Chapter 106: You’re Not Alone This Time.

Chapter 106: You’re Not Alone This Time.

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 106 Youre Not Alone This Time.

The Knight of the Flickering Flame walked through the center of Verkel.

The purple mist that enveloped her was still as venomous as ever, but she did not hesitate to take steps.

She was a living flame that dominated the atmosphere of the entire area.

She walked and walked.

Scarlet found the darkness.

It was a black mountain.


She called out to something.

It seemed like a very strange thing to do at a glance.

It looked like she was talking to herself in front of a mountain.

But it was not.

Scarlet called its name.

Death Dragon.

A race that was unanimously regarded as the strongest since ancient times.

Some revered them as gods, some feared them as demons.


Dead dragon. Death Dragon.

The identity of the black mountain was its huge body.

Even though it was only a black skeleton, the size of each joint was enormous.

The beast that had the highest score in the Hunting competition.

The Death Dragon opened its mouth.

Another year has passed.

Its jaw creaked and spat out a purple breath, and the poison mist spread in all directions.

It was so deadly that an ordinary human would have melted away.

But Scarlet nodded calmly.

A being that could neither live nor d*e.

The Death Dragon resurrected every year, and it was the Knight of the Flickering Flame who cut off its lifeline every time the Hunting competition was held.


So you say.

The Death Dragon nodded at her words.

Even with that small movement, the surrounding magic trembled.

The empty eye sockets of the skull slowly looked at Scarlet.

It might be a bit of a stretch to call it looking, but the Death Dragon was clearly piercing through something of Scarlet.

Even though you are resurrected, you are still miserable

The Death Dragons voice echoed solemnly and reverently.

The surrounding rocks vibrated and shook.

Dont worry too much. Ill k**l you again soon.

Scarlet leaned against a rock and said.

The Death Dragon spewed out a deadly poison mist just by breathing, so it was a beast that had to be killed for the safety of the Verkel residents.

The Death Dragons jaw creaked.

It seemed to be laughing.

Knight of the Flickering Flame. Are you my companion again this time?

Yeah. No one else will come this year anyway.

Its more accurate to say that they cant come.

Scarlets shoulder armor, and the Death Dragon.

The two elements that could get the highest score in the Hunting competition, but no one challenged them.

It was for a simple reason. It was almost impossible.

It was an unreasonable story to reach the center of the danger zone, where it was hard to stand, let alone fight.

But then.

She muttered as she was about to leave, but Yushia stopped when she saw a familiar face.

It was a male student.

Hey, Yushia. Can you come out for a minute and talk?

Yes. I can.

As soon as he left the building, the male student changed his expression and spoke in a very polite tone.

I succeeded in infiltrating the dangerous area.

He looked like an ordinary male student, but in fact he was also a member of the Wilderness organization.

He continued to report.

Currently, several members of the Wilderness are deployed, and Your Highness can watch the situation of the Hunting competition sufficiently.

Ah, thats good!

She smiled brightly and reacted, but Yushia was worried about Flan.

Flan I wonder if hes okay by now

Do you want to move to the place right now?

Of course.

Yes. Then let me guide you.

The staff member who had taken the lead suddenly turned to Yushia politely, as if he had remembered something.

By the way, Your Highness the Third Princess.

He asked with a serious expression.

Did you participate in the prediction this time as well?

Excuse me?

You achieved a result of 10,960 times, didnt you? I wonder if you found that interesting, because this time, even the Second Princess participated in the prediction.

The Second Princess. Aurora.

At that mention, a brief expression of discomfort crossed over Yushias face. But it was only a fleeting moment.

Um no. I didnt participate.

Oh, I see.

Lets go first.

Im sorry. I talked too much.

The two resumed walking.

A fluorescent paper in the princesss pocket glowed.

It was a cursed area.

A place where a sinister purple mist, twisted plants and trees, and the cries of monsters from somewhere were constantly heard.

I was in the dangerous area of Verkel.

Mana flow had its own rhythm. I counted it to calculate the time.

A day had already passed in the dangerous area.


The magic circle that contained so many people was not very smooth.

Everyone who was swept away by the teleportation magic scattered in different directions.

But I made sure to bind the three representatives to the same place until the end.

So our group only had me a little apart.

I was not worried.

Signal, survival, calmness.

I taught them all three elements, so it was enough to join the others from now on.

The reason why I didnt move for a day was that I was engrossed in two maps.

The fantasy map, the ancient rune map.

I overlaid the two maps and observed them quietly.

Each map looked unrelated, but when combined, they became a new map.

The location it pointed to was also the dangerous area of Verkel.

There was something tremendous related to the ancient runes, undoubtedly sleeping in this dangerous area of Verkel.

I wonder what it is.

Finally, I took a step.