Chapter 128:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 128 Thats right. You said that.

Scarlet stood there blankly.

Her younger self had disappeared with Flan long ago. But Scarlet was still standing in her place.

Until the gentle breeze brushed her again.

Shes gone?

She muttered in a faint voice, as if it would break.

She tried to understand the situation, but there were still too many things that felt unnatural.

She lacked too many pieces of the puzzle in her head.

At the same time.


Once again, the sensation of her head shattering like glass.

A severe headache overwhelmed Scarlet, and she touched her head with one hand.

At the same time, strange hallucinations began to unfold before her eyes.

Remember this, Scarlet.

The old man who pleaded with her in a serious face was someone she had never seen before.

He had a miserable and wretched appearance, and no dignity at all. He held her hands tightly.

Remember your fathers words.

If you want to survive, burning and building a family is the only answer. Do you understand?

Huh? If you understand, say something. Hurry up!

The hallucination ended there.


Scarlet sneered with a distorted expression.

Her father was Theodore.

The ugly old man was not Theodores.

But even as she thought so, she couldnt stop the anxiety from rising in one corner of her heart.

Flan, who answered that her sister was gone, and the mysterious man who called himself her father.

The speed of anxiety increased as time went by.

Scarlet soon found herself holding her head with both hands.

Memory. Memory, gradually

A strange sensation.

The odd energy of the space was slowly absorbed into Scarlets body.

Every time that happened, the number of puzzle pieces in her head increased.

Is this how it works?

Libra had built this space using Storage, and the owner of this space was obviously Scarlet.

The method of regaining her memory by absorbing the space itself.

This hypothesis seemed to fit well.

However, she didnt know how long it would take to absorb everything.

For now, it was time for her to leave the swordsmanship training ground.

The moment Scarlet took a step.


With a severe tinnitus, her vision turned white.


When she came to her senses, it was a completely different space.

Hoo, hoo, hoo

She barely caught her breath and wiped the sweat beads on her forehead with her sleeve.

Not only her forehead, but her whole body was soaked with sweat.

Her mind, which seemed to be sucked somewhere, finally returned a little. Her blurry vision also began to clear up.

Her mind was still confused, but soon she widened her eyes at the bizarre scenery that came into her sight.


She looked down at her hand.

Her palm, and even her fingers, were small.

They were so small that the expression tiny suited them.

And on her ring finger, there was a ring.

Ive shrunk.

As she said that.

Scarlet realized that her voice was also very young.

It was clearly that of a young girl.

She slowly raised her hand and touched her face.

There was nothing on her skin, but more than anything, she felt a soft touch.

No, did I get younger?

She looked around first in the sudden situation.

It was the reception room of the Judith mansion.

She was alone in the space, and the identity of the girl reflected in the mirror was


Young Scarlet.

She had assimilated with her body from that time.


She coughed with a pain that felt like her lungs were tearing.

She hastily covered her mouth with her palm, and blood was already stained on it.

Thats right, it was like this.

She remembered that she was sickly when she was young.

No, she could say that she was close to a corpse.

The curse of decay.

The cause was the curse.

The curse that made her cells gradually die and eventually reach a severe state of decay.

As she assembled the memories that came to her mind, the door of the reception room opened and someone came in.

There were three people in total.

They were all maids, but none of them were familiar to Scarlet.

They moved swiftly.

On the table in the reception room, there were fancy snacks and tea, and the dust in the corner was quickly hidden.

Scarlet stared quietly at the scene.

That was when it happened.

Are they clueless or doing it on purpose?

One of the maids started to whisper.

The maid next to her naturally continued.

They must be doing it on purpose.

Of course, right? They are so shameless.

They were completely disowned, but they cant stop doing stupid things, trying to cling to anything like a drowning rat.

I want to kick them out. Really.


Scarlet perked up her ears at the intense word.

The fragrant tea scent gently touched her nose.

Shh. Just in case, lower your voice.

They cant hear us. And so what if they do? They have no right to make a fuss.

They are pitiful, though. They were unlucky enough to get caught by the top-grade witch and lose everything.

It was ominous.

Not the conversation, but the glances that occasionally darted at Scarlet.

What is this?

As if they were talking about Scarlet.

But this, isnt this a situation where Judith should be grateful to the witch?

One of the maids said sharply.

When I cleaned up this time, I saw that the debt was beyond imagination. If it werent for the witchs raid, they would have kept hiding it shamelessly.

Thats true. How can they hide their debt and get engaged? Thats crazy. Its fraud.

Another jolt in her head, as if something broke.

The background of the story, her identity, the maids eyes.

Scarlet understood everything in an instant.

She was not a character of Judith.

She was not Flans sister.



Startled, Scarlet jumped up from her seat.

It was a movement that her instinct commanded, without going through her brain.

The maids also stopped their actions in surprise.

The sound seemed to vanish, and it was silent.

The maids, who were much taller than her, opened their eyes wide and looked only at Scarlet.

Their eyes were cold and contemptuous, and they awakened the fear that was engraved somewhere in Scarlets memory.

The memory kept flowing in.

