Chapter 161:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 161 El parma paja.

The time for the orientation was approaching.

I looked around the scenery outside the window.

People were moving around without rest and talking busily among themselves.

I was calm as I watched such a scene, but Maiev couldn’t stay still for a moment and wandered around. She was mixing up papers and organizing them in a rather chaotic way.

Suddenly, Maiev touched her forehead.

“...Sigh, who am I doing this hard work for?”

She muttered to herself and glanced at me once, then quickly moved around again and asked me.

“Master, aren’t you nervous?”

“Not at all.”

“You might want to be this time.”

Maiev started to put papers on the desk. In no time, the wooden board was filled with them.

“Let’s see, first of all, the reception is right in front of us.”


“There will be some people who will visit to gauge your power, or to find any flaws in you.”

That wasn’t surprising news.

With so many people gathering here, it was almost delusional to think that they were all friendly to me. So I didn’t have such expectations from the start.

“The freshmen who will attend the academy next year... You probably don’t care about the young ones, but the real problem is this part.”

Maiev’s index finger pointed somewhere.

It was the item that said ‘I do not discriminate against students by their race’ in the lecture plan that I wrote before.

“You do not discriminate against students by their race? Master, this is not reasonable.”

“Going beyond common sense is a good thing.”

I nodded quietly and said.

“So, what is the problem?”

“When different races gather, they will fight. Definitely.”

Maiev sighed deeply.

“Vampires won’t be interested in human magic, and beastmen are relatively gentle, so they might be okay...”

Her index finger moved and pointed to a list that was colored green.

“Elves. They are troublemakers for sure.”

“Elves, you say.”

“Yes. They are good at magic for no reason, have a filthy pride, and live for a very long time.”

From Maiev’s words, it seemed that vampires didn’t like elves either.

I asked Maiev.

“How do elves usually treat humans?”

“It depends on the elf, but...”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“Humans are insignificant to them. It’s not only the elves who think that way. That’s how the long-lived races see it.”

“Insignificant, huh.”

In fact, in the previous world, the relationship between elves and humans was not that bad. They left achievements that suited their characteristics by race.

I didn’t hate elves either. I used the advantage of being a long-lived race and had many assistants who were elves.

“Oh, no. Of course, I respect you, master.”Reêad latest novels at

Maiev explained herself when I muttered without thinking.


“Ah, thank you.”

The enlarged classroom and the large number of people, the voices mixed here and there were dizzying. But there was excitement and anticipation in the noise.

But slowly, the classroom began to divide into sections.

The human nobles started to sit where the nobles naturally started to sit, and the commoners formed groups with the commoners.

The beastmen and knights were the same. They formed groups with familiar people regardless of race and age.

And this habit was the same for the elves.

Two elves leaned their chins and talked.

“Humans are lucky. They can make a fuss and be surprised by just this.”

“That’s understandable. They live too short and die.”

Then, another elf joined in.

“I heard Flan is actually quite amazing. His paper was quite interesting even from the perspective of the Great Forest.”

“Amazing or not... Do you know that?”


“That human, he’s never been near the Great Forest.”

As soon as they heard that, the elves’ lips curled up. It was something close to a sneer.

“That’s serious.”

“He’s no different from a baby bird that hasn’t left the nest.”

The Great Forest was known as the synonym of magic for the elves.

Even famous mages wanted to visit there.

The mana of the World Tree was so dense there that its prestige was very high.

To them, the Tower was nothing more than something that could be boasted among humans.

“At first, I thought it was the human’s usual fuss, but even so, he crossed the line. A tower that surpasses the World Tree.”

“That’s right. No matter how young, no matter how ignorant of the world, there are words that should not be uttered.”

“Then what should we do?”

Someone’s questions made them all think alike.

They had lived for a long time and met countless humans who were called ‘the talk of the town’. And most of them were nothing special.

This time would be the same. No matter how great he was, he was still a student with a human nature.

“Let’s just say hello lightly?”

“Let’s do that.”

But until then, there was a woman who kept silent.

The elves who exchanged meaningful glances turned their eyes to her.

“Perien, what do you think?”

That call became a catalyst and the other elves also turned their heads to Perien.

“That’s right. I’m curious about Perien’s thoughts too.”

“You’re the best among us, aren’t you?”

The face of the elf called ‘Perien’ was not well seen. Her dark brown wavy hair covered one eye.

Perien blinked her blue eyes slowly. She did not give any answer, but just chewed on the bear candy in her mouth.


At that time she was consistent with silence.

The door of the classroom began to open without any sound.

Finally, a man showed himself.