Chapter 10: 【mortal】

Rowe holds the hand of Savras Flame Ragnaros in his left hand, and the Sword of Thunder Fury and Blessing of the Wind Chaser in his right hand, transforming himself into the guard of ancient kings, and going up is the judgment of a Templar!

The huge power of the Holy Light vented out, and instantly beat the old thing on the spot to apologize to all the people of Asgard!

——After hearing what Gena said, the above is Rowe's vicious fantasy at the moment.

This old thing is so shameless!

Feeling the crowd rushing towards here, Luo Wei was not only angry, but also a little nervous: "If I stole it, why would I send it back to you?"

It's a pity that Gener didn't mean to reason with him, and still deliberately said loudly: "Everyone, come and listen, this kid said he helped me get the money back from the thief, but I asked him who the thief was, but he couldn't tell. ...that's obviously odd, isn't it?"

The crowd gathered.

"Who is the thief, young man?" an aunt asked.

"The thief, it's really an unfamiliar title..."

The buzzing of the discussion shows that eating melons is the nature of all intelligent life, and the Asgardians are no exception.

"I promised the thief that as long as he doesn't commit any more crimes, I won't expose him." Luo Wei quickly explained to the melon eaters.

In the crowd, a black-haired youth asked, "Why do you make such a promise?"

"I think he just committed a small crime and deserves such a chance." Rowe said.

The young man said coldly: "This is cover up. Every Asgardian has an obligation to expose the criminal to the sheriff."

"I..." Rowe was speechless for a moment.

Gener also quickly followed: "Hey, yes, this is a cover-up crime, the cover-up crime expressly stipulated in the Asgard law. Of course, it is also possible that the thief is you. In my opinion, this is more likely. Some."

He walked towards Rowe step by step: "Say the thief's name, or admit that you are the thief - you are afraid of being discovered, so you made up such a reason to return the money to me."

Rowe clenched his fists, feeling as if a flame was burning in his chest.

He was about to launch Holy Light Strike, but he finally held back.

Luo Wei originally thought that in the case of the return of the lost property, there would be no owner who would force the person who found it to break his promise to find the thief.

Especially Gena is a fat old man with a smile, and he doesn't look like this kind of person.

Who would have thought that he would be so vindictive and brazen that he had to find out the thief, and he would even attack and threaten himself for this purpose—the one who helped him find his lost property.

At this moment, two guards came from not far away, and one of them said, "What happened? Why are they all gathered here?"

Gener said immediately: "He found the guy who stole my things, but he refused to tell me the name of the thief. I think this is a cover-up crime, right!"

The guard frowned and looked at Rowe: "Is what he said true?"

Rowe: "..."

Another guard said, "If you don't want to go to jail for covering up, just tell me the thief's name and we'll find out."

Rowe struggled for a long time. The moment before he gave up, he looked at Gerner: "Mr. Gerner... I think you should be more merciful. You have already gained what you lost."

"Humph." Gener snorted disdainfully.

Luo Wei sighed helplessly. He didn't want to lose his trust, but he didn't want to bear the guilt for someone who had no relatives and no reason, so he had to say to the guard, "It's Yaerlin..."

"Yarlin, it turned out to be him!" Gena was stunned for a while, then as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned around angrily and left, "I must make him pay the price!"

The guards and a few good people went with them, Luo Wei hesitated for a moment, and finally followed.

The group quickly came to the door of Yaerlin's house.

Compared with most residences in Asgard, Yarlin's home is a bit rudimentary.


Gener slammed on the door unceremoniously: "Come out, Arlin, you despicable fellow, thief!"

"Quickly open the door!"

Just when Gena shouted, the door suddenly opened, and at the same time a short blade stabbed out, straight to Gena's throat!


At the critical moment, one of the guards was quick-witted and shot the short blade into the air, then rushed into the room with another guard, subdued Yaerlin in a blink of an eye, and escorted him out.

Yarlin's right hand was bandaged, apparently caused by Rowe's previous Holy Light strike.

Looking at Yaerlin being held by two guards, Rowe opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

If Yaerlin felt something, he looked up at him, his eyes instantly filled with hatred, he gritted his teeth and said, "...It seems that your so-called holy light does not include trustworthiness."

Rowe's hands trembled slightly.

"The theft and attempted murder have been attempted. It seems that you are going to spend a long time in prison." The guard said coldly to Yaerlin.

Afterwards, Yaerlin was sent by the guards and Gena to the security post in the town, and the melon-eating crowd dispersed one after another.

Luo Wei sat alone on a rock, looking depressed. In any case, Arlin's words made him feel a heavy sense of guilt.

