Volume 2 - Prologue

Name:Overwrite Author:Akiya Ikeda
Flames are made of heat and light. Carbon connects with oxygen, and carbon dioxide escapes into the air. It’s the same with us humans. We breathe in and out. Oxygen comes in, and carbon dioxide comes out, which creates warmth inside of us. In that way, humans burn up every time they breathe. And as they can burn up…they eventually will burn out, too. One breath, one heartbeat, one moment passed—brings us closer to ash. What’s left is to ask yourself one question. In this precious but limited time—How do you choose to burn up, and what light will you shine on this world?

On Christmas night—The world burned. Flames as far as the human eye could reach. This overwhelming force of violence engulfed everything in its way. Everything that possessed a shape falls to ruin. Flames of despair burn the skin, and raging light blinds the eyes. All life forms speak against its existence. Even the air is being controlled, forbidding you from breathing. In a way, it was a divine judgment that was put on us during this holy night.

And I—have to choose. The lion is cornered by red flames, shedding tears of fear. The fox spirit hides its body in the white smoke, smiling as it watches. And if I am unable to save everything…All life will burn up, one’s soul turning to ash. Even if there is nothing but fire and flame in my view, I have to find it. That something inside this wavering world.

What awaits in the future—The path carved open by destiny—The hand promising tomorrow—That’s right. I have to give my answer…in this brief moment of time. How I choose to burn up, and what light I will shine on this world.