Chapter 306: [1 Half Asgard Power]

Mangogo was submerged in a blazing golden-red light, and it took a while to reappear.

The power of the flame armor is indeed extraordinary, and coupled with the detonation of the holy light, it is as strong as Mangogo.

Mangogo's injuries recovered quickly, but his face was full of anger but did not lose the slightest. He looked at Rowe and said, "You—you are not dead!"

Before he finished speaking, the evil aura and sense of oppression swept over him overwhelmingly.

Luo Wei felt the terrifying aura, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and cold sweat soon oozes out of his forehead.

Seeing that Rowe was still alive, Odin was also a little shocked. After all, he had just witnessed Rowe being hit by the combined force of Mangogo and Laufi.

But now is obviously not the time to think about it, Odin got a chance to breathe, immediately gritted his teeth, and barely stood up from the ground.

Mangogo recovered from his injuries at this time.

His size has shrunk again, and it is clear that the detonation of the flame armor's holy light has caused him considerable damage.

Looking at Odin, who was barely standing up, and Rowe, who was bizarrely immortal, Mangogo hesitated a little, and finally stared at Rowe.

"Hmph, you are not so lucky this time." Mangogo snorted coldly, then flew away, and the giant fist went straight to Rowe.

Luo Wei's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly summoned the holy deed.

Holy Shield!


Mangogo punched Rowe underground, leaving a big hole on the ground.

Mangogo raised his claws and looked down, but found that there was nothing in the pit, and then he suddenly reacted and looked at his claws.

Luo Wei was holding on to his giant claws at this time, and his body was covered with a layer of golden light, and he still looked unscathed.

"What!" Mangogo was shocked.

Rowe made a move at this time, and the flames surged under his feet, flying to Mangogo, and at the same time raised his hand and threw a lot of arrows.

These are the arrows that he had prepared in the past, filled with holy light, and they were detonated one after another, opening rounds of golden light in front of Mangogo's face.

"Boom boom-"

Mangogo staggered for a while, gritted his teeth and looked very angry. He waved his huge claws and slapped Luo Wei who was still in the air.

Although Mangogo is huge, his speed is much faster than that of Rowe. It was not easy for Rowe to dodge, and he was almost hit by danger.

People were in the air, Luo Wei looked down at the holy deed on his waist, and couldn't help flashing tangled colors in his eyes.

As of now, it seems that there is only one way: to throw the holy deed into Mangogo's mouth, or even stuff it into his stomach.

The kings of the holy deeds look inconspicuous, but there is no doubt that it contains an extremely large amount of holy light energy. As a collection of resentment, Mangogo is thrown into the stomach of such holy light artifacts, and the consequences can be imagined. .

Rowe has three Holy Shields left in his hand, and he should be able to send Sanqi into Mangogo's stomach, so that he can have a good taste of the Holy Light.

However, Luo Wei was not sure what the consequences of doing so would lead to, and he didn't know whether he would lose the holy deed because of this. Naturally, he was very entangled.


Just as he was struggling in his heart, a roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately amid the thundering thunder, Miaolnir flew towards Mangogo's back.

Mangogo staggered, and then turned around quickly to see that Hela was arriving with a hammer.

Hela's current state is not very good. She has also experienced a hard fight just now. She is covered in bruises and panting.

Looking at Hela who appeared in front of him, Odin suddenly shuddered, as if he had thought of something.

But soon, he frowned and fell into a tangle, clenching his fists with both hands, and murmured: "It would be great if it was a son, alas..."

As soon as Haila's hand turned, several long swords condensed in the air, and after a short circle, they shot out and went straight to Mangogo.

Mangogo snorted coldly, slapped it with his backhand, and slapped all these long swords away.

But then, Miaolnir, who went back and forth, gave Mangogo another blow, attacked from behind him, and staggered him again.

Mangogo was a little annoyed, and when he regained his footing, he suddenly shot and blocked Miaolnir who was speeding in the air.

Miao Ernier suddenly turned, flew down, and fell with his body.

"Is this Odin's spell, it's useless to me!" Mangogo said, and then he stopped Mjolnir's castration and held the warhammer in the palm of his hand.

Then he threw a backhand, Miaolnir went straight to Hela at a terrifying speed, passing violent sonic booms and cloud-white tracks in the air.


Hela quickly spread out her five fingers, controlled Mjolnir's trajectory, and barely deflected the direction of the warhammer before being hit.

"Boom!" However, Mangogo immediately punched her and blasted her out.

Under the huge gap in strength, Hela was seriously injured by this blow alone.

She was pale, and barely stood up while leaning against the broken wall.

"Odin is nothing but my defeat. What do you think you can do, Odin's daughter!" Mangogo stepped forward and stepped on it.

"This may not be..." At this moment, Odin suddenly said something, as if he had made up his mind.

Immediately, he swung the spear of eternity, and his whole body glowed with colorful brilliance, just like the color of the Rainbow Bridge.

This rainbow-colored brilliance instantly filled the entire Asgard, as if blending with the air.

After the radiance of the rainbow filled the air, it quickly gathered towards Hela, forming a brilliant storm with her as the center, gradually drowning her figure.

Odin took a deep breath: "Hela, my daughter, now I lend you half of the power of Asgard, and it will make you stronger than ever."

After a while, the rainbow radiance dissipated, and Hela's figure reappeared.

Rowe looked at her. Although there seemed to be no change on the surface, he could feel that Hela's power was more than ten times stronger than before.

Probably, this is the powerful power shown by Hela in "Thor 3"...

Odin looked at Mangogo: "Mangogo, I can't defeat you, but my daughter can."

Before that, Hela, as the successor of Asgard, had already mastered a part of Asgard's power, but only a small part.

Now Odin understood that he could not defeat Mangogo at all, and Mangogo was his natural enemy.

If you want to defeat Mangogo, someone else must do it, and this person must be strong enough to surpass the third-order divine power.

This leaves only one option left: give the power of Asgard to Helya.

Of course Odin does not want to hand over all the power of Asgard, in that case, Hela will be out of his control, at least, he will also lose the right to choose his heir.

Looking at Hela, who had gained half of the power of Asgard, fear flashed in Mangogo's eyes.

He is Odin's natural enemy, not Hela's. Odin has all the power of Asgard and cannot defeat him, but Hela, who has half of the power of Asgard, may defeat him.

But he didn't panic, but smiled: "Odin's daughter, you are so pitiful, your father didn't even want to give you this power, he just said it was "lent", there is no doubt that he still intends to To bring this power back to give to his son in the future - his true beloved son, the true heir of Asgard. "

Hearing Mangogo's remarks, Odin couldn't help showing his anger, as if he had been hit with the truth. Hela turned pale and bit her lip, obviously knowing that this was true.

"Is such a father really worthy of your allegiance?" Mangogo's strange voice made up of thousands of voices reverberated through Asgard, questioning Hela's soul.