Chapter 341: 【Sehira】

Titan is rapidly withering, and the Eternal Protoss living here are increasingly feeling the harshness of their existence. Unprecedented poverty has descended on this arrogant group.

It never occurred to them that they would one day taste hunger.

After all, they are Protoss. Even if they are down, they are at the top of the cosmic food chain and can easily obtain resources from all over the cosmos.

However, the power of Odin and the power of the three Infinity Stones was so powerful that they could not take a step away from Titan.

Those who tried to escape from Titan have never been cut off, but none have succeeded, and all of the Eternal Protoss have been imprisoned on this small, depleted, mediocre planet.

In this desperate situation, the Eternal Protoss can be described as living like a year, and the atmosphere of depression and even terror is becoming more and more intense.

The sun rises and sets, and Titans die, but no one is born.

This day many years later.

Among the large dilapidated ruins, there are few neat buildings, and dozens of soldiers are walking on the deserted roads.

The leader of these dozens of people has a strange appearance, an unusually burly stature, and at the same time has purple potato-like skin, which looks very strange, like two races compared to others.

Of course he was Thanos.

At this moment, Thanos was wearing armor all over, carrying a large fan knife in his hand, and walking with several teams of soldiers on the road, everyone's faces were full of tension and solemnity.

"Thanos, I think your plan is right..." a soldier behind him whispered.

"It's too late." Thanos said solemnly, "A thousand years ago, we only needed to wipe out half of the population, and five hundred years ago, we only needed to wipe out two-thirds of the population."

"Now, we have almost nothing, and we are on the verge of destruction. Only by eliminating 99% of the population can we gain a chance of life... It's too late."

Before long they arrived near a circular building.

There is a sign next to the building: Warehouse powerhouse, stalkers die!

There are many warrior handles around the warehouse. Like Thanos and others, they all look nervous and solemn.

"It's time for a shift," Thanos said.

A silver-haired man came out of the soldiers stationed there. He first gave Thanos the code step by step, and then said: "Thanos, how long do you think the supplies in the warehouse are enough for us to survive?"

"Who knows, maybe in a few years, maybe we will die in the hands of the rebels first." Thanos then sighed, "The Infinity Stone is really an unshakable power. In front of it, we are as small as ants."

The silver-haired man nodded and sighed deeply: "Yeah, just the power of the three Infinity Stones has put us in such a situation. If anyone can master all the six Infinity Stones, I think he may even destroy the world. Ability."

"It's not possible, it's a certainty, and it only takes a snap of your fingers." Thanos said, "Okay, you go back, we will be responsible for the next duty."

"Hey!" But at this moment, an arrow suddenly flew towards Thanos.


Thanos responded very quickly, and with a wave of the fan's knife, he blocked the arrow.

"It's the rebels!" The silver-haired man's expression changed.

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of people appeared not far away, and there were hundreds of people. It's just that compared to Thanos and others, most of these rebels are yellow-faced and thin, and they are obviously in extreme starvation.

However, they have a strong will to fight, and their eyes are full of bloodlust, as if they are a group of beasts, and they are not afraid to die together.

"Kill the nobles and divide the warehouse materials equally!" The rebels shouted and killed.

"Kill ah-"

The silver-haired man glanced at Thanos: "Let's get rid of these rebels first, there are quite a few."

Thanos nodded, clenching the fan blade in one hand.

Soon, the rebels and the guards faced each other, and the two sides fought together in a **** battle.

Thanos himself is powerful and well-equipped, and no one is his opponent. On the battlefield, he is like a meat grinder, frantically harvesting the lives of the rebels.

The large fan knife he held in his hand was undoubtedly like the blade of a meat grinder, and everywhere he passed, there was blood flying.

The rebels who came were several times as many as the guards, but their strength was too much worse, not to mention that there were strong men like Thanos among the guards.

Therefore, the situation was clear from the beginning of the battle, and the rebels were clearly at a disadvantage, falling in pieces, and more than half of them were killed or injured in a short time.

But almost no rebels flinched. Obviously, they had no way out, and they were all dead. In this case, the guards also paid a small price.

After a while, the casualties of the guards were close to half, and the rebels were almost wiped out.

"Ahhhh!!" In a desperate roar, a rebel army rushed towards Thanos.

Thanos suddenly swung the fan blade and cut the rebel's body directly from it!

Blood splattered on his face, making his vision a **** patch.

At this moment, through the blood in his sight, Thanos saw a familiar figure, and he couldn't help but stagnate.

I saw that among the remaining rebels, there was a short-haired woman in ragged clothes, her skinny arm was holding a broken dagger, and her face was covered with tears.

"Sethira?" Thanos approached her.

"Don't come here!" Sehira stepped back in horror, holding a dagger in both hands, pointing directly at Thanos.

Thanos stopped advancing and looked at her with a complicated expression.

Suddenly there was a scream, but the second-to-last rebel was killed by the silver-haired man. So far, only Sehira was left.

Sehira looked around in despair, then suddenly fell to her knees and cried bitterly.

Thanos raised his footsteps again, walked towards her slowly, and finally crouched in front of her, reaching out to lift her chin.

Sehira had to look up at him, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop.

Thanos looked at her at such a close distance for a long time, and suddenly said: "Seshira... You must have understood that I was right, right?"

Sehira said nothing The silver-haired man not far away looked at her and then at Thanos, with a hint of play in his eyes: "Thanos, is she your confidante?"

As if he had not heard of it, Thanos still looked at Sehira and said to himself: "Look at the people around here, they could have died peacefully and painlessly, and won the gratitude and memory of the survivors. . But now, they are dying of starvation and the slaughter of their kin, which is ten thousand times more cruel."

"Now, do you still think my original plan was cruel?"

Sehira was still crying, but she didn't cry anymore, probably her eyes had dried up, just like this planet.

"Tell me, Cehira," Thanos demanded.

Sehira's lips moved, as if to say something.

However, at this moment, a cold light hit, and then a scream sounded.
