Chapter 134:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 134

Finally, the magic department’s festival began.

The second princess, Aurora, quietly returned to her inner chamber.

It was as peaceful and fragrant as usual.

But that also made it boring.

She was used to this kind of ennui, so she looked at Flan’s holographic painting a few more times.

As she passed the time, the ministers and the nobles came one by one to report to her.

Aurora showed no interest in them. She only gazed at the holographic painting.

After they all left.

Aurora spoke to her knight guard, Ban.

“The festival was peaceful after all.”

There was a hint of regret in her voice.

She secretly hoped for a huge incident, but nothing like that happened.

“Your Highness, you ordered it to be peaceful. Isn’t that the duty of the people?”

Ban gave a superficial answer, but Aurora didn’t want to have such a conversation with him.

“Tsk. You always give boring answers.”

“Your Highness, I heard that the vampires have been very active lately.”

“Yes. I know that.”

“Actually, it was not a good time to hold the festival. We don’t know what the vampires will do, and all the reports from the nobles were about them.”

Aurora nodded as if she understood.

But then she said.

“That’s why I held it. What is the academy? It’s a place where the future heroes are gathered.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Ban. I wish the vampires would show up.”


Ban lowered his head without a word.

“The world is too peaceful now... Can we call the heroes made in peaceful times heroes? I want to see the true ‘heroes’.”

Aurora had confirmed beforehand that the vampires’ reactions were abnormal near the academy, but she hid that information until the end.

...It was to find the heroes’ material.

Her hatred for the vampires was beyond imagination.

“I will weaken one of the barriers on purpose. This should be enough for training.”

To weaken the barrier.

It was practically allowing the vampires to invade to some extent.

Ban looked worried.

“But there could be casualties...”

“Damn it, I don’t want to hear about casualties anymore. If they dream of being heroes with weak bodies, they deserve to die.”

Ban still looked anxious.

“The vampires always act beyond human expectations. Your Highness, I’m worried.”

Becky shuddered at the chorus of voices. It was the first time she saw all kinds of staff lining up in front of her.

As Becky was barely catching her breath, the fairy who looked like the manager flew slowly to her eye level.

“It’s an honor to have you here. We’ve already heard enough about you!”

The manager fairy smiled very kindly.

“We know that there are four representatives of the magic department. But if only two of you came, and such pretty ones at that, then it must be...”

The fairy flapped her wings hard, and a few hangers floated in the air.

They were hangers with underwear that she had never imagined.

“How about these?”


Her face burned just by looking at them. Becky lowered her head involuntarily.

“Thank you for your attention, but we’ll take some time to look around by ourselves. We’ll ask for help if we need it.”

But Trixie seemed to be used to this situation, and she dealt with the staff and the manager, and the two girls were free in no time.


Becky sighed in relief.

“Hey, Trixie.”

She was going to look at some clothes now, but there was no answer from Trixie.

When she turned her head, she saw Trixie tapping on her trivia, completely absorbed.

“...Trixie, what are you doing?”

Even when Becky asked again, Trixie’s eyes were still fixed on her trivia.


Contacting. Well, Trixie was popular, after all.

After the Hunting competition, the popularity of the representatives had risen overall, but Trixie’s popularity had the biggest increase, except for Flan.

It was not hard to understand.

She had shiny sky-blue hair, deep blue eyes like the sea, and a graceful curve that made up her whole body.

She was so pretty that even jealousy didn’t arise.

That was Trixie.

“Again? Is that from the reporters?”

“I don’t look at that stuff.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes.

“Then who are you with...”

“With a guy.”


“I’m with a guy, I said.”

Becky was startled for a moment, but soon nodded with a calm expression.

“Oh... oh, I see. I’m sorry for interrupting your good thing.”



Becky pretended to have no interest in Trixie and started looking at the clothes hanging on the racks.

Dresses, necklaces, rings... There were many flashy things, but her eyes kept rolling to the side.

Ahem, hmm, heh.

...This was the first time she saw Trixie so happy.

Who on earth was she in contact with? She had a guess, but surely not.

As she thought about this and that, Becky found herself looking at Trixie.

More precisely, at Trixie’s trivia.

She lifted her foot and leaned her head back to take a closer look, and their eyes met nicely.



Ten seconds of silence.

Then Trixie turned her body 180 degrees.

She was expressing that she wouldn’t show her trivia.

“No, Trixie. It’s not that... Don’t we have to pick out some clothes soon?”

It was a fairly reasonable thing to say.

They could choose their clothes freely, but they didn’t have infinite time.

“This guy is picking them out for me.”

As Trixie said that, her trivia lit up in blue. At the same time, her face brightened noticeably.

Could it be, the guy was really the one she knew.

As she looked at Trixie with a faint smile, Becky bit the tip of her nail without knowing it.

She chewed it while lost in thought.

Becky thought to herself.

Trixie would never show it to her.

Then, was there no way to see it?

“Ice mirror?”

If she made an ice mirror on the ceiling, maybe she could see Trixie’s trivia...

“Ah, what am I saying?”

Becky soon came to her senses and slapped her cheeks several times.

Instead, she opened her own trivia.

She had a guy to contact too!

