Chapter 236:

Name:Paladin of the Dead God Author:
Chapter 236:

One bad habit of the priests from the Codex of Light Church was staying up late.Follow the latest novels at

They had no need to save on candle costs like the commoners, and they could maintain bright lighting even at midnight as if it were broad daylight. Particularly, the Ultenheim Cathedral was illuminated like a nocturnal city even at night, allowing high-ranking priests to work, enjoy hobbies, or engage in self-discipline without rest.

What was more important than what they did late into the night was that they could use far more productive time compared to ordinary people. While others could only do certain things during daylight hours, the priests could do those things for several more hours each day.

The difference accumulated over time.

Camille understood the importance of this time and strove to use it even more valuably. Her role was significant, especially now, with the Dawn Army approaching and the subtle conflict between the Emperor and the Order.


So, as Camille was finally returning to her room after finishing her work, she felt even more fatigued when she encountered Isaac in the dark hallway. It was already close to midnight.

“Appearing so charming at this hour is troublesome, Holy Grail Knight. I’m no longer at an age to be thrilled by such sudden visits.”

If a Holy Grail Knight like Isaac visited, Camille should have been informed. But since she had heard nothing of it, it meant Isaac had slipped past the cathedral guards.

“You all go inside first. I have something to discuss with the Holy Grail Knight.”

Although there were no Paladins on guard inside the cathedral, there were assistant priests. Without suspicion, they bowed their heads and turned back.

Despite Isaac’s sudden midnight visit, Camille showed no concern for her safety.

Camille did not think Isaac would harm her, and even if he intended to, harming a cardinal armed with miracles and holy relics would not be easy.

However, Camille, knowing that the clever Holy Grail Knight might be slightly upset if he had grasped the situation, remained slightly wary.

Isaac handed Camille a book. Recognizing it as a compendium on the Nameless Chaos, Camille smirked.

Isaac spoke.

“Evidence found in the underground crypt. We have completed our investigation of the cult and taken appropriate measures.”

“As expected of a Holy Grail Knight. Have you already finished the task? So, what were the perpetrators like?”

“They were engaged in dangerous activities. Though I sternly reprimanded them, it won’t erase their sins. But they were just the pawns.”


“Just curious youngsters. The important question is who gave them those dangerous items and for what purpose.”

Camille continued to smile. This crafty politician of a cardinal was also skilled at maintaining a poker face.

“Did you find out anything about those behind it?”

“Roughly, yes. But there are parts that remain unexplained, so I cannot be certain yet.”

“What unexplained parts?”

“For instance, the preparation was too prolonged to be a mere frame-up, and why pass such dangerous knowledge to a blood relative?”

Isaac discovered that the ritual performed by Claire and his gang took place at least six months ago.

It took that long for the old city district’s ghost stories and accumulated fear to build up. It seemed unlikely it was a trap meant to ensnare Isaac.

The fact that Claire and Camille were related by blood was also significant.

If it were revealed that Camille’s grandson was a cultist, it would damage her reputation.

These were aspects Isaac could not understand despite his contemplation.

Realizing that Isaac had grasped the situation to some extent, Camille smiled and spoke.

“It seems you are now ready for a conversation, Isaac.”

Ready? Isaac wondered what she meant, but Camille turned away, gesturing for him to follow.

“Though a bit tired, let’s talk slowly about the doctrine of the new faith... no.”

Camille corrected the word she had been about to use.

“Let’s discuss the Teachings of the Owl.”


Camille led Isaac to the rear garden of Ultenheim Cathedral. Contrary to the cathedral being in the midst of the densely packed old city district, the rear garden, with its high walls and thickly packed trees, gave the feeling of being in a deep forest. The cathedral’s lights did not reach this forest.

Camille walked briskly across the well-trimmed lawn and stopped in the middle.

Isaac thought it might be a trap but sensed no such signs. Of course, being a powerful priest, Camille could perform miracles strong enough to instantly incinerate an ordinary person. But Isaac was not an ordinary Holy Grail Knight either.

He did not think about who would survive the fight. Whoever won, the aftermath would be difficult to manage.

Camille sat on a stump in the shadow of the cathedral’s light, casting her face into obscurity.

“They say angels’ ears are in the sunlight. At least here, no one will eavesdrop.”

“Are the Teachings of the Owl such dangerous talk?”

“It depends on who mentions them.”

Camille’s answer made Isaac’s suspicions grow.

‘Is this what the Nameless Chaos wants?’

Repeating the same thing that happened 300 years ago?

It was hard to think so. There was no need to do it now, and Isaac would not accept it. If they did, they would have chosen someone much more compliant and obedient than Isaac.

But Camille summarized her words simply.

“Holy Grail Knight, I know you have nothing to do with the Nameless Chaos.”


Isaac averted his gaze to the air. Fortunately, the shadows of the dark forest hid his eyes.

“But I must warn you that the new doctrine you openly preach is attracting considerable attention from the priests. The Church cannot ignore it considering your influence.”

Even though Camille had learned the Teachings of the Owl, she was still a cardinal of the Codex of Light Order. She had no intention of deviating from the Order’s rules.

She held knowledge of the Nameless Chaos solely for instrumental use.

To bridle the Nameless Chaos that might awaken at any moment.

Isaac felt as though he too was being bridled by her.

After a moment of silence, Isaac spoke.

“So, you researched the doctrine of the Nameless Chaos for academic purposes, secretly passed it on to your grandson, and tried to rope me in as well?”

“I find the term ‘roped in’ a bit uncomfortable, Holy Grail Knight.”

Camille replied languidly, as if tired.

“I wanted to imply that your beliefs align with ours. But if you insist on taking a different path, you might end up being falsely accused of being connected to the cult.”

Isaac laughed.

Just as the Emperor did, the Church was trying to keep Isaac on their side in their own way. While the Emperor tried to win favor by giving away various things, the Order was trying to bridle him.

This was how the overwhelmingly powerful Church ruled the world.

In the image Amundalas had shown him from 300 years ago, there were wealthy power brokers who had tried to bring about the end of the world.

Isaac realized that those people were like Cardinal Camille before him.

Those who were willing to bring about the apocalypse to ensure their victory.

They had not learned from the great catastrophe.

“Despite all the precautions, I ended up being accused of being connected to the cult.”

“If you follow the Church’s instructions from now on, it will be fine. But... precautions?”

Camille frowned, puzzled by his tone, which suggested he had tried to avoid evidence linking him to the cult.

Ignoring her question, Isaac continued.

“Cardinal, I have one question.”

“What is it?”

“Did you not consider that passing dangerous materials to those young priests might result in casualties due to their mistakes?”

Camille tilted her head at Isaac’s question.

“Hmm, a few might die if they’re unlucky. But it doesn’t affect the greater good if a few lowly lives in the old city perish. In fact, it’s better to clean up the suspicious people in the old city while we have the chance.”

“I see. That’s clear.”

Isaac felt a strange clarity of mind.

It seemed an old question had been answered.

Camille did not know that her released materials might lead to her grandson’s death and thousands of casualties in the old city. She would never know since it hadn’t happened yet.

But even if it happened right before her eyes, Isaac was sure Camille would not blink an eye.

Her purpose was up in the high heavens, not in the gutters of the old city.

Isaac took something out of a small leather bag at his waist. It was a bag that paladins usually used to store scriptures when on an expedition, but what came out was not an ordinary scripture.

Camille’s expression hardened as she felt the powerful heretical energy from the book. It was a heretical artifact far beyond any materials she had collected.

“As you said, it might be better to do some cleaning up.”


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