Chapter 230:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 230:

In the game, this event was referred to as the ‘Abyss Flood,’ a significant incident occurring in the early to mid-stages. The severity varied based on player performance, but in the worst case, nearly one-third of the Imperial capital could be devastated.

The true nature of the incident varied depending on the player’s faction.

For players aligned with the White Empire, it was described as a “terrorist attack by cultists who, with the help of the Immortal Order, awakened an ancient chaos in the capital.” In contrast, players from the Black Empire were told it was a “disaster invoked by the Codex of Light trying to artificially summon celestial power.”

Such events, where the truth changed based on the player’s choices and faction, were common, and often the exact truth remained unknown. With Isaac now actively altering the course of history, even the game’s knowledge could no longer be fully trusted.

Regardless of whether cultists were involved, the existence of monsters was a fact. Since he was planning to investigate the cemetery anyway, it was convenient to incur a debt from the Order in the process.

‘The timing doesn’t align perfectly, but if the conditions were triggered by the Dawn Army, it could happen earlier.’

The monster could have grown stronger by consuming diligently before making an appearance.

Especially since the Order was the one to request the investigation, there was an additional clue to understanding the incident’s true nature.

‘It’s unclear who the culprit is at this point... but given that the Order requested it, it’s likely a terrorist act. Or perhaps the Order started it and couldn’t handle it, so they’re passing the buck.’

Given the current state of the Order, it wasn’t an entirely unlikely scenario.

“So, if it’s referred to as a serial murder case at the cemetery, it means bodies have been found there, right?”

“That’s the ambiguous part. There’s talk of murders, but no one has actually seen them, nor have there been any reports.”

Hesabel wasn’t calling it an ‘urban legend’ for no reason.

“We may not know if cultists are involved, but we should still investigate the cemetery. The Order likely didn’t ask me due to mere rumors, and public unrest caused by such rumors can’t be ignored...”

“Hm, that sounds like a plan. It would be nice if a suspicious, dark-robed cultist with a wavy dagger was just waiting for us...”

Isolde’s words trailed off at that moment. Isaac, too, was looking at the end of the alley at the same time.

A monk in a dark gray robe stood there, motionless. It was one of the darker corners of the old city’s already dim alleys.

Any ordinary person would have immediately stopped or avoided him, but Isaac and Isolde darted forward.

“Stop! You’re under arrest for suspicious behavior!”

This was an extremely ruthless arrest declaration only a former inquisitor could make.

However, the monk remained still, with his hood deeply covering his face until they got close. Since there was a possibility he was just an ordinary monk, Isaac tried to grab his arm instead of drawing his sword.

But the robe twisted unnaturally, and suddenly a dagger emerged from the sleeve. Isaac wouldn’t have been harmed by a mere monk’s dagger, but the monk didn’t swing it; instead, it felt as though the dagger seeped out.

Ignoring Isaac’s hand and arm, the dagger approached his face like a shadow casting over him. Isaac barely managed to twist his neck to avoid it, but it still grazed his skin, drawing blood.

It wasn’t an attack he could block or counter.

‘What is this...’

The monk swung the dagger at Isaac again. The grotesquely contorted, snakelike movements were inhuman, more akin to a gas or liquid awkwardly mimicking human motions.

But at that moment, Isaac had already drawn the Luadin Key and swung it.

Whoosh! The heat emanating from the Luadin Key instantly burned and shredded the robe. Isaac waited to see the creature’s true form emerge, but all that remained was a scattering of ashes.


Isolde’s voice called from behind. Despite being a long, narrow alley with no exits, two more monks appeared out of nowhere, attacking Isolde with daggers. However, Isolde swiftly retreated by kicking off the walls and floor.

Her movements were astonishingly fast and agile. Isaac was momentarily reminded of the Walaka hunters, and then he recalled that she had consumed the heart of the Red Prophet.

Isolde shook the bracelet she had prepared in advance.

As the bracelets clashed, a blinding flash erupted. It was a holy relic imbued with the Codex of Light’s miracle. While the monks were staggering, Isaac incinerated one, and Isolde drove a dagger into the other’s body. The monk erupted in light, bubbling and disintegrating.

“That dagger...”

“Oh, His Majesty gave it to me. He said it was very powerful, and it truly is.”

Though not as strong as the Luadin Key, it seemed to be a potent holy relic. With her enhanced physical abilities from the Prophet’s heart and this strong relic, Isolde wouldn’t easily be overpowered.

“Is it over?”

“Looks like it.”

With no further ambushes, they surveyed their surroundings. The alley, where the commotion had occurred, was filled with the smell of burning. Neither Isaac nor Isolde could explain these bizarre creatures.

‘Apart from Juan, I think most people dislike me.’

Seeing Isaac’s puzzled look, Isolde shrugged.

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“Just go and meet them. And don’t underestimate your past as an inquisitor. Investigating the Order’s members is my specialty. I’ll accompany you to any dangerous places, so don’t worry.”

Isolde had a reckless streak when focused on something, but she never acted without confidence.

Isaac decided to trust her and accepted the proposal, but not without his own safety measures.


The Utenheim Cathedral, with its long history, had a patchwork appearance, and a haphazard assortment of facilities. There were prayer chapels, dormitories for priests, a large library, dining halls, gardens, seminaries, and more, branching out like limbs.

Even as a Holy Grail Knight, many places weren’t open to outsiders. However, Isaac felt a strange familiarity upon visiting this religious site after so long.

‘It reminds me of my time in the monastery.’

Though Utenheim Cathedral was far larger and more splendid than the monastery he had lived in, it shared the same old building feel.

Isaac noticed a group of young priests quietly chatting as they passed through the garden. It struck him that, had he not become a Holy Grail Knight, he might have joined a monastery and studied like them.


A young priest looked at Isaac with surprise.

“Wait, are you Isaac Issacrea?”

“A Holy Grail Knight? Is it really him?”

Isaac, feeling relaxed in the cathedral, hastily pulled his hood over his head. But it was too late; the young priests swarmed around him excitedly.

“Sir Knight! I’ve been wanting to meet you!”

“Brother Ahil said he met you and even got your signature in the Bible! We were so jealous! We were hoping you’d speak to us too!”

“Uh, well, sorry about that. I didn’t realize...”

Isaac was flustered by the unexpected enthusiasm from the young priests.

Were the monks at the monastery like this? Perhaps they had seemed more mature because Isaac was younger then. The priests in the capital, being from wealthier families, might also have more leisure.

‘Kids these days...’

However, their reaction seemed too fervent to be merely about meeting a famous Holy Grail Knight. Suddenly, a young priest with glasses grabbed Isaac’s hand, beaming brightly.

“Isaac Issacrea, our new beacon! We’ve heard so much about your teachings! You are our idol!”

Teachings? Idol?

Isaac was baffled. He had many memories of cutting and slashing, but none of teaching.

However, the bespectacled priest continued, eyes shining with fervor.

“The ‘New Doctrine’ you spread in the Issacrea territory is the true teaching that replaces the old doctrines! I’ve been eager to meet the pioneer of this New Doctrine!”


Isaac finally remembered.

The sermons he had given at the monastery in the Issacrea territory, filled with mixed teachings of science, philosophy, and various ideologies he had picked up, supposedly to spread the Doctrine of Chaos within the Codex of Light.

Isaac suddenly realized the truth.

He was indeed part of this ‘new generation’ and, in fact, stood at its forefront.


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