Chapter 150:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 150:

The Emperor departed from Rougeberg amidst fervent cheers from his people.

However, the star of the party, Isaac, remained in Rougeberg. And the news that further heated up the attendees had just been announced.

It was the news of Isaac Issacrea’s engagement to Isolde Brant.

The engagement was announced only after the party had concluded, leaving the nobles in disbelief. However, upon hearing that the Emperor had visited Rougeberg, they nodded as if there was no helping it. Regardless of whether it made sense for Isaac to become a son-in-law of the Brant family, the Emperor’s endorsement was what mattered.

In any case, the Emperor held the most powerful authority, so they had no choice but to acknowledge Isaac.

“What does it matter if those people don’t accept it? I have already accepted it.”

“That is the most important thing.”

The engagement ceremony was a modest affair attended only by close relatives of the Brant family.

After the ceremony, Isaac took a walk along the walls of Rougeberg with Isolde.

He was utterly exhausted, but he couldn’t refuse a request from an inebriated Isolde. It had been more challenging to deal with the myriad questions and curiosity at the party than to fight angels.

‘Why does it feel harder than when I attended the party disguised as Isolde?’

Back then, he hadn’t moved or spoken, just sitting still. But this time, he had sweated over the possibility of making a slip of the tongue. Though some perceptive people noticed that Isolde’s face had changed, none pointed it out blatantly.

And without needing any pointing out, Isolde’s beauty had noticeably enhanced. Her skin improved, and her hair shone with a subtle luster. Naturally beautiful, she now radiated charm effortlessly due to the aftermath of absorbing the Prophet of Red Flesh. Though Isolde herself wasn’t too pleased about it.

Nevertheless, this gave her an exotic appeal that made other men at the party sigh.

The night view of Rougeberg stretched out below the city walls.

It seemed that the turmoil from a few days ago had been settled. Fortunately, the monster had only appeared near the residential area where the Emperor had been. There had been seven deaths, including a whole family and Rene, which was relatively few given the monster’s terror.

“Inquisitor, do you have something to say?”

“I’m not an inquisitor anymore.”

Isolde said, gazing steadily at Isaac. She had been honorably discharged from the Inquisition at Dietrich’s insistence. There was nothing they could say about it, given what she had experienced there.

But this also meant that Isolde could no longer use the miracles she had been granted as an inquisitor.

Instead, she would now receive training as an heir alongside Dietrich.

From a wandering inquisitor to an heir of the empire’s second-ranking ducal family.

Isaac hesitated for a long time before finally speaking.

“Miss Isolde, do you have something to say?”



Isaac corrected himself reluctantly. It seemed like it would take a while to get used to, but he had no choice.

Isolde tilted her head slightly and teased,


The difficulty level had just increased dramatically.

‘Was Isolde always like this?’

She had always been straightforward, but it felt like the reins had been loosened since she quit being an inquisitor. Yet even Isolde, who had initiated the conversation, turned her head away, her face flushing with embarrassment at her own remark.

“...Forget it.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”


Isolde turned and leaned against the city wall, saying,

“My father said if you want to keep your surname, you can. If you want to change it, that’s also fine.”

Isaac didn’t really have a family name to speak of, and he wasn’t particularly attached to the surname Issacrea. Becoming Isaac Brant might be more advantageous in terms of influence. However, Isaac decided to defer his answer.

“May I take some time to think about it?”

“My name is Isaac Issacrea, and though I am unworthy, I claim to be the Holy Grail Knight.”

The priests whispered among themselves.

Ilya spoke again.

“Bishop Juan testified that you drowned with the Drowned King at sea. We have verified that his statement is without deceit. Do you have anything that can confirm or prove you are the same ‘Holy Grail Knight’ we know?”

Expecting this question, Isaac first drew the Luadin Key. The glowing key, a gift from Juan, was a symbol of his identity.

Juan recognized the glowing symbol within the flames.

“This is indeed the Luadin Key I sanctioned.”

“A key is just a key.”

Someone among the priests spoke up.

“We need a more definitive miracle to prove...”

Isaac quietly manifested the Lighthouse of the Watcher. It was a precious miracle, used here merely to prove himself, but he had no better evidence. As the holy light that expelled heresy filled the room, the priests gasped in awe.

In that brilliant halo, Isaac slowly stood up.

Ilya decided there was no further need for doubt and spoke up.

“...Can you testify how you were able to return?”

“All records are in my statement.”

Isaac had already discussed this with Ilya beforehand. He knew how the interrogation would proceed and what questions would be asked. Essentially, the primary interrogation had already taken place during those discussions.

Ilya, despite a slight discomfort that he chalked up to professional paranoia, dismissed it.

This procedure was merely to convince the meticulous bishops.

“I met an angel of the Salt Council and explored the afterlife, witnessing epochs of sin and fear. Yes, I have testified truthfully. The documents I have provided to the priests contain these details.”

The involvement of the Salt Council’s angel might have been disconcerting, but since the Council was seen as non-threatening and neutral, it was not a major issue.

Isaac added a bit of flair to his story.

A priest addressed a specific part of his tale.

“It says here you met Kalsen Miller.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

The murmur among the priests grew louder. No cleric would remain unshaken by the mention of Kalsen Miller, the era’s most powerful paladin and a potential saint known as the ‘Sword of May.’

The questioning priest paused before continuing.

“Meeting Kalsen Miller in the afterlife implies he is deceased.”

Officially, Kalsen was just missing. Neither in the Black Empire nor the White Empire had any trace of him been found. There were suspicions of his death, but no clear testimony or evidence had ever surfaced.

“Yes, he regrets his apostasy in hell and has entrusted his future to me.”

Whether his belly was hell or not, entrusting his future was not a lie. The priests in the light discerning truth from falsehood detected a shade of grey in his words. However, that wasn’t their main concern now.

“If Kalsen is indeed dead...”

“But if the Dawn Army...”

Isaac wished to hear their whispers, but he couldn’t risk any trickery in this sacred, miracle-filled place. After a moment, they seemed to have consolidated their opinion.

“Holy Grail Knight, Isaac Issacrea.”

Isaac smiled. They had now officially recognized his return.

“In honor of your return from death, we bestow upon you the title of ‘Saint of Resurrection.’”

Isaac’s head shot up. He hadn’t expected such a profound title to be granted, especially one based on his reported death. And this title implied a significant responsibility placed on him by the church.

“Archangel ‘Sword of May’ will seek you out soon. Receive him and follow his commands to demonstrate that the Codex of light still prevails in this land.”

–TL Notes–

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