Chapter 283: 【Gao Tianzun】


Rowe recognized at a glance that this huge eredar was the famous defiler Archimonde, right-hand man of the dark titan Sargeras, and one of the commanders of the Burning Legion.

Damn, actually opened such a big boss.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Archimonde, Brian Bronzebeard actually took out his warhammer, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and he rushed up with a roar.

"For Azeroth!"

The dwarf is just, completely different from the pandaren. Zhou Zhuo turned his head and ran when he saw Hogg, and Brian was going to fight when he saw Archimonde.

Of course, this is also related to Brian Bronzebeard's own strength. He is an adventurer and a brave and powerful warrior.

However, it is clear that Archimonde the Defiler, as a powerful demon with first-class strength in the entire universe, is vastly different from Brian in power.

Archimonde can crush the neck of the strongest demigod, or destroy a city with only one hand. In contrast, Brian is only a mortal after all.

Seeing Brian rushing up, Archimonde was very disdainful and stretched out his hand.


A burst of red lightning shot out, and Brian was hit and died on the spot.

Then Archimonde looked at Rowe.

Luo Wei was agitated and quickly exited the experience space.


He originally thought that the challenge object of the Sanqi experience space, the Flame Demon King was over, but he didn't expect Archimonde, and he wondered if Sargeras would have it.

how can this be fought

Rowe estimates that the strength of the Flame Demon King is comparable to Surtur in his peak state, and Archimonde's strength is stronger than that of the Flame Demon King. If he wants to defeat in the future, he must at least be at the level of Odin.

Brian didn't seem to call for reinforcements.

Will I be able to reach the peak of Odin's strength in the future?

This book of experience had little effect on the current situation. Luo Wei thought about it for a while, then closed the holy deed and went to rest.

Waking up the next day, Rowe called Venom and let it come out to eat.

"What is this?" Venom stuck out his head and looked at the pile of broken mushrooms in front of him.

"Sakaxing's specialty, help me eat some." Luo Wei said.

These mushrooms didn't taste good, but Rowe didn't want to eat it a second time, so he prepared to let the venom eat it, and then directly shared some of the energy to himself.

"Can't you eat it yourself?" Venom asked.

Luo Wei: "I mainly want to give you a chance to feel the style of Saka, eat it, it's delicious."


Fortunately, Venom does not have a strict sense of taste, and is not sensitive to the taste of these mushrooms, and it eats wildly, three mouthfuls of a pig, and mushrooms are naturally no problem.

After breakfast, Rowe drove the spaceship to Saka City.

In a short time, the spaceship carried him to his destination, a peculiar and city, Saka.

As a nearly 100-year-old elder, Luo Wei has never been to any country in the Nine Realms, but this is the first time he has seen a city like Saka City.

If you use a few words to describe the architectural style of Saka City, it can only be: abstract, absurd, circus.

Gorgeous colors, grotesque buildings, tall, twisted buildings, and eccentrically dressed residents of all shapes and sizes make the city look like a super circus.

Walking on the street, you can always hear all kinds of loud music, and the pedestrians on the road dance with it, just like watching an Indian movie.

"Are you a gladiator?" A passerby asked Luo Wei, looking up and down.


The passerby didn't believe it, and pointed to the sword at his waist again: "Then why are you wearing a leather armor with a sword."

Luo Wei looked around and found that his dress was really unusual in Saka City, and many passersby cast some strange looks.

Immediately, he hurriedly found a place to sell clothes in Saka City, exchanged gold for some clothes in the style of Saka star and put them on his body, and put the sword of Rivendell into the Sanctuary space.

The Saka people like to wear masks, and he bought one to wear.

This time, Rowe was not so abrupt when he walked on the streets of Saka.

It is worth mentioning that the currency value of Saka Star is quite high, and several gold bars are spent on a dress. Fortunately, Rowe is an Asgardian, and he is not short of gold.

After a while in Saka City, the tallest building came into view of Rowe.

Like most of the buildings here, this one has twisted shapes and absurd colors, as well as two giant head statues.

One of them, Rowe, couldn't tell what kind of creature it was, and the other was a standard humanoid creature, wearing a helmet and looking a bit like an Asgardian warrior.

Unsurprisingly, the characters of these two statues should be the gladiators who won championship status in championship fighting.

Luo Wei came to the place where tickets for the arena were sold and asked, "What games are there recently?"

"There are a few free-competition fights today, and in three days, the current champion Axe of Brutality will welcome his new challenger, the Boulder Warrior, and on the same day, the Horse-faced Man will make his arena debut." The waiter of the ticket is a humanoid creature with no gender and a soft appearance.

"Horse Man"

The waiter nodded and took out a card: "This is the gladiator that Mr. Carlo bought not long ago. The strength is very good. Are you interested in betting?"

Rowe took a look at the card and saw a horse-faced warrior with a warhammer on it. It was Bill, the horse-faced Thor.

There are also written his ability, Gao Tianzun's evaluation of him, and the odds.

Intelligent life often loves to gamble, humans do, and so do the Saka people. Like all competitive sports, championship fighting has spawned a huge gambling industry.

"Are you interested in betting?" the waiter asked again.

"No," Rowe said.

He still remembers that in the movie, Gao Tianzun was a cheating guy. Thor and Hulk fought, and it was because of Gao Tianzun's cheating that Thor finally lost.

You don't have to think about it to know that Gao Tianzun must have used this method to play a lot of gamblers and make huge profits.

"If you think the horse-faced man is too risky you can also buy the Axe of Brutality. He is the most powerful of all gladiators..." The waiter continued to recommend.

"I want a ticket, three days later." Luo Wei said directly, paying for the ticket.

Three days passed.

Championship Fight will hold a grand competition every month, with champions and outstanding newcomers.

At this time of the month again, the city of Saka became extremely lively, with dense crowds on the streets, and people began to gather in the arena from the morning.

Luo Wei entered the stadium with a ticket and sat in the third row of the auditorium near the competition venue, which was considered a very advanced position.

Just when the auditorium was almost full, lights and shadows suddenly flashed in the competition venue, and the projection of a gray-haired man with a gorgeous dress and a strange shape appeared in the middle, with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm your Gao Tianzun, and it's an exciting time again."