Chapter 313: [Holy Light Defense Line]

Luo Wei knew that the magic floating cloak in the Supreme Sanctuary was conscious, but he did not expect that the cloak would be so self-willed that no one would touch it for more than a thousand years.

Then Doctor Strange came to the Supreme Sanctuary, the magic floating cloak turned into a dog in seconds, and he got up...

"How did it give birth to consciousness?" Rowe asked.

Flocari shook his head: "According to records, the first-generation Supreme Mage disappeared for a year, and no one knew where he went or what he experienced... In short, when he returned to the Supreme Sanctuary, he had already Lost an eye and all of her hair, and since then, the Floating Cloak has had a consciousness of its own."

There is such a thing, Luo Wei frowned: "Did he say nothing?"

Flocari: "No."

Luo Wei was silent for a moment, then stopped asking about the matter, and instead asked, "How is the guard in London?"

"Not optimistic. Fortunately, you arrived, otherwise we may not be able to withstand the next round of the frost giant's attack." Flocari said heavily, "Lord Rowe, I don't know that Asgard has sent a total of this time. how many people?"

"These are just the vanguard troops, and there will be a large army coming in the future. Don't worry, Asgard will definitely help the earth drive out the frost giants." Rowe said.

Flocari breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and then said: "We have to prepare quickly. I guess the Frost Giant will launch the next attack at night." /

Everyone stopped talking and went to prepare for the next battle.

The sun gradually went down and night fell.

In the shattered city of London, the thin ice and shattered snow left by the frost giants made this night colder than ever.

The residents of the city have long been evacuated. In fact, the main job of the London Sanctuary mages is to evacuate the people throughout the day.

Fortunately, they have a portal, otherwise there is absolutely no way to transfer the residents of the entire city of London in one day.

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night.

Beside Rowe were the black panther Bashenga and the supreme mage Flocari. The three stood on the city wall and watched from afar.

Although there is a towering city wall at the foot, but the wall is actually useless.

After all, the London City Wall is used to resist general wars, not this kind of Protoss war. For the frost giants, the defensive power of the city walls built by humans is similar to that of a fence.

A little farther away from the three was a coalition of Asgard warriors, Wakanda warriors, Supreme Sanctuary mages, and some strange people who spontaneously participated, totaling about 500 people.

In terms of numbers, it seems that this side has the upper hand, but most of the combat power is concentrated among the more than 100 people in Asgard. Not bad.

At this moment, a portal opened beside the three of them, and a mage walked out of it with a solemn expression: "The enemy is coming."

"Prepare to fight!" Rowe ordered, pulling out the sword of Rivendell hanging from his waist.

At the same time, outside the thick London city wall, with the surging chill, a group of figures quickly approached the city of London in the dark.

Not long after, everyone standing on the city wall could already see the blue figures of these frost giants, and even their blood-red eyes.


With the sound of freezing ice, some frost giants began to condense out ice thorns, suspended in front of them, pointing directly at the direction of the city wall.

Rowe let the venom attached to himself, and then let the tentacles of the venom help him hold the weapon, while looking at the two nearby Wakanda warriors: "Lend me the shield."

The two Wakanda warriors couldn't help but froze for a moment when they saw him suddenly turned into a golden appearance, and then they reacted and quickly handed him their shields. starter

Holy Light Shield!

Luo Wei held two vibration gold shields, and the holy light flashed in his hand, and the two giant shields of holy light were unfolded on the shield, like two walls with bright golden light.

Then he jumped up holding these two giant shields and swooped to meet the frost giant.

"Boom boom boom"

The ice stimulation of the frost giants shot out, and Rowe waved the shield of holy light, blocking most of the ice thorns, and the ice **** splashed all over his body.

Before rushing to the Frost Giant, Rowe let Venom's tentacles hold the shield, and he took the weapon, holding the hand of Antuthul in one hand and the sword of Rivendell in the other.

Although Venom's tentacles are not as good as arms, holding a vibranium shield can also play a role, blocking a lot of incoming ice thorns.

In the dark night, Rowe in the form of a light-cast symbiote warrior rushed into the enemy group like a golden hurricane.

"It's an Asgardian!" the frost giant exclaimed.

Originally, Luo Wei was already well-known in the Nine Realms, but he was isolated from the world for more than a thousand years. Many frost giants didn't even know Lau Fei. Naturally, there were very few people who could recognize Luo Wei. Gard.

Sword of Blessing, Hammer of Judgment!

Rowe swung the hammer sword, and the sword of blessing swept along the spiral. At the same time, the hammer of judgment blazed from the hand of Antuthul, following the trajectory of the thunder, knocking a string of enemies in front of him flying.

The nearby frost giant was about to rush up, and Rowe immediately stabbed his sword into the ground, and the holy light was released.

The dedication of the Holy Light spread instantly on the ground, forming a golden pattern. Any frost giant who stepped on it would scream in agony, some fell to the ground, and some retreated.

Behind Rowe, the magic floating cloak stirred, pushing the sword of Rivendell and flying Holy Light Consecration spread rapidly with his trajectory, and soon formed a Holy Light defense line.

This move is very sharp against Musbeiers or demons, but when used on Frost Giants, the effect is relatively limited.

Apart from the fact that some of the sinners will suffer double damage due to the disciplinary effect, the frost giants can fully force the damage of the Holy Light to rush in. Although they will inevitably suffer some injuries, it is not serious.

But Rowe didn't expect to kill the Frost Giant with Holy Light Dedication, he just created a favorable location for himself.

Within the range of the line of defense formed by the dedication of the holy light, the frost giant must endure the burning of the holy light under his feet all the time, which is equivalent to being controlled by others on the terrain.

After the formation of the Holy Light Defense Line, the battle between the two sides broke out in an all-round way.

Asgard, the Golden Palace.

"Wow wow wow"

Without warning, a loud baby cry rang out.

"Thor don't cry, don't cry." Frigga hurried over, lifted her clothes, and nursed little Thor.

Little Thor was eating milk, and finally stopped crying, and his chubby face showed silence.

After a while Odin came in from the door. The injury to his abdomen apparently hadn't healed, which made him subconsciously put his hands near his abdomen as he walked.

Looking at little Thor who was breastfeeding, Odin smiled and touched his cheek with his fingers.

Frigga then said, "Odin, you said Thor was your heir, right?"