Chapter 182:

Chapter 182 I’ve been watching Flan for quite a while, you know.

The Fritz estate was as quiet as a mouse.

That was the impression Aurora got as she stepped into the room of the lord, Trixie.

Warm as fire and passionate as flame. Always full of energy.

That was the rumor about him. But this scene was the exact opposite of that.

Of course, Aurora was the one who made it this way.

What exactly happened at the Reheln hill?

The whole truth was not yet known to the world.

It was only natural.

Flan and Aurora were the only ones who survived inside the crimson barrier.

Aurora suddenly took out a notebook called ‘Trivia’.

It was given to her by a royal bureaucrat.

[*What’s going to happen to the tower?]

[*It’s on indefinite hold.]

[*The atmosphere in the magic department is terrible....]

[*Where did Flan go?]

Based on the information they had, the students of the magic department exchanged their opinions vigorously.

Of course, their opinions varied widely.

Those who couldn’t dare to doubt the royal family said that the incident at Reheln was barely resolved by the royal level.

But some anonymous people blamed the incompetence of the royal family.

A lot of information was updated, but nothing was officially revealed, so the confusion only worsened.

Who could have the courage to do that?

It was hard to mention anything related to the royal family, so they were all anonymous, and the stories that spread anonymously couldn’t gain credibility.


Regardless of anonymity and real name, among the stories that flooded like waves, there was a common denominator, and there was almost no exception for the stories about one person.

[*A beastman who participated in the reception said that Flan actually saved the other participants, right?]

[*Beastmen don’t lie, do they?]

[*I think I heard that story too.]

[*The elves said the same thing.]


The content that he brilliantly rescued the participants who were in danger. His skill was skillful, but he was also a hot topic because he didn’t discriminate by race or status.

Anyone who faced a crisis would prioritize and protect what was precious and familiar to them. But Flan was not like that.

Regardless of race and status, he would teach magic, just like his belief on the orientation day, and he showed and practiced it with his own actions.

[*Where is Flan now?]

[*I wish he would show up and say something....]


Aurora closed the Trivia with a deep sigh.

The world was so noisy, but the Fritz estate was so quiet that it was unimaginable.

It was a natural course of events.

The construction that was supposed to go smoothly was stopped abruptly.

This place became a land that couldn’t do anything, and the people of the estate had to find other jobs to maintain this large land.

Even if it was hard labor.

Therefore, the current Fritz family had no room to receive guests. However, there was an exception in this situation.

The bloodline of the royal family was like that.

That was why Aurora could be in Trixie’s room now.

They couldn’t treat the princess casually. Therefore, there was a fine tea in front of her, but Aurora didn’t touch it at all.

It was because she was the cause of all the trouble.

“I don’t know.”

Trixie’s voice was cold as ever.

Aurora was taken aback by her short remark.

What does ‘I don’t know’ mean? Does she know but doesn’t want to tell, or does she really not know? Anyway, Aurora’s heart was getting more and more uneasy every second.

“His whereabouts are mysterious, so I really don’t know either.”

“Is that so.”

Aurora nodded awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. But then, Trixie asked her.

“Why are you looking for Flan?”

“Well, I have something to say to him...”

“Something to say?”

Trixie repeated Aurora’s words and exhaled.

It was almost a snort.

“Your Highness.”

Trixie looked at Aurora straight and asked.

“Did I look like I was worried about the gold coins in your eyes?”

“If not that, then what other reason...”

“I’ve been watching Flan for quite a while, you know.”

She spat out the words as if chewing them. Aurora didn’t know how to react and just stood there blankly.

“He’s a person who knows nothing but magic. He thinks about magic all the time, and how to act so that more people can be interested in magic. So.”

Trixie continued, barely suppressing her anger every moment.

“What you stopped was not a mere construction, but Flan’s passion that he burned every moment. And his future that he planned every moment. Your Highness. You...”

Trixie bit her lower lip.

“...should apologize. Not talk.”

Trixie slammed the teacup on the desk with a thud. She didn’t take a sip, but the teacup was already empty.

It meant that she was holding back the flames every moment.

“Please leave. And I don’t need any support other than the permission. The people of Fritz’ territory are not weak.”

Trixie turned her eyes to Aurora.

“And please visit the academy as well. Thanks to you, the magic department’s classes are completely stopped.”

That was the end of the conversation.

Aurora blinked her eyes for a while, facing Trixie’s firm attitude.

It was the first time she saw someone’s emotions so blatantly. She didn’t need any future vision.

The blue girl in front of her was sincerely worried about Flan.

And the depth of her feelings was quite deep, even at a glance.


Aurora left the mansion with her shoulders slumped.

Flan had told her what dawn was, but he was already dawn for another girl.

Well, it was greedy.

She couldn’t have his dawn alone. Even if she had a chance, she didn’t deserve it.


She felt depressed as if she would collapse at any moment, but Aurora never stopped. She moved her drooping steps.

She had to visit the academy.

Even if she felt suffocated, there were too many things to do for Aurora now.

“...Are you the one who made this?”

A cold gaze.

The first person she met at the academy was Yushia.