Chapter 159:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 159:

The expedition to capture the traitors was methodically prepared. Initially, since Isaac was to be used as bait for a witch-hunt, the publicly announced purpose was disguised as a ‘hunt for fostering camaraderie.’ The true objective was kept secret from all but a few high-ranking leaders.

However, the subtle tension, excessive preparations, and the naturally arising anxiety sparked rumors. It was rumored that this expedition was to capture the Witch Sisters Hectali and the traitorous General Georg. Isaac neither denied nor suppressed these rumors.

Once the preparations for the ‘hunt’ were complete, Isaac and his party set off for the forests near Aldeon.

“If the traitors fall for this as the Grail Knight suggested and come out, it won’t be difficult, Your Majesty.”

Mors blatantly stared at Isaac as he spoke.

“These people here, those who follow Elil’s will, are enough.”

The favor shown to him seemed only to last until the applause ended. Isaac ignored it, but Edelred was uncomfortable with the look.

“General Mors Gideon. Do you not favor the Grail Knight?”

“The Holy Grail Knight is a beautiful tradition of Elil, Your Majesty. It is impossible for this foreigner to claim such a title and emulate the honor and valor that comes with it.”

“The Holy Grail Knight has brought the Rite of Division. There have been many Holy Grail Knights, but none who have reclaimed the Holy Sword. If you wish to slander, ask Elil for answers.”

‘Asking Elil for answers’ meant a divine trial by combat in the tradition of Elil.

In the arena, Elil himself would show who was right. It was a common method of mediation and also a tool of oppression.

Mors met Isaac’s gaze with unflinching eyes.

‘It seems he thinks my reputation is exaggerated.’

Being a general in the Kingdom of Elil implied competence. However, Isaac had neither the time nor the reason to engage in such petty disputes.

“I am not foolish enough to question freely in the Holy Land of Elil.”

Though laced with sarcasm, it was essentially a humble statement. Once Isaac showed humility, Mors did not provoke further. He wasn’t foolish enough to persist in defiance of the king’s will.

“Please tell us more about the Hectali Sisters and General Georg.”

It was crucial for Isaac to verify whether his information matched reality. Although the overall settings might align, often the details did not due to discrepancies between game characteristics and practical feasibility.

Mors began speaking about the primary adversaries.

“First, regarding the Hectali Sisters... they are witches who have lived on this land long before Elil founded his kingdom, worshipped as deities using newborns as sacrifices to dominate this area.”


“After their defeat by Elil, they fled to the northern marshes but still command barbaric wildlife and persist there using disturbing magic and rituals.”

“What kind of magic do they use?”

“They summon grotesque monsters, cast illusions and auditory hallucinations, and curse people to vomit leeches or rats. The worst is a curse that transforms the body. Many comrades suffer from these afflictions.”

Mors shuddered as he spoke.

In the Kingdom of Elil, where honorable combat was valued, the existence of a witch using curses was both a disgrace and a source of anger.

Isaac nodded; the information matched his knowledge.

The identity of the Witch Sisters Hectali might indeed be that of ancient gods.

Not the crudely resurrected kind by the Immortal Order but genuine deities of barbarism, worshiping animals, sorcery, and human sacrifice, surviving intact through the ages.

In the Codex of Light dominated Gerthonia Empire, such deities had been nearly eradicated, with only a few seeking resurgence on the fringes.

‘Real ancient gods, not just recycled ones, interesting... They’re not as powerful as angels, though.’

Isaac was satisfied the information on Hectali aligned with his own and moved on to inquire about Georg.

“What can you tell us about Georg?”

Edelred was assigned to control the troops on the outskirts. He was not suited for direct combat, and it was an opportunity for him to learn about overall troop management.

In the Kingdom of Elil, a king’s duties often require looking at the bigger picture rather than fighting with a sword.

Isaac’s group was small, consisting only of Hesabel and a couple of knights for sending messages; the rest began slowly forming a siege around the forest.

Edelred wanted to assign more guards to Isaac, but Isaac refused.

“I am merely bait. If too many of Elil’s valiant knights are seen, the witches might hide. Should I be in danger, please send reinforcements promptly, Your Majesty.”

Edelred looked impressed. Sometimes, he seemed just a boy.

‘In truth, it’s easier to demonstrate my skills when not being watched.’

Ideally, Isaac would handle the situation without revealing his monstrous appendages, but given the formidable ancient deity they faced, that might not be possible. Having no witnesses was preferable. While not assigning any guards would seem suspicious, including just a couple was a compromise.

However, an uninvited figure had also joined them.

“When did you join us, Lady Yulihida?”

Yulihida had casually embedded herself among the knights at some point, her arms loaded with dried jerky and hard bread.

“I found out I’m part of your group.”

“No, I never said that...”

Isaac was puzzled, but having an angel join the expedition might not be a bad thing. Of course, he was reluctant to unleash his blasphemous tentacles, but she probably knew his true identity.

Most angels recognized him on sight.

“So, what is my role?” she asked.

“Ask the Sword of May.”

Was she still pretending not to know? Or had she not yet passed some unknown test?

Isaac speculated that Yulihida hadn’t been given a mission because she hadn’t surpassed some criteria.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any reason for her to follow them into battle.

Isaac decided to ignore Yulihida and focus on the mission.

Hesabel climbed the trees overhead, and knights including Reyna Hilde joined him. They had volunteered for this dangerous mission eagerly.

‘Now, how should we capture a witch?’

Witches attack using summoned beasts or curses. It would be fortunate even to encounter one, as most exhaust their pursuers by mere evasion. They had survived for centuries by evading Elil’s grasp.

Thus, Isaac’s initial goal wasn’t to capture the witches but to frighten them into staying out of their stronghold. If they realized they were up against an overwhelming force, they would likely remain quietly within their forest lair, as they had during Elil’s reign.

‘More than mere swordsmanship might be necessary here.’

Isaac asked Reyna a question.

“Have you ever been on a witch hunt before?”

At Isaac’s question, Reyna was horrified.

“Lord Isaac, be careful! They say that speaking of witches in the forest will make them appear!”

“...Why are we here, Reyna?”

“To catch the witches!”

–TL Notes–

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