Chapter 263: 【Odin's appointment】

The implication is that Surtur does not recognize Odin's status as the Lord of the Nine Realms, but only recognizes him as the strongest in the Nine Realms.

It is normal to think about it. After all, the flame giant Surtur is the oldest elder in the Nine Realms. He has experienced hundreds of battles, and he talks and laughs with the ancestors of the Asgardians, and his strength has been ranked second in the Nine Realms for a long time. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/First release https://https://

With such a character, it is indeed difficult for him to submit to Odin.

Moreover, although Surtur is reckless outside, he rarely participates in the internal disputes of the Nine Realms, and even wants to isolate himself from the system of the Nine Realms, and has no hatred with Asgard in the past.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and Odin smiled: "I respect the flame giant very much, he is the oldest in the Nine Realms."

"Surtur also respects you, Your Majesty Odin," the messenger said.

Odin nodded, Muspelheim's messenger stepped back, and the next messenger stepped forward to continue.

At least that's what it looks like...

After all the messengers presented their gifts, the atmosphere in the hall was warm. Odin was silent for a while, and suddenly his hand shook, and the spear of eternity struck the ground with thunderous sounds.

Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to him.

"There is one more thing to announce today." Odin said slowly, looking at Hela beside him.

"Hela, my eldest daughter and judge, brave, graceful, and noble warrior of Asgard... From today, Hela is the goddess of death, my heir, the crown prince of Asgard, the next Asgard King of Gard, the future ruler and protector of the Nine Realms."

Odin suddenly appointed Hela as the heir. This incident, like the words of the flame giant messenger, was beyond everyone's expectations and was an unexpected event that was not planned in advance.

Not to mention other people, even Hela didn't react for a while, obviously didn't know about it in advance.

As soon as Odin finished speaking, the spear of eternity in his hand surged brightly, and a dazzling golden light flew out of it and merged into Hela's body, making her whole body glow with golden light.

"The power of Asgard!" Someone exclaimed.

The spear of eternity can guide the power of Asgard, and this golden light integrated into Hela's body is the majestic power of Asgard. It seems inconspicuous, but anyone who masters it will become a first-class powerhouse in the universe, and there will be earth-shattering power in every move.

The mighty power of the Rainbow Bridge that can destroy a planet is the embodiment of the power of Asgard.

Odin and even the **** kings of all dynasties have the power to traverse the universe, not only because of their own third-order divine power, but also because of the blessing of the power of Asgard.

With the blessing of the power of Asgard, Hela is the real crown prince.

"His Royal Highness, the future ruler and protector of the Nine Realms!" I don't know which messenger took the lead in shouting, and everyone followed suit.

"His Royal Highness, the future ruler and protector of the Nine Realms!"

The envoy of the flame giant still went his own way, still did not recognize Asgard's suzerain status, and said in his heavy voice full of flames: "His Royal Highness, the future strongest in the Nine Realms."


With the surrender of Jotunheim, Asgard's external expansion slowed down a bit, and the gods of Asa danced and danced, immersed in the glory of the suzerain state of the Nine Realms.

Although Asgard is actually the suzerain state of the Eight Realms, and the flame giant does not recognize its dominant position, this has not affected the mood of the vast majority of people.


Rowe held the sword of Rivendell and stabbed it into the ground.

The dazzling holy light surged down from the sword body, and instantly surged to the ground below, bursting with dazzling light.

Then the rays of light spread out in circles along the ground, extending for about one meter, and outlined golden lines like spider webs on the ground.

"Phew—" Rowe exhaled and retracted his sword.

Before killing Byrest, Sheng Qi gave him two spell choices, [Holy Light Consecration] and [Light of Dawn]. After thinking about it, he finally chose the former.

He is now practicing a new spell, Holy Light Consecration.

To a certain extent, holy light dedication is to pour holy light into the ground, thereby killing surrounding enemies. However, there are actually many differences between the two.

Especially some of the technical things of Holy Light Consecration are extremely difficult to master. Luo Wei practiced for two and a half years, and until now, the killing range of Holy Light Consecration has been expanded to a radius of about one meter.

Among the fourth-layer spells, apart from the wrath of vengeance, this is probably the most difficult to master.

Luo Wei pulled the sword out, but the golden lines on the ground did not dissipate, it was still flickering slightly, with a radiant brilliance.

In fact, if there is no damage, the energy consecrated by the Holy Light can be maintained on the ground for a considerable period of time.

After practicing the holy light offering, Rowe turned around and entered the pyramid to absorb the power of the sun.

A few days later, he returned to Asgard and soon received orders from Helya.

"His Royal Highness." Luo Wei came to Hela's garden and greeted him naturally, without too much salute.

The relationship between him and Hela has changed a bit. He is no longer as restrained as before. Even sometimes, Luo Wei suddenly becomes timid and does some actions that go beyond the relationship between the upper and lower levels. Hela also acquiesces.

Like this time.

"Heimdall's monitoring report mentioned that a planet named "Corbin" was suddenly destroyed not long ago, and my father decided to let me go to investigate, so you can go with me too. "Hella said.

"Corbyn Star?" Rowe felt that this name sounded familiar It seemed that he had heard it somewhere, and he didn't know whether he heard it in his past life or this life.

Hela: "Well, there are intelligent races on that planet, the Corbins..."

Around the Corbyn star, the two talked for a while.

While talking, Luo Wei didn't know what to think, and suddenly reached out and put his arms around her waist.

Immediately, he was taken aback by his behavior, and at the same time was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Er, why doesn't this hand follow orders!

Hela didn't respond, but after a pause in her tone, she continued to speak calmly.

"I remember that I saw a Corbin before. They were not weak, and there were strong people. I didn't expect to be destroyed suddenly."

Luo Wei wanted to withdraw his hand, but felt that the withdrawal would make the atmosphere even more awkward.

As a result, he hugged for half an hour until it was time to part.

"We will set off on the Thunder Boat the day after tomorrow," Hela said.

"Yes." Luo Wei took back his hand from Hela's waist in embarrassment, while thinking about whether to apologize or something.

Hela stared at him for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing, laughing back and forth, as if she couldn't help it after holding it for a long time.

"Your Highness, you..." Luo Wei was embarrassed.

"I've forgiven you, but I won't set an example." Hela's face suddenly turned pale, "I mean, before hugging my waist next time, you need to ask for instructions, understand?"

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