Chapter 130:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 130:

Chapter 130. The Brant Family’s Concern (3)

Isaac realized that Hesabel was nearby around the time they arrived in Rougeberg

“Isaac had anticipated that the Prophet of Red Flesh would return someday. So, while he was on his way to Norden Harbor, he investigated and prepared countermeasures against the Prophet of Red Flesh for Hesabel.

The fact that she had already arrived here was no coincidence.

“Is the Prophet of Red Flesh causing trouble again?”

“Yes, it seems so. Given the aftermath of being expelled and having even the flesh torn, it’s understandable that the Prophet wouldn’t reveal their true form and instead engage in such subterfuge.”

Upon seeing Isolde, she recoiled in fear.

“Wow, this... It’s incredibly well-aged. Unless it’s imprisonment, it’s rare to reach this state. Well, practically speaking, it’s as good as being imprisoned.”


“Usually, before reaching this stage, whether it’s a man or a woman, they bear the fruit of love...”

“Never mind that. Why did the Prophet of Red Flesh do this? Well, it’s not urgent now. Do you know how to deal with it?”

The dagger that pierced Isolde’s chest was the EX-class relic of the Red Chalice, the Rite of Division.

Although it was a dagger that could even rend angels, against an ordinary person, it barely left a scratch on Isolde’s flesh.

However, whether it was a curse or a blessing from the Red Chalice, it was top-notch as a catalyst for rituals. And the person who would assist in the ritual was the heir of one of the three major families in the Wallachia Kingdom, the Duke of Gullmar.

There was no reason why they couldn’t undo the curse, even if the opponent was an angel.

Hesabel examined Isolde’s condition and then spoke.

“There are two ways: a simple, straightforward method and a difficult, arduous one. Which one would you prefer?”

“...Usually, in cases like this, the difficult and arduous method becomes the solution. Tell me the simpler one first.”

Hesabel chuckled.

“Actually, the rumors are true. What has afflicted this young lady is called the ‘Doctrine of Thirsty Love.’ It’s often referred to as the ‘Love Elixir’ because it usually works as a catalyst. However, contrary to popular belief, the one affected by the miracle ends up in a position of being loved.”


“The solution is straightforward. Connect with someone else.”

As Isaac tightened his grip on her face, Hesabel continued her explanation.

“However, unlike the stories, it doesn’t have to be someone you love. Originally, this miracle was used for that purpose. But it seems the Duke doesn’t want to connect his daughter with just anyone. Considering that he went to great lengths to bring you here, he probably doesn’t worry about where you’ll end up...”

Isaac interrupted her.

“Tell me about the difficult, complex, and arduous method.”

“It involves infiltrating the afflicted person’s mental realm and engaging in a battle of miracles. Such a powerful blessing has a self-protective nature.”

Hesabel spoke seriously.

“In other words, you might have to fight the Prophet of Red Flesh again. Isaac, honestly, this path is likely a trap. Why would the Prophet of Red Flesh curse you or this young lady? Well, it’s not urgent now. Do you know how to prepare for the method?”

Exorcising a person possessed by a demon was one thing, but it might not be easy for Isaac, especially if the curse itself acted as a sort of bait through a human intermediary.

However, Isaac answered without hesitation.

“Then the easier path is probably the trap. Prepare for the method of infiltrating the mental realm.”

Despite grumbling, Hesabel prepared for the ritual.

Although it was originally a powerful angelic blessing, with just the Rite of Division, all other conditions could be bypassed.

Hesabel was also highly skilled as a ritual performer. There was hardly any room for error.

‘If only I can keep my wits about me.’

For a moment, he imagined Isolde’s disheveled appearance. Even when he nursed her body afflicted by the plague, he hadn’t felt this way. The miracle was the first thing that truly frightened him.

‘Come to think of it, they said women should be cautious too. But Hesabel seems unfazed.’

“Are you okay?”VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

“Yes? Oh, well. I’ve overcome even the temptation of an angel’s fruit, so what?”