When he got Yaerlin's book of apology, he felt like a heroic god, but now he has regained consciousness, he is just a mortal, and this attribute may be eternal, even if one day he becomes incomparable powerful…

"Hey." A melon-eating crowd who had just watched ran over and sat beside him, "My name is Bart, can I ask you a question?"

Bart is a blond young man who looks young, but has a coquettish moustache.

"What's the problem?" Luo Wei lowered his head and said absently.

"That guy mentioned holy light just now, what is holy light?" Bart asked.

Luo Wei was silent for a long time: "Holy Light... is a field that mortals can't reach."

Barth was a little confused and said, "But we are gods."


At night, Luo Wei tossed and turned in bed, feeling irritable from time to time, and finally stood up and scolded a few swear words in a low voice.

He thought for a while, then took out the holy deed, turned to the [Book of Experience: Kobold Miner], and entered the experience space.

"You can't take my candle!" In the dark and narrow mine, the kobold miner roared and rushed over with a mining pick.

Luo Wei held back his fire, and immediately rushed forward with a roar.

It's just that the narrow mine cave still made him very uncomfortable, and he would hit the top of the cave with a little jump. In comparison, the kobold's short stature was like a duck in water here.

In addition, he didn't have any weapons. After a fight, Rowe was killed by the kobold.

Come again!

Luo Wei entered the training space again.

"You can't take my candle!" The kobold appeared without any novelty.

This time, the kobold called with a pickaxe, and Luo Wei was directly hit hard, hurting his abdomen.

Although the experience space was not real, the pain was the same as in the real world. He couldn't help crying out in pain, but he still endured the pain and took this opportunity to grab the kobold's pickaxe.

He pulled hard, and even took the kobold's mining pick and threw it out.

Both sides were empty-handed, and the situation changed immediately. Luo Wei knocked the kobold to the ground in a short while, and sent out both fists, beating the kobold frantically.


After a while, the kobold miner suddenly let out a whimper, and the smoke dissipated. At the same time, a page of paper appeared on the ground, flickering slightly.

Rowe took a breath and picked up the paper on the ground to take a look.

Obtained [Devotion 4.21], [Book of Experience: Big Candle Gage]

There is nothing to say about piety, but the dropped book of experience surprised him.

Big Candle Garg?

The name sounds a little familiar.

Luo Wei left the experience space and returned to the real world.

Open the holy deed, and look at the [Book of Experience: Big Candle Gage].

Big Candle Garg (rare)

Experience Level: Second Class

Victory reward: a small amount of piety, at least one related item

Description: Enter the experience space and fight with Big Candle Garg, you can get rewards for victory and no loss for defeat (except for the book of spells used). After the victory, this book of experience disappears...

A rare monster, but Rowe didn't remember much. After all, kobolds are all novice monsters, and their memories are a bit long.

In World of Warcraft, rare monsters refer to special monsters that are rare in number and randomly refreshed. They are much stronger than their counterparts, but they are also very likely to drop good things.

Go ahead and take a look.

Luo Wei nodded secretly, and then entered the experience space of Big Candle Garger.

It's still a mine, but compared to the training space for kobold miners, this mine is obviously more spacious.

"You can't take my candle!" is still a classic line of kobolds, but there is no sound of approaching footsteps.

The next moment, a light of fire appeared in the dim mine, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then a fireball flew from the depths of the mine and hit Luo Wei.

Luo Wei was hit by the fireball, half of his body was burned, and he quickly left the training space.

It turned out to be a kobold mage.



I hesitated for a long time in this chapter, but I wrote it this way.

On the question of the justice of the Holy Light. First of all, in WOW, the Holy Light is not absolutely righteous, for example, the Holy Light can still be used after the fall of Benedictus. Secondly, the holy light of this book is not equal to the holy light of WOW, otherwise I would not have designed the function of krypton gold. One of the purposes of designing the kryptonite function is to show that the Holy Light is not flawless justice.

In fact, I can also write such a plot: the protagonist would rather go to prison than break his trust, and finally gets the appreciation of a justice god, not only is he honorably released from prison, but also soars into the sky.

But think about it and forget it. One of the reasons is that I have no sense of being involved in the protagonist of high morality.

I know that I can't be strict with myself, so I rarely criticize the morals of others, of course, except for those with double standards. So, when I saw someone in the comment area greeted my family (the post has been deleted), I just want to say that you are so sensitive to the protagonist's untrustworthiness. I originally thought you were a believer in the Holy Light, but now it seems that your Holy Light Probably not including being strict with yourself.

There are still some scenes in the role of Yaerlin, but he is not a pure villain. This episode is the foundation.

In addition, for some readers' doubts about the protagonist's skills, I will also talk about it here. The power of the Holy Light spells in this book is relatively sky-defying, especially the Holy Shield, so I don't plan to let the protagonist permanently master any Holy Light spells for the time being, but of course other spells are fine.

One more update today.
