Chapter 261: 【The fangs of the Ice Beastmaster】

Odin and Fabti talked for a day alone, and what they talked about was not clear to others.

Anyway, after the talk, the war between Asgard and Jotunheim came to an end, and Jotunheim expressed his surrender, acknowledging Asgard's status as the suzerain of the Nine Realms and Odin as the only ruler of the Nine Realms.

And all the wars and disasters were blamed on Grimir. Grimir was reduced to "invader", "executioner", "planner of all disasters"...and sentenced to death by Odin. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

To a certain extent, this kind of dumping is the common will of both parties.

Grimir's domestication of the polar ice beast once brought huge trouble to Asgard, and the Asgardians wanted to get rid of it for a long time.

Fabti lost his son, just as Odin said, he can only blame Byrest himself and Grimir for underestimating the enemy, or blame Fabti for not fulfilling his mother's teaching responsibility.

It is undoubtedly a very painful thing to admit that I have no way to teach my son. Farbouti failed to do so, and Grimmer became a natural outlet for her emotions, and she tacitly sentenced her to death.

Of course these are later stories.

After being rescued by Odin, Luo Wei felt scared from time to time as he flew back.

When he thought of the huge waterfall of light projected by the Frozen Winter Coffin, he couldn't help shuddering.

If he had fewer Divine Shield fragments in his hand, or if Odin came later, under the bombardment of the Frozen Winter Coffin, there would definitely be no **** left.

He flew to the location where Hela and the others were. There were also traces of a great war. There were the bodies of frost giants everywhere, and a dozen or so polar ice beasts were also lying on the ground, like hills.

But in addition to the original Hela troop, Tyr, the **** of war, also appeared here, which is undoubtedly the support sent by Asgard.

The battlefield is being cleaned up here, and the wounded, corpses, and spoils of war are being carried away one after another, and people are in a hurry.

Luo Wei walked through the crowd, came to a quieter corner, and sat down to rest.

After a while, he remembered that he hadn't checked Byrest's space bracer, so he took the space brace for a while and groped to see what was inside.


There is a lot of money in Byrest's Space Bracers, roughly tens of thousands in runes.

In addition to this, the most eye-catching are several boxes. The boxes were opened, and they contained snow pearls, which were the snow pearls that Luo Wei had obtained from the Snow Demon tribe before.

The Snow Demon tribe gave Rowe four, but Byrest had more than twenty here. However, Luo Wei didn't know much about the use of Snow Pearl, only the few sentences introduced to him by the Snow Demon Patriarch, so he took a look and put it away.

Having said that, the Snow Demon tribe is really miserable. According to the current situation, patriarch Sommer has been killed in all likelihood.

Now that the Snow Demon family can't get rid of the Frost Giants, and they can't make an alliance with Asgard, the future is unpredictable.

Aside from money and snow pearls, there were some sundries in the space bracers, most of which didn't attract Rowe's attention. Unique, let him take it out and look at it for a while.

A key, a key made of crystal.

This crystal key is made of peculiar material and exquisite in shape, which is quite unforgettable.

But to Rowe, this key is probably of little value. After all, since it is Byrest's key, its corresponding lock must only be located somewhere in Jotunheim, or even in the castle of Gastpone, the royal palace of the frost giant.

He couldn't take this key to unlock the Castle of Gasthpeony.

It seems that it can only be used as a decoration.

After the inventory of the space bracers was completed, Luo Weifu took out an ice blue long knife from the Sanctuary space and observed it.

"Ice Extreme Blade, how could it be in your hands!" I heard a scream of anger.

Luo Wei looked and found that it was a captured Frost Giant. This Frost Giant was bound in chains and covered with bruises, but it had a strange appearance and unusual attire, so it was not difficult to identify.

He is Grimir, the general of the Frost Giants, and the tamer of the Ice Beast.

"This knife is called the Ice Extreme Blade?" Luo Wei didn't answer, but asked.

Ice Extreme Blade, does this name have something to do with the Ice Extreme Beast?

"How could it be in your hands?" Grimmer asked repeatedly.

"Because this is my trophy." Rowe said lightly, "General Grimir, you only left Byrest and two teams of soldiers to deal with me and my subordinates. It turned out that this was a mistake."

"Impossible... You're just a first-order divine power." Grimmer's voice trembled.

"I am not only a magician, but also a paladin." Rowe said, "I answered your question, can you tell me the origin of this knife?"

Grimir was stunned for a moment, until several Heroic Spirit warriors wanted to **** him away.

"It's the fangs of the Ice Beast King... Asgardians, treat your spoils kindly." He said sullenly, and was taken away, leaving behind a staggering figure bound by chains.

The fangs of the Frozen Beastmaster.

Rowe looked back at the ice pole in his hand.

The knife is a good knife, even though the blade is strong in coldness, if it were not for the Frost Giant, it would not be able to adapt to it at all. When he held it in his hand for a while, he felt cold in his hands, and he couldn't help but use the divine power of flame to resist it a little.

He originally considered donating to the Holy Deed, but after thinking about it, he felt that a sharp blade with such a strong cold force might be of great use in certain scenarios...

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and it became clear from a series of afterimages, showing amazing speed.

Running faster than anyone else, Heimd was the one who came.

"Oh, Ice Blade!" Heimd put his hand on Rowe's shoulder and exclaimed, "You killed Byrest, how did you do it?"

"Byrest surrendered himself and killed himself." Luo Wei said casually.

"Why?" Heimd seemed to believe it and asked for a while.

"I'm not very clear either, why don't you help me think about it?" Rowe said.

Heimd frowned, thought for a while, and then asked, "Did Byrest say anything before committing suicide?"

Luo Wei: "..."


With the surrender of Jotunheim, Asgard established the highest authority in the Nine Realms.

So it didn't take long for Odin to announce that as the Lord of the Nine Realms, he would summon all the vassals and invite all the great powers of the universe to participate in the ceremony.

Under the watering of the sweat and blood of many slaves, the Golden Palace has long been completed and has become the highest peak in Asgard.

The Nine Realms are not just nine celestial bodies, but a rather huge system, with nine celestial bodies as their hubs and representatives.

Therefore, the ceremony for Odin to summon the countries of the Nine Realms was being prepared a month in advance, and people came in and out of the Golden Palace every day.

this day.

Odin paced back and forth in the room, as if waiting for something, with a hint of anticipation on his face.

After a while, a guard came in and said, "Your Majesty, Madam Frigga..."

Odin interrupted him: "Didn't I say, don't notify, just let her in."