Hesabel replied with a chuckle.

It seems that the Prophet of Red Flesh referred to the flesh he offered as the fruit of an angel.

Seeing how she spoke so lightly of the current temptation compared to what she had felt before, Isaac could tell how great a temptation she had overcome.

In an instant, Isaac kicked the mirror in front of him. The mirror shattered into pieces.

The other mirrors, which had been feigning indifference, all looked at Isaac at once.

Isaac growled in a voice that seemed to rumble.

“Don’t equate me with the likes of you.”

The Mirror Handmaiden remained silent for a moment, waiting for Isaac to calm his anger. Countless reflections of Isaac stared back at him from the shattered fragments.

When Isaac no longer showed his anger, she spoke.

“I apologize if I seemed to lack empathy. I thought you would appreciate this kind of logic based on your usual manner of speaking.”


“Then let me put it this way. Isolde Brant has feelings for you. And from what I can see, you’re not entirely indifferent to Isolde either.”


“I know you regard most people around you as mere pawns with some attachment. But it’s clear that you consider Isolde special. I’m an expert in love, at least more so than you.”

Isaac was so dumbfounded that he was at a loss for words, but the Mirror Handmaiden continued.

“However, from my perspective, this mismatched pair seems unlikely to come together properly unless they’re bound by a ‘curse that can’t be escaped unless fulfilled.’”

“Cut the crap. It’s none of your business how I feel about Isolde. I have neither the heart nor the intention for it. Especially not in this situation.”

At Isaac’s stubborn refusal, the Mirror Handmaiden sighed.

“Your aversion is abnormal, you know?”

“It’s your logic that’s twisted. You vampires and cannibals who enjoy orgies.”

“Fine. If you’re going to refuse to the end, I’ll tell you another way to resolve this situation.”

The Mirror Handmaiden agreed to advise on another method, but she didn’t know a simple and easy way to resolve the situation in one fell swoop.

She had to at least give Isaac the impression that she was bestowing a favor upon him.

“Let Isolde absorb the flesh.”

“...The flesh of an angel?”

Isaac doubted whether the Mirror Handmaiden was playing tricks again.

He knew all too well what she had tried to do by feeding Hesabel the red flesh before, and he couldn’t do the same to Isolde.

But the Mirror Handmaiden scoffed and continued.

“I mean to weaken it, not remove it completely. Remove the Prophet of Red Flesh’s malice, leaving only the power. That way, Isolde herself will absorb the power of the flesh. Then she’ll develop a resistance to being swept up in such ‘tricks’ again.”

“Is that all?”

“Well, there might be some cosmetic effects. Enhanced regeneration or strength are just bonuses. But since there’s not even a speck of faith in the Red Chalice, we won’t be able to exert any influence.”

Isaac thought the Mirror Handmaiden’s advice might be another trick. But there was nothing to gain for her by playing another trick on him.

After all, the Mirror Handmaiden wanted to maintain a good relationship with Isaac.

“So the Prophet of Red Flesh will lose power again. Doesn’t that matter?”

“She’ll be furious, of course. But what can you do? The Prophet of Red Flesh is just a gift to be chewed up and given to you over and over. He’s just expendable in the plans of the Red Chalice.”

Suddenly, the Mirror Handmaiden looked straight at Isaac and whispered.

“The Muhui holds you in high regard, Grail Knight. So I hope our relationship remains untroubled.”

Isaac found her words oddly unsettling.

Aren’t gods supposed to shun nameless chaos? Of course, the Red Chalice wasn’t the first deity or angel to show him favor.

But as the situation continued, he felt a disconnect from what he knew.

“Doesn’t the Red Chalice dislike chaos?”

“More precisely, there was no reason to like it. Considering the history it has left behind.”

The Mirror Handmaiden answered with a twinkle in her eye.

“But you seem capable of making the distinction.”

–TL Notes–

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