Chapter 397: 【Queen of Ashes】

"I can't believe that in Jinlunga, the iron of Scarborough has a full mountain!" Aitri couldn't help himself with excitement, and his face was flushed red from the shaking beard, "But this makes sense, if there is no such an iron mountain , Surtur may not be able to make the Sword of Twilight either."

The Twilight Sword can be big or small, but its original form is a mountain-level giant sword, which matches Surtur's original size.

Jinlunga's flame metal Scarborough Iron is the main material of the Twilight Sword. With the mountain-like size of this sword, the consumption of Scarborough Iron is naturally a huge amount.

From this point of view, it makes sense that there is a Scarborough Iron Mountain in Jinlunga.

"Let's start collecting!" Aitri took out two mining pickaxes and handed one of them to Rowe, "This is the ultra-high-purity anti-metal pickaxe I specially prepared - the iron of Scarborough is no match. Vibrant gold difference, only using this thing to mine it will not be so laborious."

Rowe took the anti-metal pickaxe from him, and the two of them chiseled against the nearby mountain.


Just as Aitri said, this Scarborough Iron is no less sturdy than Vibranium, and even with a special anti-metal pickaxe, it is not easy to chisel.

The two of them wielded the anti-metal pickaxe, one after another, digging a crack in the mountain, and then slowly expanding the crack until it was enough to tear a large piece of Scarborough iron from the mountain.


Rowe waved the anti-metal pick again and chiseled it into the crack in the mountain, only to hear a crisp sound, and a large piece of Scarborough Iron tore off the mountain and fell to one side.

He hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug it, and at the same time estimated the weight, this Scarborough Iron probably weighed a ton.

Sending it into the Sanctuary space, Rowe continued to dig with the anti-metal pickaxe.

It is obvious that the Queen of Ashes, the ruler of Jinlunga, has always mined this iron mountain, because there are some traces of digging not far from the two of them.

Compared with the anti-metal pickaxe specially made by Nidavi, the mining efficiency of the Queen of Ashes is undoubtedly much lower. Otherwise, the entire mountain would have been emptied for thousands of years.

In fact, Rowe and Aitri have only been busy for a few hours, and they have collected tons of Scarborough Iron.

However, just as the two of them were mining the Scarborough Iron, a frightened and angry scolding suddenly came from the sky: "Nidavid dwarves!"

Luo Wei and Aitri changed their expressions, but they didn't expect that Jin Lunga would find them so quickly.

The two turned around to look, and saw a human-shaped flame creature standing in the sky. His whole body was made up of flames. From a distance, he looked like a mass of fire suspended in mid-air.

Such pure flame creatures are very rare even in Muspelheim.

Luo Wei opened the eye of reckoning, and in the vision of the Holy Light, five layers of ripples appeared around the body of the flame creature, and the energy level was five.

The flame creature first noticed the huge Aitri, and then saw Rowe, the flames beating on his body suddenly became more intense, and the flame's face showed great anger: "And the Asgardians!"

Jinlunga is isolated from the world, but in fact, the flame creatures living here hate Asgard far more than the outside world.

After all, Surtur was neutral towards Asgard for a long time until Odin took the initiative to attack him. The attitude of the Queen of Ashes is quite different. She has always advocated fighting Asgard to the end, which is why she was arranged here. Surtur did this largely to put her under house arrest.

"You will pay the price for this. Jinlunga is Her Majesty's sacred territory, and your defilement will never be tolerated!" The flame creature swooped down and went straight to the two of them, leaving a fiery trail in the sky.

Luo Wei flew into the sky, the holy light in his right hand flashed, and he punched fiercely in the direction of the flame creature.

Holy Light Strike!


The shining fist of the Holy Light smashed the body of the flame creature and turned it into a flame.

The flame creature, which was purely composed of flames, was obviously not killed just like that. After turning into flames, he did not flinch, but rushed forward, wrapping Rowe and burning it.

