Chapter 327: 【Birningzana】

Several soldiers looked at each other, then one of them turned to leave, turned back after a while, and said to Basengga, "Please come over."

Bashenga went over, and Rowe followed closely, but the soldier slashed his spear: "Others can't pass."

When he spoke, the soldier's eyes were always on Rowe and Shilute, especially the strange image of Shilute's stone man, which made them greatly vigilant.

Bashenga said: "He is the **** of Asgard. He led the Protoss to arrive before and helped Wakanda defeat the Frost Giant."

"Asa Protoss!" After this reminder, someone among the soldiers blocking the road suddenly recognized Rowe.

Although the other soldiers didn't recognize Rowe, they also knew that the Asa protoss helped Wakanda, looked at each other, and finally let Rowe and Shilute pass.

Not long after, Rowe followed Bashenga to the chief hall of the Jabari tribe.

"I didn't expect you to be alive... Bashenga." The chief of the Jabari tribe was a square-faced man. He sat on the front seat and wore a leather robe.

When he spoke, he frowned, his eyes stayed on Shilute for a long time, and he looked a little surprised.

Shilute felt his gaze: "Buzz."

Chief Jabari: "..."

"I got the help of the Sun God. Of course, I think the Leopard God is also protecting me in the dark." Basengga said.

"Sun God?" Chief Jabari was startled.

"The sun **** of Asgard, Rowe." Bashenga gestured sideways.

Rowe smiled: "Hello, chief of the Jabari tribe."

The chief thought for a moment, then stood up, bowed slightly, and said, "If there was no help from the Protoss, we would probably already be the slaves of the Frost Giants. Thank you, esteemed God Asa."

Rowe: "Asgard doesn't want the atrium to be occupied by frost giants and fall into boundless darkness and winter."

Chief Jabari said eagerly at this time: "Because of the frost giants, the most important water source of the Jabari tribe, the White Monkey River, is now seriously freezing... Since you are the sun god, I wonder if you can help the people of Jabari. To disperse the ice of the White Saru River?"

"Of course." Rowe said, "Let's go over now."

When Chief Jabari heard this, he couldn't help showing joy: "Thank you so much!"

Luo Wei didn't say much, and the magic floating cloak behind him flew out of the hall and went straight to Shirarukawa, where he soon arrived.

There were several young people slicing ice on the river, when they suddenly saw a person flying over, they were all startled: "You! Who are you!"

"I'm here to help you." Luo Wei smiled slightly, and then took out a pair of golden gloves from the Sanctuary space, which were flame gloves.

One of the gloves was so bright that it was dazzling from a distance, as if he was holding an infinitely radiant sun on his hand.

This is naturally the glove that Rowe has been infused with holy light. Since it has not been infused, it is still in a semi-sanctified state, so it will excite an exaggerated light.

Fortunately, this light is different from ordinary light, and it will not damage the eyes. Otherwise, as soon as the gloves are taken out, the young Wakanda next to them will be blinded.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to start." Rowe put on the flame gloves.

Several young people quickly backed away.

Rowe's body floated, suspended in the air, and then his hands wearing flame gloves ignited a fiery fire.


Two dazzling white beams of light that were hotter than the surface of the sun shot out and slammed onto the ice surface of the White Saru River.

Although the ice surface was thick and heavy, under the bombardment of such high temperature, two large holes melted in an instant.

Then Luo Wei flew along the Shiro Saru River, and at the same time, his hands were repeatedly intertwined, and the dazzling white fire column was like scissors that quickly opened and closed, constantly cutting and stirring the ice surface.

"Boom boom boom—" With the sound of intensive bombardment, the icing of Shiro Saru River quickly subsided.

The fire column emitted by the flame gloves is very bright, not to mention a half-sanctified glove that is blinding, so even on the mountain, Bashenga, Chief Jabari and others can see the process clearly.

Seeing the icing of the White Saru River subside, Chief Jabari couldn't help but feel a little excited and said with a smile, "Great, these annoying icings are finally gone!"

The flame glove consumes a lot of money, so Rowe cleared a part of the ice and felt that it was enough for the Jabari tribe to use the river water normally, so he stopped releasing the fire pillar and returned to the chief hall on the mountain.

"Well, it should be fine."

Chief Jabari smiled: "Okay, you really are the incarnation of the sun."

Afterwards, he thanked Rowe again and gave away a necklace of animal teeth.

After a while, everyone sat down, and the topic returned to the matter of Basengga.

Chief Jabari looked at Rowe: "I think you don't want Itakin to continue to be the king of Wakanda?"

"Yes, Bassanga is my friend, not to mention Itakin's deeds are disgusting, I definitely support Bassanga's return to the throne of Wakanda." Rowe nodded.

Chief Jabari nodded.

Bassanga: "But he won't shoot at Itakin. I will prove myself in a way that conforms to the Wakanda tradition."

"You mean duel?" Chief Jabari frowned, "but you no longer have the power of the heart-shaped grass, and you are not the opponent of Itakin."

Basengga: "To borrow the power of the heart-shaped grass is not in line with the rules of the challenge to the throne. I will have an absolutely fair duel with Itakin, both fighting with the power of ordinary people. With the support of you and the sun **** , I believe he had to accept this duel."

"Then I will defeat this shameless **** with my own hands in front of the Warriors Falls, in front of everyone!"

The next day, Rowe, Bassanga, Chief Jabari and others led thousands of Wakanda warriors to Birningzana.

Birningzana is the capital of Wakanda and the place where Wakanda was born. A long time ago, it was here that the first Black Panther unified the five tribes and established the Kingdom of Wakanda.

Itakin had obviously gotten some news, so when everyone had not officially arrived at Birningzana, they met Itakin's team.

Itakin was fully armored, and beside him was a tall robe woman holding his shoulders.

He looks quite similar to Bassangar, at least in Rowe's eyes, in fact, in Rowe's eyes, all black people look alike.

Seeing Chief Jabari, Itakin couldn't help but look gloomy: "You betrayed Wakanda."

Chief Jabari looked straight at him and said slowly: "The people of Jabari will always be loyal to Wakanda, loyal to the real Black Panther, and the betrayers are others."

Luo Wei glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly noticed that Bashenga was clenching his fists, his body was shaking, and he seemed to be suppressing a huge emotion.

Basengga's eyes were always on the robed woman beside Itakin, who was his wife... but now it's his brother's.

Itakin: "So you don't think I'm the real king?"

Chief Jabari was silent for a second, then said directly, "That's right."

"Very good." Itakin nodded, stopped talking nonsense, and waved his spear, "Wakanda soldiers, kill these traitors!"

"Yes!" The soldiers behind him clenched their spears, and then charged.

Rowe wore a flame glove in one hand and turned his fingers, and a dazzling white beam of light shot out, heading straight for the charging enemy.

"Om!" At the same time, Shilute roared loudly, waving his giant fist.