Chapter 225:

Chapter 225: I’ll Step Forward

“Victory? Did they really win?”

“It seems like there’s no other explanation.”

“This is unbelievable....”

The ones who were the most perplexed by the situation were undoubtedly the spectators. However, no matter how many times they rubbed their eyes, the result remained unchanged. It was indeed a victory for the Magic Department.

“A magician, not another knight, defeated a Capital Knight....”

“It’s my first time seeing a Capital Knight lose to someone other than another Capital Knight. Am I the only one?”

“Of course not! In the first place, the fact that a magician defeated an escort knight is incredibly shocking!”

In reality, the spectators weren’t discussing this because they didn’t know the facts. Among those gathered here, who wouldn’t know that Capital Knights were overwhelmingly powerful?

However, nobody could keep their mouths shut, and they continued chattering with the people around them because it was hard to accept the outcome right in front of them.

Capital Knight.

A rank considered practically just below a hero. Everyone knew it as a given that even if a hero emerged, they would become one of the Capital Knights.

Even when a Capital Knight fought another Capital Knight, it was a huge topic of discussion about who won. But losing to a magician? Not even the renowned Flan, but another representative?

It was a fact that was hard to believe unless witnessed firsthand.

Even those who had seen it with their own eyes felt as if they had just had a short dream every time they blinked. If this was heard secondhand, it would be utterly unbelievable.

Someone murmured.

“Not just Flan, but the other representatives of the Magic Department as well....”

“...It’s unbelievable how strong they’ve become.”

In fact, saying they had ‘become strong’ might be an understatement.

Did the Magic Department just become ordinarily strong enough to defeat a Capital Knight? No, it would be more accurate to say that the world had turned upside down and been reborn.

“This... But if this is the case....”

Someone murmured, looking at the electronic display of the arena. The next match was also between a representative of the Magic Department and a Capital Knight.


No one mentioned the possibility that had crossed their minds aloud. However, it was clear that everyone had the same thought.

The thought that the Magic Department might actually defeat the Capital Knight again.


The lips of escort knight Brian trembled. Soon, he convulsed as if having a seizure and shouted.

“What the hell is this...! Quickly, take care of Clotte!”

While shouting, Brian carried Clotte on his back. The knights who had been standing around in a daze finally started to move.



Everyone was worried about Clotte’s condition.

A knight asked.

“Brian, what happened?”

“The more I look, the more it’s clear that the injury isn’t severe. But....”


“He took a perfect hit to the jaw. It was a very precise strike.”


‘I had a bad match-up against Clotte. Lucky me.’

Selpen’s unique ability was enchantment. She didn’t have a particularly good match-up against Clotte, who could stop time. So, considering the circumstances, this situation wasn’t all that bad.

After all, she just needed to become a hero.

A crisis is always an opportunity, and there’s always a bottom below the bottom. Keeping that in mind, the upcoming match for Selpen was very important.

Selpen, who stepped into the arena, spoke in a low voice.

“I’m Selpen, a Capital Knight. I....”

Selpen thought for a brief moment.

How could she satisfy the audience’s desires and become a hero easily? After much contemplation to find the best answer....

She winked at a man from the Magic Department.

“I want to face Flan.”

The atmosphere in the Magic Department’s camp was festive. Becky was busy eating desserts she had never seen in her life.

Munching on a canapé topped with shrimp, she said,

“The one who stepped into the arena.... She’s called Selpen, right? She’s really pretty. I heard she was pretty, but she’s actually gorgeous.”

“Don’t stare too much.”

Trixie said while sipping water.

“It’s not like she’ll wear out from being looked at. Why?”

“That Capital Knight’s special ability is charm. If you accidentally make eye contact and get charmed, it would be troublesome.”


Becky, who had been staring intently at Selpen, quickly turned her head away. Of course, she didn’t stop eating the desserts.

“Trixie, but who are we sending out?”

“That’s for Flan to decide.”

It was just as they were having that conversation.

“I want to face Flan.”

Selpen’s coquettish voice reached the Magic Department’s camp. Becky scurried over to Flan’s side. She made a shield with her hand and whispered.

“Flan, she says she wants to face you....”

“I have ears too.”

“What are you going to do? Are you going to go out?”

As Becky was whispering, it happened.

“I’ll do it.”


“Maiev, you?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Maiev.

Maiev just casually cracked her neck. The sound was audible to the extent that it reached their ears. She nodded casually once again.

“Yes. I said I’ll go out. Because....”

Maiev’s gaze turned towards Selpen in the arena.

Their eyes met, and Maiev scowled.

“That woman, she’s so foxy and annoying.”