Chapter 290: 【Aris】

"Game start!"

Ares is always murderous, as if there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood behind him, as if he can see the **** footprints under his feet as long as he lifts his leg.

No one in Saka Star knows his past experience, but in the years in the arena, Ares has killed countless opponents, and these opponents alone are enough to make him count as countless murders.

In contrast, the horse-faced Thor is much weaker.

Although the tall and sturdy body and the peculiar horse face make the horse-faced Thor look quite majestic, he has a pure personality and does not like to kill, which gives more a sense of honesty.

"Ares! Ares!" The audience in the arena obviously preferred the murderous Ares, and cheered for him one after another.

Fewer people applauded the horse-faced Thor, almost drowned out by the sound.

However, in the face of the horse-faced Thor, Ares's demeanor was extremely dignified, far superior to any previous opponent.

He held the huge battle axe tightly in his hand, looked at the horse-faced Thor, and then touched the surrender disk on his neck: "I can feel your extraordinary power, it's a pity that we are all bound by this thing now. "

When Ma Mian Lei Shen heard the words, his eyes flickered for a while.

Luo Wei has a holy deed and can distinguish Ares's character, knowing that although he is unfortunately controlled by Gao Tianzun, he is not a good person at all, and he is definitely a person who is addicted to killing.

The horse-faced Thor obviously doesn't have this ability, and he doesn't know Ares's character, so after hearing these words, he can't help but feel a little sympathetic to Ares, and he hesitates, as if forgetting that he is on the battlefield.

This made Ares' eyes flash with disdain.

Then, Ares suddenly flew out with a stride, and the battle axe in his hand sank vigorously, slashing at the face of the horse and the **** of thunder.

The horse-faced Lei Shen was startled, and hurriedly dodged, and at the same time swung the hammer of thunder and attacked the battle axe.


Ares's battle axe slashed on the Thunder Hammer, and a loud bang erupted, and the thunder shot everywhere.

"Boom boom boom—" Ares followed with a few more axes.

The horse-faced Thor took a sudden loss, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back to stabilize his body and breathe.

However, Ares frowned immediately. He looked down at his battle axe, and saw that in the confrontation just now, the battle axe broke several small gaps.

Obviously, the quality of the battle axe in Ares's hand is obviously inferior to that of the Thunder Hammer.

Horse-faced Thor began to focus on the battle, no longer thinking about other things, his hand tightened, and the hammer of thunder suddenly made a big splash.

"Boom..." There was also a gust of wind and clouds in the sky, and there were bursts of thunder.

"Thor! Thor!" The audience's applause for the horse-faced Thor became much stronger, and they competed with Ares' supporters.

The horse-faced Thor warhammer waved, the sky was full of light, and a thick thunder fell from the sky and went straight to Ares.

As early as when the thunder was brewing, Ares's expression changed, and then blood suddenly surged on his body, making him seem to be covered in blood.

Along with this blood-stained appearance, Ares' eyes also sparked red blood, and it looked like he was going to bite people.

When the thunder came, there was only a loud bang, and he kicked a big hole in the ground. His body shot out at an amazing speed, and passed the thunder that fell from the sky.


The giant axe attacked, and the horse-faced Thunder God circulated arcs all over his body, waving the hammer of thunder to greet him.

However, Ares, who is now covered in blood, is obviously stronger than just now.

The staggered figures of the two provoked a thunder arc and blood light in the arena, and the sound and light were great.

Such a high-intensity battle is naturally rare for the people of Saka Star, and bursts of cheers erupted in the audience, one after another.

"Thor! Thor!"

"Ares! Ares!" The fanatical supporters on both sides shouted in unison, pulling their necks, hoarse.

In the VIP seat, Gao Tianzun smiled: "Haha, it seems that Thor is indeed a little more immature. There should be no suspense in this competition."

Luo Wei was a little nervous, clenching his fists subconsciously, and looking around from time to time while watching the game on the field.


Lightning flashed in the arena, showing a fierce confrontation.

The horse-faced thunder **** was directly shaken and flew out, and the hammer of thunder also flew out, and the human hammer fell to the ground.

Ares breathed slightly and glanced at the battle axe in his hand.

Due to the significant difference in quality, after just a few fights, the tomahawk has been chipped again and again, as if it is about to become a waste product.

Ares touched the axe body, then dropped it at his feet, and turned to the Thunder Hammer that fell not far away.

"Your hammer is good, but it's mine now." Ares smiled, reached out to hold the handle of the hammer, and was about to pick it up.

But then, his expression suddenly changed.

He couldn't even carry the hammer!

Ares was stunned for a moment, then put his hands together and exerted his strength.

The result was still the same, no matter how hard he tried, the hammer would not move at all.

The horse-faced Thor stood up again at this time and stretched out his hand.


The Thunder Hammer lashed back, causing Ares, who was pulling it, to stumble, and quickly let go.

Horse-faced Thor holding the warhammer: "A warrior should not abandon his weapons."

Ares gritted his teeth and looked at the battle axe that he had just abandoned not far away.

The horse-faced Thunder God naturally wouldn't let him pick up his weapons again, so he flew to Ares in the thunder, and the warhammer hit him vigorously.

Ares's arm was bloody, and he raised his hand to block the hammer, but was knocked flying.

The horse-faced thunder **** followed closely, the warhammer in his hand danced wildly, and the offensive was like a hurricane.

Ares had no weapons and fell into a very passive situation in an instant. He had almost no strength to fight back.

"Thor! Thor!"

The audience liked the strong, not a specific person. Seeing that the horse-faced Thor had the upper hand, the applause suddenly fell to the horse-faced Thor.

In the VIP seat, Gao Tianzun frowned, leaned forward, looked at the two people in the arena, and said, "Before Topaz couldn't lift the war hammer, I thought it was too heavy, now it seems that this hammer has Some kind of special power..."

Seeing that Ares was about to be defeated by the horse-faced Thor, UU read www.uukanshu. com Gao Tianzun shook his head, took out the remote control from his waist, and pressed a button.

"Ah!" As soon as the button was pressed, Ares in the arena suddenly screamed and lost his mobility instantly.

"Boom!" The horse-faced Thor smashed him into the air.

Gao Tianzun was shocked: "What's the matter, did I press the wrong button? Or is the controller installed wrong?"

He hurriedly looked at the remote control in his hand, then switched the positions of the two surrender disk controllers plugged in, and pressed them again.

Horse-faced Thor did not respond.

"What!" Gao Tianzun was a little panicked now.

"Let me see." Rowe said at this time, reaching for the remote control, like an old friend extending a helping hand.

"Quick, help me see what's wrong with the remote control!" Gao Tianzun urged Luo Wei by handing the remote control.