Chapter 246: [The Pyramid on the Back of the Moon]

As the collection of the Supreme Mage Agamato, the bright stone is naturally very different from ordinary rocks. Its texture is firm and tough, not like a stone, but like the flesh and blood of some powerful creature.

Fortunately, Luo Wei had the Immortal Steel Dagger in his hand, otherwise, to carve this bright stone, he would have to be exhausted.

Even so, it still took him two days to carve the bright stone into the bird-headed human and moon **** statue that Kong Si preferred.

The formed statue of the moon **** is about arm-length, with a bird head and a human body, typical of the image of an Egyptian god.

The statue has a hole in its chest that fits the shape of the Sanctified Terrigan Crystal.

Rowe embedded the Sanctified Terrigan crystal, then took out a bottle of God's blood and poured it over the crystal.

The blood of the gods melted into the sanctified Terrigan crystal, then flowed out of the crystal, branched into strands, and flowed through the entire Luna statue along the lines... In this scene, it was as if blood flowed into the heart, and then flowed out from the heart, along the blood vessels throughout the body.

After a while, the blood-colored pattern covered the statue of the Moon God, emitting a faint golden-red brilliance, and the hole in the statue's chest for inlaying the crystal was closed.

"Kongs, do you transfer to this statue now, or go to the moon and transfer?" Rowe asked.

"Go to the moon." Kongs said, "The power of the moon helps to transfer my soul, and there may be a lot of movement at that time. It will be a bit noticeable in Asgard."

Luo Wei nodded and went to the moon through the space channel.

After coming to the moon, he put the statue of Kongsi's soul and the statue of Luna opposite each other.

Then the two statues simultaneously inspired a bright brilliance, like moonlight, flickering slightly, echoing each other.

The surrounding lunar soil also overflowed with the brilliance of the stars. These spots of light gathered more and more around the two statues, and after a while, a whirlwind of light was formed, illuminating the vicinity quite brightly.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light shot out from the chest of the statue of Qihun, and it went straight into the chest of the statue of Luna, and it disappeared in a flash.

With the separation of the white light, the statue of the soul of the soul instantly became dim.

When the white light entered the statue of Luna, the blood-colored lines on the statue of Luna quickly converged, and the runes and grooves on the surface of the statue also closed, becoming smooth and round, like new skin.

"Ah..." Kong Si's soothing voice came from the statue of Luna.

At the same time, the statue of the Moon God swelled rapidly, becoming the size of an ordinary person, with its limbs stretched, and it came to life.

"How do you feel?" Rowe asked.

"Reborn - this statue feels more wonderful than flesh and blood." Kongs moved his limbs and couldn't help saying.

He continued: "I think if Agamotto knew this feeling, he would be willing to continue his life in this form."

"Maybe, but I don't think he's really interested in continuing his life," Rowe said.

Kongs got used to the new body for a while, and then looked not far away. There was Luo Wei's newly built residence on the moon in recent years, a stone hall with a volume comparable to the Supreme Sanctuary, and the water drop spacecraft was parked in it.

"Let's smelt the sun metal now," Kongs said.

The two immediately came to the stone palace.

The corresponding raw materials and smelting tools have been prepared in the hall. The three main raw materials of aluminum, iron and gold are placed in three piles.

"The metal smelted in the space environment should be of better quality... Let's start, Rowe." Kongs said.

Luo Wei nodded, and immediately brought a large iron ingot and placed it in the furnace. With a flash of light in both hands, the divine flame surging out, burning the iron ingot.

With the temperature of the divine flame, these ordinary irons quickly melted into crimson molten iron.

He then inserted his hands into the molten iron and continued to release the flame, until the molten iron was boiled and turned into iron steam.

For humans, the pervading iron steam is undoubtedly an extremely deadly existence, but one of the two has the power of flame and the other is a statue, so they are naturally indifferent.

Kong Si moved his hands lightly, and a large piece of moonlight poured out, circulating above the furnace.

The iron steam evaporated from the furnace, hit the moonlight, and was immediately wrapped into small **** by the moonlight, emitting a glow.

In the end, the molten iron evaporated, and the air was filled with small balls.

The two did the same, and burned other raw materials into steam, and then wrapped the steam into small **** with moonlight.

In the stone hall, a large number of moonlight **** floated in the air, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

Kong Si attracted with both hands, and many moonlight **** gathered and merged with each other, turning into a huge light ball, which contained various steams.

The ball of light was compressed, and it was compressed to a diameter of about one meter in the blink of an eye, and the steam inside it reverted to a liquid state, blending with each other, emitting a fiery light.

"Continue to heat," Koons said.

Luo Wei stepped forward and put his hands on both ends of the ball of light, and the divine power of the flame surged in, making the alloy water in the ball of light even more radiant.

As he heated, the alloy water gradually solidified, finally showing the golden color of solar metal.

At the same time, the ball of light surged, squeezing and pulling the alloy water, shaping its shape.

After a while, Rowe stopped heating, and the moonlight slowly dissipated after a burst of flow.

A large piece of sun metal appeared in front of the two of them, and the golden color was very similar to gold.

"I have already shaped the shape and inscriptions by the way, and I can directly use it to build the pyramid." Kongs pointed to the lines and runes engraved on the metal of the sun.

"Take a rest, let's continue." Rowe touched the still hot Sun Metal, and said with some anticipation.

In the next few days, the two smelted solar metal on the moon, exhausted all the prepared raw materials, and smelted more than 300 tons of solar metal.

During the smelting process, Kongsi had already shaped the shape and inscription of the sun metal with the power of moonlight, so after the smelting was completed, the construction of the pyramid did not take much effort.

329 BC, September 14th—Rowe recorded the current time calculated according to the AD chronology on the holy deed After a lot of hard work by him and Kongsi, he finally used the sun metal in the sun. The moon builds a pyramid of apocalypse.

From a distance, somewhere on the back of the moon, next to the huge stone hall, a golden pyramid stands quietly, with mysterious lines drawn on it, shining under the sunlight.

"Try it, Luo Wei, I believe it won't disappoint you." At the door of the stone hall, Kong Si turned his head and said.

Rowe nodded and walked into the pyramid.

There are several statues in the pyramid, with different shapes, some are Egyptian gods, some are Chinese gods, and there are Asgardians such as Heimd that Rowe knew, all of which he improvised.

These statues are not only decorative, but also affect the function of the pyramid.

In the middle of several statues, there is a platform made of solar metal, on which the lines are outlined and connected with the lines of the entire pyramid.
