Chapter 188:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 188:

“Has the Aldeon army completely withdrawn?”

“Yes! Absolutely! It’s certain that the Aldeon swine fled with their tails between their legs, intimidated by General Georg’s bravery!”

The atmosphere within the fortress was festive. The inhabitants were elated, believing that the Aldeon forces had finally surrendered and retreated.

However, while listening to the report with Lianne, Villon couldn’t believe it and rubbed his face in doubt. Although there had been reports of the Aldeon army packing up and withdrawing from the fortress walls at dawn, Villon considered it a preposterous ruse to draw them out of the fortress. He ignored it but sent scouts to keep watch.

Lianne shared Villon’s skepticism, unable to hide her dismay.

Villon pondered for a moment before speaking out in frustration.

“It doesn’t make sense that they would retreat just like this.”

“If they judged that there was no chance of winning...”

“It would be a fatal blow to the Aldeon royal family if rumors spread that they had failed to return the relics and fled before the traitors. It’s impossible for that to happen.”

Lianne, sharing the same thoughts, shrugged her shoulders in despair. Yet, a relaxed smile formed on her lips.

“That’s true. But the problem is for the Aldeon fools, not us. We have won and protected the Holy Land from danger. Isn’t that enough?”

Villon’s face wavered at Lianne’s words. Her words implied that the war was over, victorious through General Georg’s campaign. The withdrawal of the Aldeon army was the unmistakable proof.

Suddenly, an epiphany struck Villon like lightning.

“Damn it, that’s it.”

As Villon’s complexion turned pale, Lianne asked him, puzzled,

“Why are you upset, uncle?”

“The Aldeon army isn’t trying to end the war! They’re just delaying it! The Holy Grail Knight realized that there’s no need to fight right now...”

Villon stopped speaking and closed his mouth. Lianne looked at him with sharp eyes.

“What are you saying, uncle? Why is there no need to fight right now?”

Villon met Lianne’s gaze with a somber look. His eyes seemed like they wanted to scream but barely held back. Lianne tried to read the deep-hidden words within him.

‘Have you really turned Elil’s glorious warriors into undead?’

Recalling Isaac’s words and Villon’s reaction, Lianne soon understood why the Aldeon army had withdrawn.

The Aldeon army had no need to fight. Soon, Georg’s forces would be decimating each other.

Lianne hadn’t found any evidence yet, but Isaac was convinced that there were undead in the Aldeon army still ‘with flesh on them.’ Furthermore, the Immortal Order considered flesh as an abomination and let it rot and decay.

In time, the undead within Villon’s faction would start to stink. Especially once the war ended and the smell of rotting corpses vanished and armor was removed, it would be impossible to hide.

Then, Villon would have no choice but to flee or hide with his faction.

Otherwise, he would be torn apart by other knights of Georg’s army.

The Aldeon army could resume fighting at that time.


Lianne decided to make things clear to Villon before that happened.

“You once participated in a campaign with the Dawn Army, uncle. I can hardly imagine such a massive war. How was it?”

Villon looked at Lianne with a weary gaze. She could tell that he knew what she was implying.

“It was hell. There was no glory or honor there.”


“I’m sorry, my lady. I now understand what trick the Aldeon pigs are playing. But there is no reason for us to fall for their tricks.”

Villon picked up his helmet and began to gather his equipment. Lianne’s face contorted.

“What are you doing?”Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

Villon, attempting to prevent any unrest within the Georg army, had even resorted to killing an envoy, a dishonorable and unjust act, yet he believed it necessary to prevent peace.

And as he had hoped, the war had started.

“As a follower of Elil, this war might be the last,” Villon thought to himself.

He looked over at his son running beside him. Inside the helmet, his son’s eyes were already decaying.

Once the flesh rotted and the bones were exposed, he could no longer live in the Elil Kingdom. Instead, he would have to live in the deserts of the Black Empire, far from the glorious battlefields of Elil.

When that time came, Villon had no intention of only exiling his son and his men to the distant desert.

He too would face the cold desert night winds.

“The Aldeon army is in sight!”

And so, the final confrontation had arrived.


Due to the hasty pursuit, the Georg army had no chance for a surprise attack. With all the noise and the numerous scouts they had deployed, it was natural they were spotted early. The Aldeon army, anticipating the Georg cavalry, had already formed their battle lines.

Villon gritted his teeth upon seeing the formation of the Aldeon army. It was perfect for a set-piece battle, a large-scale force meeting on a wide plain for a fair fight. While this might excite any warrior of Elil, to Villon, it seemed like a trap he knew but could not avoid walking into.

“The enemy’s preparations are impeccable. It seems they’ve deliberately drawn us here.”

Calbert muttered beside him. The Heron Plains provided an ideal environment for a large-scale battle. Since a siege at Elion fortress was not possible, luring them out had clearly been the intention. To engage in battle here was a foolish choice.

Calbert glanced at Villon as he spoke, “We don’t need to play their game. Let’s retreat for now and if they seem to break ranks then...”

“Prepare all troops for battle!”

Villon shouted, ignoring Calbert’s advice. Calbert was startled, but he had no authority beyond giving advice. All the soldiers here obeyed only Villon.

“The entire Aldeon army will die here today! Until the last fragment of their bones is buried deep beneath the ground!”

The Georg army roared and formed their charge. Villon scanned the Aldeon forces, looking for the Holy Grail Knight. The fact that Isaac had opted for a pitched battle instead of a siege was an affront in itself, but that would not be all. Surely, he had more strategies up his sleeve.

“Where are you, Isaac...?”

Just then, someone appeared in the center of the Aldeon army, flanked by knights. It was the Holy Grail Knight, Isaac, he had been so desperately seeking. Villon was shocked to see him stepping forward willingly.

‘Is he truly intending for a direct confrontation?’

As the Aldeon knights, led by Isaac, slowly advanced, Villon no longer had any doubts.

His heart, still that of a warrior of Elil, began to beat fiercely.

“Prepare all troops to charge!”

“But, General Villon! The enemy is attacking!”

A scout suddenly ran up to him, reporting. Villon looked at him puzzled—of course, the enemy was attacking. Wasn’t it obvious with Isaac leading the knights charging right before their eyes? No one could be blind to that.

“What are you saying, messenger! The battle has already begun!”

“No, no! It’s not the Aldeon army!”

Not the Aldeon army? It was then Villon heard the commotion and intermittent screams from behind them, from the forest they had passed through. Other soldiers also heard the noise from the rear and began to break formation in confusion.

Something was ambushing them.

But Villon, having spread scouts in all directions, had confirmed there were no enemies. So, what could be attacking them now? It could only be wild beasts...

As Villon was realizing this, another possibility dawned on him, and right then, a scout’s scream-like shout confirmed his fears.

“The Witch Hectali sisters are attacking us!”

As the scout’s scream rang out, Isaac and the Aldeon knights began their charge.

–TL Notes–

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