Chapter 170:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 170 It’s time to catch the butterflies.

The harsh land of Reheln showed no mercy, and the sultry climate made me sweat profusely.

The collection event was still ongoing in this place where every step was a struggle.

But it was not proceeding with any intensity. Most notably, there had been no battles so far.Reêad latest novels at

No, to be precise, someone had created a situation where peace was inevitable.

“Damn it, there’s magic residue here too.”

“No wonder we can’t see any butterflies....”

Someone complained as they gathered around.

Humans, beastmen, elves.... They didn’t discriminate by race.

They all tried to collect in their own ways, but someone’s magic traces had ruined everything.

“Let’s go. It’s already over.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Many people left the scene while the memory cutter, Libra, stabbed a sword into a twisted tree. She shook her head from side to side after a while.

“Sure enough, this place is done for too.”

At the same time, her companions sighed. Libra’s team members were all elf-born mages.

An elf approached the tree that Libra had examined. She also touched her forehead with her hand as if she was frustrated.

“This is unbelievable. There’s magic all over this place.”

“If they apply it so thickly, the butterflies will all run away.... Did they already catch them?”

“No, that’s not even it. They couldn’t catch any either.”

“What? Then what the hell are they thinking?”

It was not a behavior that could be understood by common sense, so there was a brief silence among the group.


Then, one of the elves spoke as if he had realized something.

“I get it. They’re trying to prevent others from catching them because they think they can’t do it either. Isn’t that their psychology?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Another elf shook his head.

“That would only hurt themselves. We’re barely breaking even, but if they can’t catch any butterflies, the tower construction will be completely scrapped.”

“That’s true. Then I really don’t know what their intention is.”

The Reheln hill was divided into five zones. The group had visited four of them, but the result was the same. The magic that Flan’s group had applied had driven away the butterflies.

“This is a draw. There’s nothing we can do.”

“I was hoping for something, but there was no battle at all.”

The reason for the battle was an important factor. Wouldn’t there be enough reason to fight for the dawn butterflies?

But none of the groups had any dawn butterflies, so there was no reason to fight. Peace was forced to be achieved, and it was a natural course of events.

But then.

A strange current wrapped around the vicinity.


Libra instinctively reached for the hilt of her sword. The elves protected their bodies with mana. It was a short moment, but it was enough to make them tense.

But the change occurred in the barrier.

The barrier began to ripple like a wave. It showed an illogical appearance, bending and twisting, and then it disappeared without a trace.

“The barrier...”

“It’s completely gone?”

The elves exchanged glances for a moment, but none of them thought it was very serious. It was because they were born as elves.

“Who cares. The collection event is almost over anyway.”

“It’s the humans’ problem after all.”

Suddenly, one of the elves asked Libra.

“What will you do now, knight of the order? You’re free to stay or leave from now on.”

The duty period of the collection event was three days. Staying after that was voluntary. Leaving the Reheln hill was not considered a withdrawal.

“It’s been three days already. I haven’t seen any butterflies the whole time.”

“Shall we try for another week?”

Libra quietly chewed on the dog grass and pondered for a while, then adjusted her straw hat and answered.

“I will return.”

That was the knight’s answer.

Of course, the elves also expected such an answer to come back. It was not a bad situation for the knight, and she had no reason to stay.

“I guess you have no reason to stay.”

“It would be better if everyone was a draw.”

Yushia bowed politely.

“Scarlet, thank you for your hard work for three days. I hope you return safely.”

“So do I. Goodbye.”

Trixie also joined the farewell.

Even I, who was engrossed in reading, gave her a final greeting.

“You did well. Rest up.”

But Scarlet didn’t move.

She seemed to be pondering something, rolling her eyes for a while and licking her lips a few times.

The farewell became awkward as it dragged on.

Finally, Scarlet opened her mouth.

“I’m not going back.”


Yushia blinked at the unexpected statement. Trixie’s face also showed confusion.


It was more of a pure curiosity than a complaint.

After all, Scarlet was also a knight of the Order, and she was forced to join by Aurora’s command. It was only natural to think that she would welcome the news of her return.

But Scarlet just repeated the same words.

“She said she won’t come back.”

This time, my eyes also turned to Scarlet. The knight, surrounded by many eyes, continued.

“I’ve always... liked butterflies.”

She crossed her arms and looked serious.

“So I decided to participate. I’m just interested in butterflies, that’s all...”

“Well, do as you please.”

I shrugged and accepted it.

It didn’t matter much whether Scarlet was there or not. If anything, it was a benefit, since her swordsmanship would be a reliable force.

Yushia nodded as well.

“Oh... that’s good then. The barrier that blocked the Vampires is gone, so this is good news.”

“Now that I think about it, you’re right. The barrier that blocked the Vampires is gone too. Are we just going to chase butterflies from now on?”

I nodded at Trixie’s question.

“Yes. It starts now.”


“It’s time to catch the butterflies.”

A gust of wind blew and wrapped around me. I closed the book and slowly got up, pulling up my mana.

The collector said.

This event is targeting the Dawn Butterfly, and we’re only going to collect that mysterious creature with extreme difficulty.

Of course, it might actually be that way. It might be a solution to catch the Dawn Butterfly and offer it to Aurora. A promise is a promise, after all.


It wouldn’t mean much to force Aurora to attend the Magic Tower.

The situation that was needed was for her to sincerely attend the Magic Tower, and to make that happen...

I put my hand on the barrier that acted as the collector’s boundary line.

There was no hesitation. I pushed my mana as planned, and my face was reflected on the mirror-like barrier.


And in the blink of an eye.

The barrier turned black like a curtain.

It was a flawless success.

Now, no one could see the inside of Reheln Hill from the outside.


The eyes of my companions widened a beat late.

“You. This is a barrier made by the royal family...”

“There was no clause that said not to touch the barrier.”

“Even so...”

“I told you.”

I had to repeat the same words.

“It’s time to catch the butterflies.”


That was the name of the butterfly I was going to collect.