Chapter 35:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 35:

Ian’s attack was the first time Isaac had seen the advanced swordsmanship of another knight order.

Isaac was curious about how the only advanced swordsmanship he had learned would differ from that of other knight orders. So, instead of immediately counterattacking Ian, he appeared to be driven on the defensive, focusing entirely on defense.

Swoosh, screech.

The sound of the metal-clashing wind coolly passed by his ears. Isaac did not miss a single one of Ian’s attacks. Ian’s sword consecutively collided with Isaac’s sword.

As Isaac successfully blocked all attacks, a look of anxiety passed through his eyes.

‘Is this the advanced swordsmanship of the Briant Knight Order?’

Isaac felt puzzled. It was natural that it seemed significantly lacking compared to Gebel.

However, even the preparatory movements that Isaac used for the first time lacked both sharpness and speed.

‘More than that... it seems somewhat familiar.’

After all, Gebel had said that swordsmanship was ultimately nothing but a repetition of stabbing, slicing, and slashing movements.

Given that the swordsmanship of knights had the same roots, it was bound to be similar.

Yet, there was one difference.


Isaac realized this when he heard a faint tearing sound from his sword.

Ian’s swordsmanship, while immature, had the characteristic of concentrating attacks on a single point.

‘All those attacks... to a single point?’

The swordsmanship of the Avalanche Knight Order was for the battlefield, designed to survive numerically disadvantageous situations and break encirclements. In contrast, the Briant Knight Order’s swordsmanship, if one were to give an example, was closer to a technique designed to never let an enemy escape and ensure their death.

While all knight orders’ advanced swordsmanship was somewhat similar, the intended focus of their swordsmanship gave it subtly different hues and attributes.

Crack, snap!

The moment the last tearing sound was heard, Isaac’s sword was cleanly cut. A look of triumph flashed across Ian’s face. Isaac had observed dozens of exchanges to analyze the swordsmanship of the Briant Knight Order.

Throughout, Ian had targeted just one point, a single crack on Isaac’s sword.

It was an unbelievable technique, but the concept of advanced swordsmanship made it possible.

‘Indeed, a knight is a knight.’

He, too, must have repeated a blood-drying effort to reach this level. Isaac decided to show his respect for Ian’s efforts by revealing his own advanced swordsmanship now.

‘I roughly get the principle.’

Although his sword was broken, it was not a problem for Isaac.

“Let’s end this...”

Ian was about to declare the duel over since the sword was broken, but instead, Isaac stepped forward, and Ian immediately shut his mouth. Isaac was neither injured nor had his fighting spirit been broken. So, the duel was not over.

In the next moment, Isaac began to launch a barrage of attacks.

Thump, thump, thump! Crack, clang!

“What, what?”

Since Isaac’s sword was cut more than half, the distance from which he could attack was significantly shorter. However, after clashing with Isaac’s sword three times, Ian’s sword also broke.

Even then, Ian did not understand the situation.

As Isaac began to pour out attacks again, Ian also desperately used advanced swordsmanship.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

The sound, monotonous to the point of being strange, rang out as if hammered. Only then did Ian realize what was happening. And everyone present looked at Isaac in astonishment.

Isaac was using the advanced swordsmanship of the Briant Knight Order.

And it was exactly the swordsmanship of Ian he had just witnessed.

The fact that Isaac’s sword was half broken made it wield more power. But the fact that he was mimicking it exactly, no, even more adeptly with a length no different from a dagger, meant that Isaac’s level was overwhelmingly superior.

Crack, clang!GEtt the latest novels at

Once again, Ian’s sword broke. Now, Ian’s sword was as short as Isaac’s. However, he had neither the confidence to perform similar feats nor the will to fight any longer.

‘Well, it’s about time to wrap this up.’

Isaac decided to finish it so Ian would not be further humiliated. Moreover, his body was screaming under the unfamiliar strain of the advanced swordsmanship. And above all, Isaac was beginning to feel a peculiar itch inside, a craving that grew stronger with the intensification of the battle.

