill go first.

Kian revealed his cards.

Full house.

Wow, thats a crazy hand!

Buy us a round, Kian!

I could tell from the reactions around me that it was a very good hand.

Beckys face hardened.

You said you wouldnt go easy on me. Of course, its not my skill, but just luck

Kian started to collect the chips on the table. But then.

Wait a minute.

Louis grabbed Kians wrist.

And very hard.

Huh, why is the magician using his strength?

You have to check Beckys cards too.

Louis winked at Becky, and she revealed her cards with a nervous expression.

Straight flush.

It was a better hand than Kians.

Straight flush. Becky wins.

Kians face turned paler as he checked the cards. With a face that looked like it would turn to ash if he touched it, he checked Beckys cards again as if he couldnt believe it.

Becky jumped up from her seat.

I won? I, I won? Me?

Beckys fur stood up stiffly.

I felt a tremendous thrill.

Even if I didnt know the rules, there was a great joy in savoring the victory at the end of the tension.


Becky snatched all the chips that Kian was holding.

She yelled at him several times as she saw the chips that had doubled.

How dare you challenge me when you suck at poker! You look like a cheeseball Youre the worst kind of guy!

The knights who had lent her points glared at Kian.

They were furious with him.

Hey Kian, what about my points?

I gave you everything I had

Come on, everyone, calm down!

She had doubled her points, and three knights had gone broke.

It was the outcome that Becky achieved with one game.

Louis rubbed his forehead as he watched the spectacle.

He chuckled.

That was a bonus.

She came to spend her points, but she ended up making more.