Chapter 24 – Receive This Power (1)

Chapter 24 – Receive This Power (1)

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

Chapter 24 – Receive This Power (1)



She was her most cherished junior. Not because she was a princess or a duke’s daughter, regardless of that.

She was a talented individual with the potential to lead the Empire’s future.

That Neferti was now flung into the air, struck by the monster’s spear.

Would she be alright? Was she even alive? Even if she survived, that kind of impact would surely take her out of the fight!

She wanted to rush over and check on her condition, to see with her own eyes if she was still breathing.

But she couldn’t. Right now, she had to continue this battle.

“You monster!”

She swung her sword with all her might.

Once, twice, thrice. She struck the monster with a series of attacks.

Blood splattered, and scars appeared. She had definitely inflicted damage on the creature.

“Not bad! For a lowly creature!”

But for the monster, it seemed like nothing more than a few deep cuts.

She hadn’t managed to sever a limb or cause significant blood loss.

It was still strong, still fast, and she was clearly outmatched.

Gritting her teeth, Luciel once again shone her sword brightly.

No, this wasn’t shining, it was burning.

She was nearing her limit. Physically and mentally, she was breaking down.

This light was the last ounce of strength she could squeeze out.

The damage to her body would be considerable, but she didn’t have the luxury of worrying about that.

‘I am an Esper of the Empire, tasked with protecting its citizens from these wicked hordes. I will not allow them to defile another inch of this Empire’s land...!’


As the light grew brighter, Luciel’s face grew paler.

But she never stopped. She never retreated.

She simply moved forward. One step, then another.

This was also her romance and love. To wield a sword and protect the Empire. This was the fate she chose instead of living comfortably as a princess.

She would never betray that choice. She would never turn back!


With a desperate shout, Luciel continued to attack the monster before her.

Blood trickled from her nose. Her vision blurred.

She felt like she could collapse at any moment. But she had to endure.

‘Just a little longer. Just a little more. Please, just one solid hit...!’



Was she going to crumble like this at such a crucial moment?

No, this couldn’t be... Her romance wasn’t over yet...


Her falling body suddenly stopped.

Something unknown was supporting her.

It was firm, reliable, and strangely comforting.

“You can’t give up, Senpai. Not here.”


“Your dedication towards romance is truly beautiful. Beautiful enough that I want to protect it.”

Your romance. Beautiful. And I want to protect it.

Those three phrases echoed clearly in Luciel’s fading consciousness.

She wanted to say, but her lips wouldn’t move.

Through her blurry vision, she saw someone’s reliable embrace.


The beginning was marked by the presence of a creature known as a demon.

And as far as Deus knows, the initial demons don’t offer much information.

At best, it would only be evidence to the world that says, ‘Be on your guard from now on.’

To get the next bit of information, he needs to face the next boss.

One that clearly screams, ‘Oh, this guy is the explanatory type.’

‘The best thing to do until then is to skip through quickly.’


The monster that had been standing confidently. No, the demon becomes a falling star. Its body, which had soared high into the sky, soon crashed into the ground.


His fist feels stiff. This was the first time he’d landed a proper hit. Not even against Tiamat or Luciel had he done this much.

Deus wanted to test just how far his full strength could go. To see where his limits lay. A fitting punching bag appeared before him. So, without hesitation, he swung. And he struck with all his might.

‘Seems like it hit well.’

Ha. Finally, the frustration built up in his chest was clearing away. He thought it might kill him from how stifling it was. He couldn’t believe he held it in for so long. As Deus wore a deeply satisfied smile,


Where had that earlier bravado gone? The demon, now a tattered mess, struggled to rise from the debris.

“Quite... ugh. Painful. Is this your best, you lowly creature?”

Best? Hmm. For now? Deus nodded. In response, the demon’s fury grew even more intense.

“Then taste this yourself!”

Incredible speed, unexpected from such a massive body.

With a screech like metal being torn, the demon thrust its spear at Deus with all its might.

The force was so immense that the spear’s blade penetrated the ground.



Luciel, who had barely managed to steady herself, screamed in shock.

It was a direct hit. A perfect strike. Deus hadn’t dodged until the very last moment. Nothing could survive being impaled by such a terrifying spear.

At best, he would be severely injured, barely able to move. At worst a part of his body would be completely torn off, or he might already be dead....


Luciel struggled to move her barely responsive body.

The demon, finding this pitiful, burst into maniacal laughter.

Meanwhile, reaching the massive crater, Luciel called out his name again.

“Deus. Deus...!”

Please, just be alive. Just be alive. Please. Please...

―Tap tap.

“Yes, Senior.”


Did she see things?

“You called for me?”

She was certain she saw that horrifyingly enormous spear pierce straight through Deus’s middle. She saw this massive crater, almost as if a meteor had struck.

“It’s not like school uniforms are cheap. Geez.”

Why was that man, who had been brushing off dust casually, completely unscathed without a single wound?

“Senior Luciel.”

“Oh, uh?”

“I’m sorry, but I think you should move far away.”

Luciel, who had been staring blankly at Deus, hesitated for a moment before quickly disappearing.


It hurts. He would have been skewered if it weren’t for the first pact.

After roughly pulling himself together, he strengthened his legs.

He shot into the sky like a flash of light, then descended to the ground like a bolt of lightning.

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]