Chapter 227:

Chapter 227 Worries Make Me Alive


Selpen’s attacks crashed violently against the shield that Maiev barely managed to put up. Her arms trembled from the strain, and Maiev thought.

It’s common knowledge that inanimate objects without a mind cannot be enchanted. After all, without preferences or tastes, how could they be enchanted?

‘Strictly speaking, it’s not enchantment...’

It’s more like a power that swaps masters. Additionally, it has the ability to deceive its surroundings momentarily. It’s a power that makes the world recognize the caster of the magic as Selpen herself.

‘There are quite a few similar abilities in magic, but...’

It felt awkward.

There was a sense of awkwardness and incongruity.

As Maiev pondered this difference—


She finally realized.

‘Got it!’

To take control of a specific technique, you fundamentally need to understand what kind of magic the opponent is using. Handling it as if it were your own implies this understanding.

However, there was someone who could seize control and use it without necessarily understanding what kind of magic the opponent was using—Selpen.Cheêck out latest novels on n/o/ve/l/bin(.)c/o/m

Indeed, unique abilities were something mysterious, even for Maiev, who was versed in both black magic and regular magic.


The blue shield Maiev had created using human magic formulas began to turn pink instead of cracking as Selpen’s attack struck it.

Selpen’s aura didn’t try to understand or comprehend Maiev’s magic formulas. It simply distorted the fact itself, boldly changing the owner’s name to Selpen.


Eventually, Selpen’s sword strike penetrated the shield whose control had been taken over.


Maiev rolled across the ground several times before quickly regaining her stance. She pressed her palms together and focused once more.


Then, blue paint began to draw itself in the air.

Since deploying her original unique barrier would be akin to openly using black magic, she tried to mimic it with human blue mana.

Though not as sophisticated as the original unique barrier, the blue paint formed a rough frame.

Swipe—! Swish—!

Selpen’s sword trajectories, stabbing in multiple times, were erased from the air.

A bead of sweat dripped down Maiev’s forehead. Had she allowed even one strike, her joints would have been pierced.

But in the next moment—

Maiev briefly shuddered. Within seconds of deploying her magic, it had already fallen into Selpen’s grasp.

“Damn it...”

Gritting her teeth, Maiev cursed under her breath.

‘If only I could use black magic!’

Having ceased her magic use, Maiev bolstered her body with mana and dodged the attacks directly.


A strike that her eyes couldn’t follow pierced Maiev’s left shoulder. Barely suppressing the intense pain, Maiev quickly pulled her shoulder away and retreated rapidly.

Thud! Thud! Thud—!

Each spot where Maiev’s feet landed was struck by Selpen’s sword, leaving craters. Though Maiev was still swiftly dodging like a cat...


“What, are you already exhausted?”

Selpen sneered with a mocking expression.

Countless beads of sweat rolled down Maiev’s forehead. It was fortunate that Selpen had stopped her attacks to mock her; if she had continued, the match would have likely ended just now.

“That’s dangerous.”

Trixie’s observation, having watched the arena closely, was brief and simple.

Selpen’s aura, tinged with purple, was spreading in all directions. There was no way to ignore the malice and intent contained within it.

“Maiev... Is she okay?”

Becky had been filled with worry since the beginning of the match.

Originally, Flan was supposed to participate, but Maiev insisted on stepping in. Though Becky hadn’t known Maiev for long, it was natural to support the representative of the same Magic Department.

In the end, she had no choice but to seek out Flan for answers.

“Hey, Flan.”

“What is it?”

“Is Maiev going to be okay?”

Flan answered without hesitation.

“You can tell by looking at Maiev’s expression.”


Becky stared intently at Maiev’s face in the arena. She seemed calm, as if she had made some kind of decision.

Instead of feeling reassured, Becky felt her anxiety deepen.

“What if she’s calm because she’s resigned to death? I know it sounds stupid, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt...”

“Foolish talk.”

Flan cut Becky’s words firmly.

“A bird breaks its shell to enter a new world.”


“Since it’s a rare moment, watch closely.”

Maiev focused her mind.

‘At first, I felt wronged and resentful.’

Living while imitating human nature felt absurd and foolish.

After all, wasn’t it about discarding all the time and life she had lived as a vampire? Moreover, it was frustrating to have to relearn human magic.



Even if it was tough, even if it took longer, she now had a definite sense of autonomy. She wasn’t living according to someone else’s plan but was acting according to her will at this moment.

And now, thanks to Flan, she could change.

That was why she insisted on stepping into this arena.


Maiev took a deep breath and pressed her palms together. Surprisingly, the aura slowly emanating from her body was not red but blue.

Selpen, seeing this, muttered.

“What is that? A final struggle?”

But such mutterings didn’t reach Maiev’s ears. At this moment, she was wholly focused on what she could do with her blue mana.

She wasn’t conflicted.

She wasn’t afraid.

The process of seeking her own path to survival and gaining insight into ways to surpass her limits brought her joy instead.

In this moment, she felt alive because she could struggle and ponder.

And finally...

Maiev slowly opened her eyes and murmured.

“Great Demon Mirror of the Painted World.”