Chapter 281: 【Submit to the magnetic piece】

"You'd better be honest." The red ghost said, and then threw the sword of Rivendell to Rowe, not daring to approach.

Rowe took the sword of Rivendell, stood up, and went out with the masked people.

As the Red Ghost said, Saka Star is an interstellar garbage dump, where all kinds of garbage and criminals are thrown here every day.

After leaving the room, Luo Wei saw many mountains made of **** at first sight. There is always a stench in the air.

Luo Wei turned around and took a look, and found that the building he had just walked out was actually an abandoned large spaceship, which had been slightly remodeled to become the stronghold of the Red Ghost gang of robbers.

At this moment, in front of the abandoned spaceship, there are hundreds of masked people, whose styles are very similar to those of Red Ghost and others, and they seem to be robbers, but both sides are facing each other with guns, which is obviously a hostile relationship between black and black.

Nearly a thousand robbers confronted each other here, and the red ghost came to the front and asked, "Wag, are you poor and crazy, and you came to attack me?"

Wag, headed by the other party, is a humanoid creature without a mask. His appearance is quite similar to an insect, and his terrifying mouthparts are wriggling: "Stop talking nonsense, give me the person you caught! He is our cargo, and it is yours. Ambushed my subordinate and snatched him."

"Oh, do you have any evidence?" the red ghost said disapprovingly.

Wagg snorted coldly: "Red ghost, are you going to break the rules of scavengers? That person fell on my site, and it is my goods. You crossed the border to snatch, and you are challenging all scavengers in Saka!"

The red ghost said: "The cyborg was yours last time, and this time it's yours too, who would have such good luck?"

Varg: "I am lucky or not, it has nothing to do with you!"

The red ghost suddenly laughed: "Of course, it doesn't matter to me whether you are lucky or not. It doesn't matter to me whether you sell a gladiator plus a surrender disk for five million."

"Hahaha." The bandits here burst out laughing.

Wagg said angrily: "Are you going to fight with me?"

"No, it's not me and you, it's him," said the red ghost.

At the same time, the crowd was divided, giving way, and Rowe walked out of it, holding the sword of Rivendell in his hand.

The red ghost sneered: "Wag, I wouldn't be as stupid as you, selling a powerful gladiator to the greedy Carlo for a near-free price."

"Big man, show your strength and cut off Wag's ugly head!" He held the remote control device of the surrender magnetic sheet in his hand and gave an order to Rowe.


Rowe took out the sword of Rivendell from the scabbard, looked at Varg in front of him, but did not do anything, but said: "You caught a cyborg before"

"That was half a month ago." Wagg said nervously and defensively.

half a month ago

Rowe frowned.

Although he was in a coma for a while, this time was not as long as half a month anyway. Could it be that the cyborg caught by the other party was not a horse-faced Thor?

He thought about it and asked, "Did that cyborg have a horse face?"

"Yes, you know him," Varg asked.

It seems to be the horse-faced Thor, but how can the time not match Luo Wei for a while.

"What are you doing, hurry up and kill them all!" the red ghost shouted.

When Luo Wei heard the words, he turned his head and looked at him, a chill flashed in his eyes.

The red ghost was startled, and quickly backed away. At the same time, he put his hand on the button of the remote control device, ready to press the button at any time: "You have already tasted the taste of surrendering to the magnetic disk, don't tell me you want to do it again."

Luo Wei didn't speak, his whole body ignited the flame of divine power, and then flew out with a stride, going straight to the red ghost, and at the same time summoning the holy deed in his heart.

Holy Shield!

The rune holy light instantly enveloped him.

The red ghost hurriedly pressed the button to surrender to the magnetic sheet, and was horrified to find that Luo Wei had no response.

No one thought that Rowe would choose to resist, and no one dared to stop him. Luo Wei rushed to the red ghost in a blink of an eye, and the sword of Rivendell slashed.

Blood spurted out, and people's heads fell to the ground.

Immediately, he fished it out, caught the remote control device that fell from the red ghost's corpse, and pressed the release button.


Hearing a light sound, the surrender magnetic sheet fell in response, and then he, together with the remote control device, took it into the sacred space.

Looking at the red ghost's subordinates who were in a dazed state, Rowe twitched the corner of his mouth, then waved the sword of Rivendell and rushed towards the enemy group.



When the holy light blooms, the sword of Rivendell is like a meat grinder, harvesting these robbers in large areas.

Most of these robbers are sinful, often triggering the vengeful feedback from the Sword of Rivendare, which restores Rowe's mana.

After killing hundreds of robbers in the wind and clouds, Luo Wei not only did not consume, but his mana was full, his energy was full, and he returned to his peak state directly.

Several robbers who were not judged to be evil survived, and Rowe poured some holy light into them, and then said: "Find me what the red ghost took from me."

A few people were so frightened that they rushed back to the abandoned spaceship, found the flame gloves and the silver round box, and gave them to Rowe.

The flames ignited on Luo Wei's body, burning away the blood, then walked to Wagg and asked, leaning on his sword, "Tell me about the cyborg in detail."

Witnessing the scene where he slaughtered the red ghost robbers, Wagg and others were also frightened into silence, and many people shivered.

Wag wiped the cold sweat on his head and said with a trembling voice: "That was half a month ago... People or things are dropped here every day, and we scavengers are responsible for collecting these dropped people or things. , and then sell it to those who need him, such as Gao Tianzun."

"Gao Tianzun hosted a "Champion Fighting" competition and collected gladiators from all over the place. A gladiator can often be sold for a very high price, hundreds of millions. "

"That cyborg is called Bill, like you said, he has a horse face, and he has a very good warhammer Because of that warhammer, we almost couldn't control him ."

Rowe nodded.

Cyborg, horse face, with a very powerful warhammer, named Bill... There is no doubt that the other party is talking about the horse-faced Thor.

However, since he had just arrived at Saka, how could the God of Thor arrive half a month earlier?

"If you think about it again, make sure this happened half a month ago," Rowe had to say, although he didn't think anyone's memory could be so deviated.

Varg seemed to realize something: "Oh, I probably guessed your question."


Wag continued: "The time rule of Saka star is different from the outside world. Saka star spends a month, the outside world may only spend a moment, or it may spend five hundred years, no one can say for sure."

"Maybe you only arrived at Saka Star one step later than the cyborg, but in Saka Star, you are actually half a month behind."