Chapter 250: 【Kill the Ice Beast】

A few days later, Rowe was ordered to follow Hela to Jotunheim.

As always, Jotunheim was still the icy scene, with ice everywhere, and it was even more difficult to tell the direction under the dim sky.

Fortunately, Asgard has established a stronghold at the destination, and the sun mirror is suspended in the camp, dispelling the cold and darkness nearby.

On the night they were stationed in the camp, the frost giant organized a round of attacks.


With its powerful jumping power, the huge body of the ice extreme beast leaped towards the Asgard camp, and it went on a rampage.

Since Grimir mastered the method of domesticating the ice polar beast, this ice giant beast has become a headache for Asgard.

Every time the Frost Giant launched an attack, it would bring a few polar ice beasts to the front from time to time. These giant beasts have rough skin and thick flesh, and their bodies are terrifyingly cold. When they are rampaging, ordinary soldiers are not opponents at all, which is quite tricky.

In this attack, the frost giant brought seven polar ice beasts in one breath, with great momentum.

Looking at the polar ice beast rushing into the camp, Luo Wei couldn't help but flash the scene of that year in his mind.

When he lost contact with Asgard and lived alone in Jotunheim, he encountered a polar ice beast. It was just that he was small and weak at that time, and even though he tried his best, he finally escaped by relying on the Rainbow Bridge.


Rowe pulled out the sword of Rivendell and made a clear sound with the scabbard. Under the sun's mirror, the sword's body was shining brightly.

The magic floating cloak stirred, and he shot out with a long sword, and went straight to the nearest ice beast.

Sword of Justice!

The sword of Rivendell released its holy light, which was sharp and threatening, but the ice extreme beast had keen senses and had already noticed Rowe, and immediately raised his claw and waved it.

Although the ice extreme beast has rough skin and thick flesh, it is not an opponent of the sword of immortal steel.

The Sword of Rivendell effortlessly sliced ​​through the flesh and blood of the polar beast, but was a little slower when it encountered the bones.

Then Luo Wei exerted force, and the claws of the ice extreme beast were cut in two, and the broken part flew out with blood.

"Roar!!" The ice extreme beast was obviously in pain and anger, and let out an earth-shattering roar. The other giant claw slapped it immediately, and the castration was even more violent, creating a violent sonic boom in the air.

Of course, Luo Wei was not interested in cutting claws. Flames spewed from his feet, and he turned nimbly, dodging the giant claws of the polar ice beast, and then went straight to the sky.


The ice extreme beast suddenly raised its head, and immediately jumped up. The terrifying full force made it rush to the sky, and at the same time, the ground cracked and a big pit fell.

It jumped so high all of a sudden that Luo Wei was almost touched. He couldn't help being a little surprised at the moment, but his hand kept moving, and the long sword swung.

Sword of Judgment!

The sword of judgment spurted out, hitting one eye of the polar ice beast with precision.

One eye was stabbed blind, and the ice extreme beast naturally howled again.

The flames spurted behind Rowe, streaked across an arc, and quickly turned behind it.

The ice extreme beast had not yet landed at this time, and was still in the air, so it was naturally difficult to move.

He clenched his long sword and flew upwards, taking advantage of the ice extreme beast's falling tendency, immediately cut a long wound on its back, almost splitting its back in two.

However, given the huge size of the Ice Pole Beast, although the wound was long, it was not deep enough to be fatal.

Rowe then struggled with him again. With the advantage of being flexible and fast, he kept swinging the sword of Rivendell, leaving wounds one after another on the polar ice beast, leaving himself unscathed.

After a while, the bruised and bruised ice polar beast was no longer able to fight, and was reduced to a fish on the chopping block, ready to be slaughtered.

Rowe flew again with his sword in hand, and with a loud roar, the sword of Rivendell stabbed from just above the head of the polar ice beast, and the holy light and flame danced on the blade.

Under his full force, the long sword pierced through the sturdy skull.

With the last tremor of the huge body, the ice extreme beast disappeared, turned into a corpse, and fell silently into the camp.

Rowe then also fell back to the ground.

Several nearby frost giant soldiers saw this and retreated in horror.

Rowe noticed them, and flew out with a stride, and at the same time the holy light on the sword of Rivendell shone brightly.

Blind light!

Several frost giants were caught off guard, blinded by flashes, even more panicked, and their formations were chaotic.

Luo Wei immediately attacked with his sword, swung the long sword, and killed them in an instant.


A roar came from nearby, and Luo Wei turned his head to look, but the Miao Miao hammer flew not far away, and the thunder arc jumped on it.

Hela's fighting style is very entertaining.

The Meow Meow Hammer itself can fly, and it can also release thunder, sparks and lightning all the way. After awakening her divine power, she can reconstitute the substances around her into weapons anytime, anywhere, and even the long swords are flying everywhere.

I saw that around her, when the long sword and the war hammer flew together, the frost giants fell in pieces.

However, this scene did not last long, and soon a frost giant elder with a bald head and white beard appeared in front of Hela.

A large amount of fine ice floated around the bald elder, which looked like dense silver needles.

Hela raised her hand and flew out a long sword. These ice needles moved in response, and instantly condensed into an ice wall.


The long sword was stuck on the ice wall, and the ice wall suddenly cracked.

The bald old man's expression remained unchanged, and the ice wall suddenly turned into thousands of ice needles, which shot out.

Under the intensive impact of the ice needles, the long sword instantly turned into powder and dissipated into the air.

Hela quickly condensed a square shield to block the incoming ice needles. At the same time, with a move, the flying meow hammer suddenly turned around and rushed towards the bald elder.

Rowe also quickly met his opponent.

The other party held two short ice blue daggers and looked like a thief, but he was burly and wore heavy plate armor The frost giant's skin was obviously covered with a thick layer Ice, which appears to be at least a centimeter thick. In addition, his two teeth are extremely long and sharp, as if the fangs of a beast are exposed.

All in all, the painting style of this toothy frost giant is very outstanding and impressive.

The thick layer of ice and plate armor gave him a strong defense without dead ends.

"Qiang!" Luo Wei slashed his neck with a sword, and the ice **** splashed, but it did not cause fatal injuries.

The long-toothed frost giant swung the double daggers and moved very quickly. Luo Wei avoided parrying, but was still scratched twice.

Luo Wei quickly took a few steps back.

"Are you the Paladin Rowe of Asgard, is this the only thing you can do?" The fang-frost giant snorted coldly and said something.

Luo Wei was suddenly surprised to find that he was already somewhat famous in the Nine Realms, and even the Frost Giant knew him.