Every time she visited the Judiths mansion, it was like this. Without a single exception, she always received such stares.

Scarlet swallowed her dry saliva.

Libras double reached out a hand.

Thats enough for the reading. No, its impossible to go any further. The main body warned me several times that you could lose your life if you push yourself.


Scarlet nodded.

She slowly lifted the sword.


Even if I die

She didnt lift it to give it back.

I need to know the truth.

The moment she muttered that, in the blink of an eye, the blade pierced deep into Flans portrait.


Libras double widened her eyes.

You cant! You could lose your life, I told you

She couldnt finish her words.

Scarlet was sucked into Flans portrait again.

Her bones crumbled and her nerves felt like they were cut off.

It was more painful than death, but she clenched her teeth and endured it.

And finally.

The combustion was successfully transplanted.

Libras calm voice.

The time was early dawn.

The place was Judiths mansion.

But most of the power is being used to counteract the curse. Scarlets flame will only remain a mere spark.

No matter what I say, he doesnt answer.

I had no strength left to ask Scarlet anything.

I closed my eyes and gasped for air, focusing only on enduring the pain for a few minutes.

Finally, I heard Flans voice.

This is the only way, really.

His voice was firm.

He sounded like he had made up his mind.


Meanwhile, the ringing in my ears grew louder.

My head felt like it was burning up, and Scarlets mind was also getting blurry.

In the midst of that, Scarlet realized something.

Way method?

It wasnt that I didnt know, but I asked out of disbelief.

The reason why Scarlet could be a Knight of the Flickering Flame. If that reason matched the guess that she had come up with

Thats right. Scarlet.

As if confirming Scarlets thought, Flan nodded slowly.

Ill give you my blaze. Theres no other way.


Was this how he came to control fire?

As soon as I heard that, my heart thumped and my legs trembled.

My eyes shook like there was an earthquake.

You got it? Leave it to me.

At Flans words, Scarlet shook her head like it was broken.

Even if her body didnt move well, she somehow shook it.

No, no. No way. That cant be


Flan asked.

Scarlet couldnt give a clear answer.

She couldnt understand her own thoughts, let alone express them.

Every breath felt like the last one.

The boy watched Scarlet closely.

And then he nodded.

As if he understood all of her thoughts.

I see.

Beep beep beep beep

But the curse didnt allow their conversation to continue.

A deafening ringing sounded in my ears.

Beep beep beep beep

Even though I felt like I was losing consciousness, I looked at Flans face.

Flan smiled as if to reassure me.

In an instant.

The world slowed down as if a carousel passed by.

At the same time, I was afraid.

Even if he was just a fragment of my memory, I wanted to talk to him more.

I had many questions and I wanted to confirm them all.

Even if I regained my memory, if I finished reading this, I would never have a chance to talk to Flan again.

Its okay. Scarlet.


He called my name in a warm tone, and put his palm on my head.

As expected, Flan had ignited Scarlet with his flame.

Why did Flan make such a choice? Scarlet had no strength to shake her head.

And this ordeal was not over yet.

I also tampered with your memory. Flan, are you satisfied with this?

Libras voice, asking him that, was tinged with a bit of panic.

Theodore nodded quietly.

We cant let the flame leak out of Judith. Scarlet has no relatives left anyway, and its best for both of us to let her live as Judiths daughter.

Im not asking you, Im asking Flan.

Libra and Theodores gazes turned to Flan. Scarlet also waited for his answer.

Flan didnt open his mouth.

His whole body was covered with bandages.

He looked like a mess, with bloodstains everywhere.

Libras face became more serious.

Youve been living as her fianc and calling her sister from now on. Do you have no regrets?

Scarlet leaned against the wall, swaying.

She thought she was ready to face anything.

She was wrong.

Her heart pounded and her mouth was dry. Her head felt like it was going to explode, and cold sweat soaked her body.

Of course, there are things I regret.

Flans one sentence.

Scarlet swallowed her saliva.

She tasted bitter blood in her mouth, even in her pain.

I regret holding a sword.

Why is that?

The voice that asked was Evelyn Judith. Scarlets mother no, just a Knight of the Flame.

I realized that a sword is not something that exists to protect something.

Flan looked down at his palm quietly.

In the end, it was my innate ability that saved Scarlet. Not my swordsmanship. As a knight, all I could do was cut down Scarlets enemies.

You realized that.

Evelyn nodded.

She looked very pleased.

From now on, I want to do something that can truly protect whats precious to me. Something close to a miracle.

A proof of protecting something precious, huh? Good. And that method was magic, it seems.



Evelyn looked at the notebook on his desk.

Scarlets expression became even more blank as she looked at Evelyn.

What was she hearing, and was she allowed to hear it? She even started to have such thoughts.

The method, magic?

The moment Scarlet muttered that.

Yeah. Ill cheer for you, Flan.

Evelyn patted his shoulder.

Make it happen, and protect Scarlet for sure.


Scarlet tilted her head.

She couldnt understand the situation at all, and her face twisted naturally.

But her eyes rolled instinctively.

And in her sight, there was the boys diary.

I want to be a great mage.

Thats what was written in the boys diary.