Chapter 123:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 123 From now on, you have to find it yourself.

Miss Scarlet You must have woken up by now, right?

A week had passed since the decisive battle, and the mood of the Judith family was calm and quiet.

It was only natural.

A huge storm had swept through the family and left behind its aftermath.

Youre the Knight of the Flickering Flame, after all. You must have recovered. But just in case, stay quiet. Quiet.

But what if youre awake? Youve been skipping meals for a week, havent you? Thats not good

Thats up to the lady to decide.

The maids had a hard time breathing after the duel, but now that a week had passed, they could whisper some words.

And in the end, the young master won, right?

The youngest maid asked, and the head maid, Katarina, glared at her with a fierce look.

I told you to be quiet just now. Listen.

Im so confused. Between the young master and the ladys orders, what should we prioritize from now on?

The maid trailed off, looking at Katarinas face.

By then, the eyes of the other maids were all fixed on Katarina.

They didnt dare to ask, but the young maid had voiced the question that they were all curious about.

Katarina felt a bead of sweat on her forehead.

To be honest, she was curious too.

In other words, she didnt know what to do either.

In the end, she could only give a theoretical answer.

Lets just watch for now. Theres no need to wonder about what to do. Staying still is our job.

That was when it happened.

Thump- Thump-

The heavy footsteps made the maids straighten their clothes and stand in line.

Has Flan arrived already?

The owner of the voice that asked was the head of the family, Theodore.

Yes. Hes waiting in the dining room.

The head of the family looked as stern as ever.

The maids also bowed their heads with solemn expressions.

What about Scarlet?

The lady is

Katarina couldnt finish her sentence.

She shook her head quietly, looking up at Theodore.

I see. Good work, everyone.

Theodore ended his short words and moved his steps. His destination was the dining room where Flan was.

The maids lifted their heads only after the footsteps had completely disappeared. Now, the only thing left was silence.

For a week since the battle.Cheêck out latest novels at

The Knight of the Flickering Flame, Scarlet Judith.

She hadnt left her room at all.

You won, Flan.

Theodore, who sat across from Flan in the elegant dining room of the Judith family, finally broke the silence.

It was the first thing he said in twenty minutes of sitting face to face.

It was a good flame. I was satisfied.

Im not yet.

You want to go further? Well. Thats not bad.

And finally, he uttered a word.

These high-quality dishes that come in order are very convenient.

High-quality dishes that come in order?

Theodore was a bit puzzled by the sudden change of topic, but Flan just moved his utensils calmly.

With these, I dont have to worry about what to eat, what to do, or anything like that. I just have to eat and thats it.

Excuse me for a moment.

The maids carefully cleared the empty plates.

They also refilled the wine glasses that had shrunk a bit.

Scarlet lived like that until now.

Flan held the glass and swirled it slightly. The liquid inside danced gracefully.

From now on, she has to find her own way.

Theodore finally understood what Flan wanted to say.

He listened to his sons next words without moving a muscle.

Flan took a sip of wine.

He liked the exquisite aroma that lingered in his mouth.

A true knight stands on her own feet.

Flan wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up.

Well, Ill be going then.

I returned to the magic department.

There were many places I had to go, but the first one was obviously the deans office.

Of course, the visit was not quiet.

Flan Is that Flan?

Should we go and say hello?

You do it. Youre good at that kind of thing.

Oh, come on!

The blatant stares, the people who followed me sneakily, the whispers.

Many elements mixed together and made my surroundings somewhat noisy.


Even a female student blocked my way and greeted me.

Ignoring her completely was my answer, if it was an answer.

Finally, I arrived at the deans office.

Welcome, Flan.

The dean of the magic department, Conette, greeted me with a smile in her eyes.

She placed a sheet of fancy paper on her desk.

I approved the tower project.

The document I submitted with my plan had the deans seal on it, proudly and very large.

But there are still some hurdles left.

She made a circle with her index and thumb fingers, and showed me a round shape.

One of them is funding. Even with the best support from the magic department, its still far from enough.


It was a reasonable reason, and I expected it from the beginning.

The tower was the supreme institution for magicians.

It was the milestone for all magicians, and the place where they could unravel the truth of the world with magic alone.

To justify the word supreme, it had to have the appropriate evidence.

The research cost to utilize the power source, the facilities to handle it, the manpower All the elements that came to my mind had different costs attached to them.

In other words, the amount needed was astronomical.


If its not enough, Ill just fill it up.