Chapter 292: 【Strong kiss】

After flying for a few hours, after confirming that there were no pursuers behind him, Luo Weicai and Ma Mian Thor stopped and found an open space to rest.

Ma Mian Thor couldn't help but ask: "Luo Wei, when did you arrive at Saka Star?"

"Half a month after you arrived. You should know this, the time flow of Saka star is very strange." Rowe said.

Ma Mian Thor nodded.

Rowe asked, "Bill, have you heard about His Highness Hela?"

"No, but..." Ma Mian Lei Shen seemed to remember something, "But when I first arrived at Saka Star, before I was sent to Gao Tianzun, I heard about a group of robbers named "" A new organization of the Asa Army. "

"After knowing the time flow of Saka star, I guessed that you or His Highness Hela arrived at Saka star earlier, and then formed this legion... After all, aren't you called the Asa protoss?"

Rowe was startled.

The organization of the Asa Legion, he did hear people mention it, and he knew that it was a new organization located in the north of Saka Star. It became the master there after defeating the Arctic scavengers about a year ago.

However, he always thought that it was just a similar name, and did not link the Asa Legion with his family name. The Asa Corps is also silent, and there is no other news after the organization was born. It seems that it is centered on economic construction and vigorously develops social productivity, commonly known as making a fortune in silence.

As soon as Ma Mian Lei Shen reminded him, he immediately felt that it was very possible.

Hela was the first to enter the wormhole, probably a year or even earlier than he and the horse-faced Thor, and then established the organization of the Asa Legion.

Luo Wei thought for a while: "Let's take a day off, and tomorrow we will go to the north to see."


After a while, Rowe took out the holy deed and checked the reward for killing Ares.

[Salvation is completed, you can obtain the spell: Light of Dawn]

Dawn light.

A relatively powerful group healing spell, at least much stronger than Charity Aura on average.

After taking a general look at the spellbook of the Light of Dawn, Rowe immediately rested.

The next day, the two set off for the north.

The Saka star is very big, and the two of them didn't find any available spaceships nearby. Fortunately, they can fly, so it doesn't take much trouble.

After a boring flight, as the North Pole approached, the surrounding scene gradually changed, and ice and snow began to appear.

Of course, trash will always be the theme of Sacca. These ice and snow are also intertwined with colorful garbage, and it is not difficult to guess that under the ice and snow, there must be more and more ancient interstellar garbage.

There was more and more ice and snow, and the cold wind was howling.

Luo Wei held a map in his hand, looked around, and pointed out: "After this snow-capped mountain is the Arctic Circle, we are almost there."

The two quickened their speed, skimmed the snow-capped mountains, and after a short flight, they saw some spaceships leaving in the sky ahead.

These spaceships seem to have just taken off, their speed is still increasing, and at the same time they fly straight away in a certain direction.

Following the direction they were heading, Luo Wei took a look and found that these spaceships were actually rushing towards the wormhole in the sky.

Is Hela about to leave Sarkar?

The two didn't have time to think about it, and quickly caught up with the spaceship.

Several spaceships that were galloping noticed them, but they fired directly, and the lasers flew out, striking the two by surprise.

At the same time, more spaceships took off from below, firing at Rowe and Thor.

The two had to deal with it.

"Boom--" The horse-faced Thor swung the hammer of thunder, and there was a rumble in the sky, and then a thunderbolt fell from the sky, smashing on these spaceships in a series.

However, what they never expected was that these seemingly ordinary spaceships turned out to be sturdy and unusual, and the thunder of the horse-faced Thor swept away, only to shoot down two spaceships.

These spaceships obviously have an escape function. After losing the ability to fly, several small round cabins ejected during the fall, and then opened their parachutes and slowly fell from the air.

Seeing this, Luo Wei and Ma Mian Thor immediately stepped forward, each hijacked a crew member who was ejected from the spaceship, and made the other cease fire.

"Who are you and why are you invading the territory of the Asa Legion!" A shout came from a spaceship.

Luo Wei and Ma Mian Thor looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Boom--" At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded, like thunder brewing before the rain.

Luo Wei followed the sound and saw a familiar long-haired figure flying from the front. Although the distance was still far away and he couldn't see clearly, he recognized at a glance that this figure was Hela.

Luo Wei greeted him in surprise: "His Royal Highness!"

"Presumptuous!" The spaceship in the sky shouted angrily, opened fire again, and blasted Rowe away with one cannon.

"Stop!" Hela's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, these two people invaded the territory of the Asa Legion, they—" the voice from the spaceship stopped abruptly.

Seeing that Hela went straight forward and caught Luo Wei who was blown away, the two immediately hugged each other, and turned a few times in the air like a spinning top.

"His Royal Highness..." Rowe's heart beat faster.

Hela didn't speak, but she seemed more excited than him. Her face flushed a bit, she pursed her lips, and then she kissed directly.

"Temple..." Rowe only felt his lips warm and his mind went blank.

I don't know what to think, maybe it was too unexpected and didn't respond. He struggled a few times at first, but was forcibly restrained by Hela, which looked like a scene of a forced kiss.

This scene stunned everyone, and Ma Mian Thor did not know the relationship between Luo Wei and Hela, and was also stunned at this time.

Rowe gradually calmed down.

He felt that Hela's tongue was attacking the city, and then not to be outdone, the two embraced in the air, arguing.

But he was not Hela's opponent after all, and in the end he was defeated with a tingling tongue.


The two separated, took a breath at the same time, looked at each other for a moment, and laughed at the same time.

Luo Wei didn't know why he laughed suddenly, but he couldn't help it. Hela's heart must be echoing the same emotion The audience was quiet, and everyone stared blankly at these two personal.

After a while, both Luo Wei and Hela regained their calm.

"Go back, today's exploration operation is canceled." Hela looked at the surrounding spaceships, and then pointed to the horse-faced Thor again, "This is my friend Bill, take him back to the base too."

"Yes, Her Majesty." The ships of the Asa Corps flew away one after another, and they also brought the horse-faced Thor back.

So there were only Luo Wei and Hela left here. They fell to the ground covered with ice and snow and couldn't help kissing a few more times.

After a while, Rowe asked, "Your Highness, when did you arrive at Saka Star?"

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