"Taste the power of the flame, turn it into ashes in the burning!" A human face was faintly revealed in the flames, and he roared.

Before he finished speaking, the flames that enveloped Rowe surged violently.

However, Luo Wei, who was in the center of the flames, was unmoved. He opened his right hand with a calm expression, and then held it.

"The power of fire, do you mean this?"

Immediately, the flames surrounding him seemed to be attracted and controlled by some kind of external force, rushing towards his right hand in unison, and finally condensed into a human shape, which was pinched by his throat.

"You!" The flame creature was shocked and angry.

The flames on his body were ups and downs, and he struggled several times to restore the flame form, but he couldn't compete with Luo Wei's second awakened flame power, and was always bound into a human form.

The flame creature broke free, but did not give in: "Asgard, Her Majesty the Queen will not let you go, you must—"

"Boom!" Luo Wei's five fingers released golden light, and the Holy Light infusion and Holy Shock were completed within one second. Under the detonation of the Holy Light, the flame creature's words stopped abruptly.

The flame creature dissipated in the holy shock, but a fiery red ball the size of a hungry egg fell from it.

Luo Wei didn't bother to take a closer look, he threw it into the Sanctuary space, and then summoned the Holy Spirit Warhorse: "Aicui, we have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Aitri was obviously a little reluctant to give up on the iron of Scarborough that covered the mountains, but he also knew it was time to leave, so he hurried over and rode on Rowe's Holy Spirit horse.

He was huge, and it was very difficult for the Holy Spirit's war horse to carry him alone. Fortunately, Luo Wei didn't ride the war horse to drive the magic floating cloak. The two of them flew into the sky together and soon reached the entrance when they came.

However, the sight in front of them made their hearts sink.

The entrance to the outside world has been closed, and the closed giant gate is silently displayed behind the sky. In front of the canopy, there are more than a dozen flame creatures and Musbeier people.

Seeing Luo Wei and Aitri, more than a dozen defenders were ready to fight, and three of them rushed directly to Luo Wei: "Invader, stay here!"

Luo Wei's eyes of reckoning looked at them, the weakest one was level three, the strongest one was level five, and there were three level five, and it was the three who attacked him.

Luo Wei's thoughts turned sharply, and he turned on the anger of revenge immediately, and then the sword of slaying the devil in one hand and the extreme ice blade in the other hand, the holy light fluttered his wings and greeted him head-on.


When the holy light was released, the Demon Slayer Sword slashed fiercely at a MusbeierBoom! "

The dazzling brilliance of punishment erupted, and the Musbeier was immediately beheaded before he could react.

Luo Wei has always maintained the Eye of Reckoning, so he is clear about the strength and sin of the enemy. The Demon Slaying Sword specializes in sinners, and the Ice Extreme Blade is used to deal with other enemies.

As the subordinates of the Queen of Ashes, these people are all of the flame attribute, and they collide with the ice extreme blade, and the damage caused is naturally first-class, not inferior to the Demon Slayer Sword.

As a result, the Holy Light's wings fluttered a few times behind Luo Wei, and the Ice Extreme Blade and Demon Slayer Sword swung left and right. None of the three enemies who rushed forward could survive two moves, and they all died in a blink of an eye.

After eliminating the three strongest ones, Rowe turned around and rushed straight towards the remaining enemies.

The Sword of Blessing!

With the blessing of the wrath of revenge, even a fifth-level strength is basically a move in Luo Wei's hands. The remaining enemies are only three or four levels of strength, and naturally they are not opponents. The sword of blessing flew out along the spiral line, and half of the enemies died on the spot.

But at this moment, a fiery pillar of fire shot up from the horizon not far away, sweeping from east to west, hitting Aicui first.

"Boom!" A dazzling white flame bloomed on him.

The scorching heat of this flame, even though Aitri had the protection of the Primal Fire Pendant, he still suffered burns, and there were some scorch marks on his clothes and skin.

He panted and turned his head to look, and saw dozens of people flying from not far away, and the Queen of Ashes was among them.