Chapter 111: Fairy Tale.

Chapter 111: Fairy Tale.

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 111 Fairy Tale.

The hallway was silent.

Albert swallowed his dry saliva.

It was clear why Kian had been the leader of Azure.

He had undeniable strength and always used his strategies with ease.

But what he saw before him was reality.

Kians body was cut in half, and he died without landing a single hit on Flan.

He slowly clenched and unclenched his fist.

The dark power of the Demons still flowed in his body.

Thats why he couldnt believe what he saw with his own eyes.

We need a next plan

Albert muttered.

He needed a brilliant strategy to overcome this situation. But he couldnt think of anything with his current mind.

On the floor, Kians corpse was still lying.

The mongrel who was no longer his comrade was a warning and a threat by his very existence.

I have to pull myself together.

He didnt care how long he had been in the academy, what grade he was, or what his practical experience was.

He decided to stop worrying about those things.

The mage in front of him was strong.

He didnt back down from his enemies, nor did he fear the Demons.

He didnt show any sympathy for the enemy who was once human.

As Albert wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Youre having a hard time. How pathetic.


The voice of the Demon who made a contract with them started to ring in his head.

Not only Albert heard that voice, but the other knights also grabbed their ears with one hand and focused on the voice.

Why dont you beg me for help?

At the same time, the faces of the knights turned pale.

One of them quickly asked.

Beg? And that too, pitifully?

Then I might help you. If you dont like it, quit. Your souls are mine anyway.

What do you mean! You said it was a mutual respect contract at first!

The situation has changed. Humans.

The Demons voice didnt come back.

Silence fell on the hallway again.

Albert was the first to break it.

He said with a determined expression.

We have no choice but to beg.

The other two knights widened their eyes and looked at Albert.

The big one asked.

Beg pitifully? And ask for help?

A knights pride or something like that, we gave it up when we made the contract. Get a grip. We have to think about surviving first.

Knight. Pride.

Those things were no different from giving up when they made the contract.

They were already cheaters in the eyes of others, and they couldnt get anything by caring about it now.

Kian would have said this for sure.

Albert continued with a serious expression.

Think about surviving first, think about gaining first, and get rid of all the witnesses. You can worry about leisure and virtue later.

The knights calmly exchanged their eyes.

Albert didnt say anything wrong. His guess that Kian would have said was reasonable.

One of them finally nodded.

So, you mean we should think about surviving first?

Thinking about it, it was too greedy to consider anything other than their lives at this point.

Kian died without even crossing swords with Flan.

In this situation, it would be a fortune to save their lives.

They all agreed.

Lets beg.

We have no choice.

The moment they all decided to try to save their lives.

Becky and Louis looked at Trixie, who turned her head away and muttered.

I dont want to participate because of you.

Whatever. Suit yourself.

Becky sighed but smiled faintly.

I glanced at the three of them and pondered for a moment.

Then I flicked my finger and pushed them back.


Ow. Aah!

Despite the intangible explosion in the air, none of them were pushed back.

They all used their own elements to resist.

Becky even froze her feet to the ground to hold her position.

I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth.

Dont interfere.

Its not interference!

Becky retorted.

Those bastards are after our lives, you know. So, this is not interference. Its taking care of our own lives.

Right, Flan. Well only interfere a little.

Louis chimed in from the side, and I quietly examined their eyes.

The way they kept spitting out words, that cheap and silly act, didnt feel so bad for some reason.

The enemies are strong.

If I allowed them to fight, they would grow in their own way, but the three of them would not be unscathed either.

Or maybe I underestimated them.

In the end, I nodded.

But keep your promise to take care of your own lives.


Beckys eyes widened a beat late.

As soon as they got my permission, the three of them brightened up.

They looked strangely happy to volunteer to enter the danger zone.

From a combat perspective, the situation had become worse for us.

And yet, I couldnt tell how I felt about it.

Louis grinned.

Shall we go first then?

The other two answered without hesitation.

Sounds good!

We were going to do that anyway.

The moment their mana blossomed into magic.

The shadows didnt stay still either.

They spread out like a fan and attacked us from all sides.

Soon, various magics raged in the corridor.

The intense aftermath of the battle destroyed parts of the corridor in an instant.

As expected, the enemies were stronger.

The three of them were noticeably at a disadvantage, despite their confidence.


Even so.

I didnt find their appearance pitiful.

Then, a sudden voice from my disciple.

Wow, you have such a good hand. Im dead!

I turned my head and saw a strange illusion.

The disciple was sitting at a small table, playing cards by himself.

He looked at me and smiled broadly.

Master~ I have a question, you see.

He murmured, and slammed four cards on the table with a clack.

Whats your hand, master? Whats the name of the combination?

The four cards had my face, Beckys, Trixies, and Louiss drawn on them.

I closed my eyes and opened them, and her figure and voice were gone.

Of course.

It was nothing but a mere illusion.

Sometimes, Im not free from the past.

But if I had to answer the question I just heard, it wouldnt be too hard.

Fairy tale.

With that short answer, I raised my mana.