Chapter 23:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 23:

Chapter 23. Sanctuary Purification

“Sanctuary purification, huh?”

Isaac was familiar with the concept of sanctuary purification. In the game Nameless Chaos, capturing certain key ‘strongholds’ allowed the occupying faith to exert stronger power in that area. Those strongholds were the sanctuaries.

Purifying a sanctuary involved erasing the original faith and establishing a new one in its place.

Isaac had just devoured an entity in the sanctuary that, though fallen, was once a god. He had expected a different message to appear, but he hadn’t anticipated the Nameless Chaos would demand sanctuary purification.

‘Shouldn’t it naturally go back to the codex of light?’

As if anticipating Isaac’s confusion, a message appeared.

[This sanctuary is contaminated by the ‘Rat Mother.’]

[The contaminated sanctuary can be dedicated to any faith.]

[Erasing the remnants of the old god in the sanctuary, it bestows new blessings in the area.]

[The blessings of the faith become even stronger within the sanctuary.]

It wasn’t explicitly said, but it seemed the Nameless Chaos wanted to take over Zihilrat’s remains.

Isaac pondered.

The tentacles were a hindrance but also a secret weapon for Isaac. Without the Nameless Chaos, dealing with Zihilrat would have been much harder. Isaac might have gone mad without protection from the divinity, or he might not have survived this long.

Dedicating the sanctuary would strengthen the blessings of the Nameless Chaos.

‘It’s definitely a benefit for me, but...’

Is it the right thing to do for the world?Reead new chapters at

Isaac envisioned the tentacles, sprouting from his body, mercilessly slaughtering and consuming every living being. He didn’t want the whole world to suffer such a fate, even as Isaac.

“What if I don’t purify the sanctuary?”

[If the sanctuary is not purified, the old god can resurrect at any time.]

Isaac, who thought of ignoring it, grimaced. He had managed now, but if Zihilrat resurrected in his absence, the monks could be massacred.

Of course, dedicating the sanctuary didn’t mean tentacle monsters would emerge and overturn the world. Isaac understood the game system.

In this world, it’s difficult for gods to act alone.

They only perform miracles and give directions through their followers and priests. Even if the Nameless Chaos harbored evil intentions, with Isaac as the only current mediator, executing those plans would be difficult.

[You have been granted a reward for ‘Sanctuary Purification.’]

[Choose one of the following three rewards.]

[Devouring Harvester / Tentacles grow fangs to attack or consume enemies more effectively.]

[Eye of Chaos / Understand the psychology and state of others. Difficult to read those who are guarded or hiding their thoughts.]

[Creeping Chaos / Sacrifice offerings to summon powerful monsters belonging to the chaos progeny.]

It had been a while since Isaac had three rewards to choose from. Each option was appealing, and he found himself in a dilemma.

‘Devouring Harvester’ would undoubtedly enhance the already powerful attack of his tentacles. In the hallucination that appeared as a reward card, the tentacles were adorned with gear-like fangs.

‘Creeping Chaos’ was also a desirable ability, given his recent use of chaos progeny privileges. As a Nephilim, almost always acting alone, Isaac lacked minions who could act as limbs. Powerful summoned creatures could be useful.

However, Isaac ultimately chose ‘Eye of Chaos.’

The reason was the Inquisitor.

‘Understanding someone’s state and psychology...’

This was precisely the ability Isaac needed. Nephilim are hated by gods, so winning favor among humans was essential, and the Eye of Chaos could enhance Nephilim’s charm.

Manipulation, seduction, domination, threats, persuasion, lies – everything could be tools for Isaac. Especially considering the Inquisitor who had come to the monastery, such an ability was necessary.

‘With Zihilrat defeated, the plague in the monastery should disappear. The Inquisitor will recover soon. I need to find out what she came here for and her intentions.’

Isaac didn’t aspire to become a monster king ruling the world. He wanted to rise and succeed among people without feeling alienated. To avoid trouble like with the Inquisitor, the ability to read others’ minds would be useful.

The moment he chose the Eye of Chaos, Isaac felt a sharp pain in his right eye. Something slimy seemed to crawl over his cornea, and he quickly pulled out his mirror to check. Red tentacle filaments were seen covering the surface of his eye.


As the tentacles settled on the cornea, his originally deep grey eye appeared to have a red iris. Fortunately, aside from the heterochromia, there wasn’t anything too conspicuous.

‘Now for the last procedure.’

Isaac turned his gaze towards the remains of Zihilrat.

Although the tentacles had feasted on Zihilrat’s corpse for a long time, most of the meat was left uneaten. Isaac had hoped to consume the remains and absorb its powers, but the tentacles seemed reluctant to do so.

‘Is there some part of it that shouldn’t be eaten?’

Isaac stared at the remaining corpse of Zihilrat.

He then conceived a way to utilize the remaining body.