Chapter 153:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 153:

The Golden Idol Guild is everywhere.

Whether it’s in the rattling Skeleton Black Empire or the vast Man Sahar Plains where one could wander lost for a week, traders manage to find their way. Even in the Kingdom of Elil, where free trade with other countries is banned, the Golden Idol Guild had established roots, handling domestic trade within the kingdom.

Naturally, the credit certificate Caitlin had prepared worked here as well. Despite the country’s restrictions, the Golden Idol Guild had a way of permeating everywhere and facilitating exchange.

Isaac, looking at Yulihida still covered in mud, suggested:

“Perhaps we should eat and get you cleaned up first.”

For the first time, Yulihida strongly expressed her own preference.

“Eating comes first.”

“You have a strong opinion. Let’s do that then.”

The local branch of the Golden Idol Guild also operated as an accommodation and a restaurant. This place, which also served to entertain esteemed guests, was equipped with quite luxurious ingredients.

As soon as the food was served, Yulihida began to gobble it up voraciously as if she hadn’t eaten in days.

Watching her, Isaac lost his appetite. Thanks to having consumed the Predation, he hadn’t needed to eat for a while and merely observed her.

“Is it good?”

“Better than rats or fish.”

‘Is that a compliment or an insult?’

“Why didn’t you bring any money?”

“I hate the jingle of coins in my pocket.”

She said this while eyeing the credit badge Isaac had.

“That looks quite convenient. Is it an artifact that controls a merchant’s spirit?”

“...No, it’s just a badge that proves I have credit with the Golden Idol Guild. The branch head here records how much I spend, and that amount is billed to the headquarters. Then, they deduct it from the money I have deposited.”

Yulihida stared at Isaac with her mouth agape.

“It’s a curious artifact.”

Isaac gave up on explaining.

In reality, even if you knew the principle behind it, this system was difficult to replicate unless you were part of the Golden Idol Guild due to potential for abuse and fraud.

“What have you been doing here?”

“Hmm. Mostly standing, sitting, or lying down.”

It was tough to have a conversation with her. But since she was sent by the Church, Isaac was patient. Given that she moved around Elil with a sword so casually, she was probably not without skill. And it seemed she had been staying at a church of the Codex of Light, a place likely frequented by troublemakers.

“Must have been many fights, right?”


“Weren’t there people causing trouble?”

With her personality and way of speaking, it seemed like she could provoke even the calmest individuals. Yulihida looked straight at Isaac and asked:

“Isaac, do you fight over every dispute?”

Isaac was at a loss for words. It seemed too sane a question coming from someone who had just contemplated robbery over being broke. Was robbery okay, but fighting over a dispute not?

“If I fought every time there was a dispute, there wouldn’t be anyone alive in Elil now. The lighthouse keeper wouldn’t allow it.”

Isaac thought the level of her bravado was insane and remained silent.

“So, I don’t fight. I’m not a murderer.”

“...I see.”

Just then, a cat slinked by Isaac’s feet, apparently belonging to the Golden Idol Guild branch. It reminded him of Murzik back at the monastery, and he was about to feed it when he noticed Yulihida.

She had climbed onto her chair and was staring at the cat with wide eyes.

“Get rid of it.”

“What? You don’t like cats?”

Honorable and courageous individuals.

Yet now, it seemed like all notions of honor and bravery had vanished, leaving only a crude rule that ‘only the strong set the rules’.

When playing games, it seemed like a simple system, but in reality, it was barbaric.

The bald man glanced furiously behind him, still clutching his wrist.

Yulihida was oblivious, engrossed in her meal, but Isaac sensed an impending dispute.

The bald man, upon realizing that the people he had bumped into appeared ‘easy targets, a slight woman and a delicate-looking figure, male or female undetermined, kicked the chair.

“You lot! Interfering in a duel and then sitting down to eat like you did something great!”

Isaac was baffled but noticed that they were the only ones who hadn’t made way for the duel. The disappointed crowd was now looking at them, expecting a new show.

‘Looks like his wrist isn’t quite broken yet.’

Isaac thought if the bald man continued to cause trouble, he might have to make him crawl home like a worm.

However, Yulihida didn’t react to the bald man. She just kept her indifferent gaze. Isaac remembered what she had said earlier.

‘Isaac, do you fight over every dispute?’

Reflecting on his initial readiness to fight, Isaac wondered how Yulihida would handle this ridiculous challenge.

Would she intelligently avoid the fight?

“Isaac, clean this up.”

“...Didn’t you say not to fight over every little provocation?”

“What’s that got to do with anything? You’re weak, so you fight to protect yourself. But if I get angry, the country of Elil might cease to exist.”

Isaac wondered why her bravado always had to be so ludicrously grandiose.

‘Wait, was her earlier question actually just a question, not a criticism of my readiness to fight?’

“But I like the food here. I’d rather not stir trouble.”

“The food is mediocre... but it can’t be helped.”

Isaac sighed and stood up, resolving to practice restraint and opened his mouth calmly.

“Sir, let’s not do this here. I’ll buy you a drink...”

“What? Look at this slick-tongued guy with a sword!”

Isaac couldn’t understand how Yulihida had managed to resolve conflicts without drawing her sword in this country. The man showed no intention of calming down, only focused on picking on someone weaker to salvage his pride.

So, Isaac decided to help the bald man pick up his pride off the floor, literally.


A commotion broke out on the streets of Aldeon Harbor. As the noise escalated, more people gathered—dockworkers, guards, and bystanders.

“What’s going on?”

“They say there’s a duel in front of the Golden Idol Guild branch.”

“Why? Just some drunkards brawling with knives again?”

“No, one guy is fighting off twenty now. Even the king’s knights have joined in!”

The involvement of knights had drawn a larger crowd. Duels were always exciting, but it was rare to see a skilled swordsman create such chaos.

‘This will never end.’

Meanwhile, Isaac, feeling increasingly annoyed, looked around. People with broken limbs lay scattered, but challengers kept coming.

When individuals in armor and cloaks appeared, Isaac hoped they might restore some order. But these knights were as enthusiastic as the drunks, even arranging who would fight next.

‘Might need to scare them a bit.’

Isaac quietly began to unleash his influence as dusk fell.

–TL Notes–

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to read up to advance 20 chapters or support me, you can do it at /Akaza156