‘Will I gain something more if I devour this guy?’

The moment Isaac became aware of such a strange impulse, he immediately executed the preparatory movement of Avalon swordsmanship.

Whoosh, boom.

Isaac decided not to worry about this topic any longer.

Just then, he heard someone approaching.

“Mr. Isaac, may I come in?”

It was Isolde.

Isaac wondered why she was visiting but invited her in nonetheless.


“You can just call me Isolde.”

“...Miss Brant.”

Isaac wondered why she was behaving like this until he noticed the bandages and ointment she had brought. Taking Isaac’s hand, Isolde applied the ointment she had prepared and began to wrap it with a bandage.

Even though the “Dead God’s Innards” perk would heal him in less than a day, healing too quickly might attract strange looks. It seemed best to cover it up with bandages until an appropriate time.

“You seem skilled, but lacking in strength? I remember often hurting my hand when I first learned to use a sword.”

“There’s no need for you to do this...”

“Please think of it as paying back a small part of my debt.”

Isaac frowned.

“Are you trying to settle a life debt with just bandaging?”

Isolde gave him a look of disbelief before sighing.

“Then, shall I offer something that can settle the score?”

“What is it?”

“I’ll forget that Mr. Gebel is affiliated with the Avalanche Knight Order.”

Isaac stared at Isolde for a moment. She focused solely on wrapping the bandage, neither probing nor boasting with a triumphant smile.

She simply continued speaking calmly.

“It was clear to me that Mr. Gebel is no ordinary monk. A few words were enough to figure out you’re a knight. Then why hide your identity? Later, from certain habits and more, I learned he was familiar with the desert and adept at border customs. Being accustomed to the desert and the frontier means participation in the crusades. And coincidentally, as an inquisitor, I’m well-informed about groups branded as apostates. A knight order that participated in the crusades and then turned apostate. Voila, it leaves only the Avalanche Knight Order.”

It wasn’t as Gebel had assured; the Avalanche swordsmanship hadn’t been exposed. Isaac felt the ‘Advanced Interrogation’ skill of Isolde wasn’t just for show.

While Isolde was laying out her deductions, she paused, surprised by Isaac’s expressionless gaze.

“Surely, I wouldn’t entertain any absurd thoughts about my life’s savior?”

“Isn’t that the job of an inquisitor?”

“But I’m not foolish enough to chase after a deserter.”

After a moment of contemplation, Isolde spoke up.

“Actually, I can improve Mr. Gebel’s situation. Mr. Gebel is a deserter and survivor of the apostate-branded Avalon Knight Order. That fact alone can portray Mr. Gebel as someone who discarded his position to preserve his faith. Not an apostate, but rather an exemplary believer.”

The Avalanche Knight Order, annihilated by the Immortal Order and turned into undead, meant that the living, flesh-and-blood Gebel couldn’t be considered an apostate... a logical conclusion.

Isaac was pleased by Isolde’s words but didn’t show it.

On the other hand, Isolde cautiously gauged Isaac’s reaction.

“It may not directly help Mr. Isaac, but Mr. Gebel won’t need to live in hiding, watching his back. I just need to stamp ‘no problem’ on it.”


“Would this settle the debt I owe as an inquisitor?”

This was one of the three debts Isolde had promised to repay.

Isaac decided to accept. He had no intention of pressing her to repay the debt; having her goodwill to use when needed was enough.

‘Besides, once Gebel is cleared of the apostate label, I won’t need to hide who taught me swordsmanship.’

Isaac’s status would become more respectable.

Isaac briefly entertained the thought of also getting certification for the tentacles.

‘Actually, I’ve been growing tentacles inside my body for a while now; would that be okay? They look a bit odd, but apart from eating live creatures, they’re robust and obedient...’

The thought was ludicrous.

He likely would never make such a request of her in his lifetime.


While Isaac was fantasizing about a future that would never come, Rottenhammer entered.

It seemed many visitors were expected for him today.