Chapter 399: 【Marquette】

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Latest website: Watching so many subordinates die in the explosion, Queen Ash's face is extremely ugly.

She had flaming hair standing upright, and her body trembled slightly: "Asgard... I promise not to let you die easily!"

Behind Rowe, the Holy Light fluttered his wings and flew from the gate to the Queen of Ashes. At the same time, he used the hand of reckoning again, attracting some of the enemies who besieged Aitri.

There were only five or six people besieging Ai Cui at once. Under the pressure, Ai Cui was finally able to cope with the sharpness of the battle armor.

Rowe and Queen Ash fought each other again. During this period, they kept taking time to kill other enemies. In a short time, only the Queen Ash and a green-horned Musbel were killed.

This green-horned Musbeier is also the existence that is second only to the Queen of Ashes. He is alone against Aitri. Although he was beaten by the armor, he still has some strength to fight back, and he is concerned about it from time to time. Queen of Ashes.

Seeing that the Queen was at a disadvantage, he couldn't help shouting eagerly: "The Praetorian Guard, the Flame Praetorian Guard, don't come to protect Her Majesty!"

With this shouting effort, Aitri seized the flaw, swung the warhammer in his hand, and smashed it **** his abdomen.

"Ah!" He suddenly screamed and fell from the sky.

"Marquette!" Queen Ash could not help shouting when she saw this, trying to get away to chase.

Luo Wei stepped up the offensive, the Ice Extreme Blade and the Demon Slayer Sword danced wildly, completely suppressed, so that she had no chance to get out at all.

It's just that although he seems to have the upper hand, his heart is very dignified.

In order to open the gate of Jinlunga before, his flame power was almost exhausted, and after some battles, there was not much divine mana left. Right now, although he can still suppress the Queen of Ashes, he doesn't have the ability to continue fighting.

At this moment, Queen Ash's Flame Guard finally arrived. There were as many as 200 people, and their strength was above the third level.

The Flame Guards first caught the falling Marquette to save him from death, and then rushed towards Rowe and Aitri, like two hundred pillars of fire rising into the sky.

Seeing so many enemies rushing up, Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

It came just right. There are many Musbeiers in the Flame Guard, with the Demon Slayer Sword in hand, and these Musbeiers are enough to restore his holy mana.

"Leave it to me, Aitri." As Rowe said, he fluttered his wings and flew straight to the Flame Guard.

Flying into the enemy group in a blink of an eye, he swung his Demon Slayer Sword and quickly harvested the sinners in the Flame Guards, one after another blood-red figures vanished in the Holy Light's vision.

With the disappearance of these blood-red figures, the Demon Slaying Sword continued to feed back energy, quickly recovering his mana.

After recovering some mana, Rowe once again focused on fighting the Queen of Ashes, fighting against the Queen of Ashes and the Flame Guard by himself.

Ai Cui watched Xu Yu blankly, then suddenly came back to her senses, turned around and flew to the gate.

He looked around, and soon found a compass-shaped mechanism by the door.

As the most outstanding craftsman in the Nine Realms, Aicui decided that this was a mechanism that opened the door from within.

But obviously, this mechanism is not like a door handle that can simply open the door, and it definitely requires some operation steps.

Taking advantage of Rowe's efforts to contain all the enemies, Aitri hurriedly groped for the compass and tried to open the door...

Rowe waved his double-blade, fighting against a group of enemies alone without falling behind. He flapped his wings of holy light to shuttle quickly among the group of enemies, like holy light refracted repeatedly between mirrors.

Before the wings of the Holy Light were about to disappear, he opened a vengeful rage again, and then recharged his mana by killing the sinners in the Flame Guard.

Luo Wei became more and more brave, while the Queen of Ashes became more and more frightened. The flames beating on her body showed her panic in her heart.

As for the Flame Guards, under Rowe's slaughter, their morale continued to decline, and the originally stable formation gradually began to be chaotic.


Rowe blocked the attack of the Queen of Ashes with the Demon Slayer Sword, and the ice blade in his left hand fell immediately.


The dazzling brilliance intertwined with gold and blue flashed, and the power of holy light and ice poured out, immediately destroying Queen Ash's left arm.

The Queen of Ashes screamed in pain, and hurriedly backed away, while flames surged from her left arm, and a new arm quickly condensed.

The new arm was formed quickly, but after multiple injuries and recovery, she obviously paid a lot.

Rowe's Eye of Reckoning clearly saw that the ripples on Queen Ash's body changed from seven layers to six layers after a tremor, and her strength dropped by one level.

Queen Ashes realized that she was in a bad situation, shesitation flashed in her eyes, and she finally made up her mind to grit her teeth, spread her hands, and read: "My servants, the flaming janitors, now, offer sacrifices to your queen. Out of everything... Six hundred years later, when the gods are twilight, you will be reborn from the ashes on the original high platform!"

Before the words fell, the bodies of the soldiers of the Flame Guard began to disintegrate, turning into flames and ashes.

The Flame Guards who were disintegrated and absorbed, some were full of piety and self-devotion, and some were struggling to the death, turning into the ashes of the queen in despair and pain.

When absorbing the Flame Guards, the ripples on Queen Ash's body returned to seven layers, and the aura continued to increase.

But with the growth of her strength, the sins on her body also rose sharply. The blood red that was still a little light quickly turned into a dark red, and it was still deepening.

Luo Wei was stunned when he saw this, and then rushed up again, slashing with double-edged sanctions.


The Queen of Ashes swung her sword to block, and then the dazzling brilliance of punishment burst out on the sword, directly destroying her hands, with more power than before.

"What!" She couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

"The king should not kill his own warriors, Your Majesty." Rowe said, cutting out the punishment again.

The Queen of Ashes regained her strength by absorbing a group of her subordinates, but this aggravated her sins, resulting in the Holy Light's sanctioning power being even better. As a result, she was even more disadvantaged than when she first started the fight.

At this time, Luo Wei's mana was almost full. Under the situation, the situation suddenly became one-sided. Under the power of the Holy Light's punishment, the Queen of Ashes was completely powerless to fight back.

"Boom..." At this moment, Ai Cui also successfully opened the compass, causing the door to reopen, making a loud rumbling sound.

After opening the door, he turned around and flew over to join the fight: "I'm here, Rowe!"

Facing the siege of the two, the Queen of Ashes was completely defeated. In the end, she screamed and turned into a flame, and flew downward at a high speed, trying to escape.

Luo Wei's revenge rage time has ended, but he can't catch up. Immediately, his hands are empty, and a lot of holy light pours out, condensing into a small Holy Spirit horse.

go with!

The Holy Spirit's warhorse flew with four hooves, shot out, and its speed continued to soar, gradually catching up with the Ash Queen who was fleeing.


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