Chapter 405: 【The Ogre King】

The Saffron Warhammer seemed to resonate with the divine power of flames, the flames on the warhammer became more vigorous, and the fire in Rowe's body also circulated endlessly.

Since Ulu, which is the main material, is not heavy, although the size of the warhammer is quite large, the weight is not heavy, it should be less than 100 pounds.

Luo Wei waved a few times, then tapped the palm of his left hand, and opened the Sanctuary to the page of the drawing.

[Completion: Beyond]

[Item Level: Level 8]

Beyond the quality, the item level has also been raised by one level, from the seventh level of the blueprint to the eighth level, which made Luo Wei nod his head.

"Thank you, Aitri."

Aitui smiled and waved: "Haha, for dwarves, building a powerful weapon is the most proud thing."

After the warhammer was built, Rowe did not leave Nidavi immediately. After all, there was still a spaceship to be transformed.

Returning to his room, Rowe carefully studied the Sulfuron Warhammer for a while, then opened the Sanctuary to [Enchant: Tibu Blazing Rune], and applied the enchantment to the warhammer.

He held the handle of the hammer in his left hand, and saw a dazzling fire flashing from the palm of his hand, and the whole warhammer roamed in an instant, and the enchantment was completed.

Imbued with the Tib Fire Rune, the flames that surround Sulfuron's Hammer become even hotter.

Of course, this is not the focus of Tibu's flaming rune. What Rowe really expects is his unique ability to transform weapons into flames.

Rowe held the handle of the hammer in his hand, and with a move in his heart, the Saffron warhammer instantly turned into a flame form, becoming a flaming flame, wrapped around his palm.

Fire is amorphous, and after the warhammer changes into flame form, the form is naturally unconstrained.

Under Luo Wei's control, this raging fire was sometimes pulled into a line of tens of meters long, and sometimes gathered into a round surface, which was infinitely variable at will.

This made him very satisfied. The only regret is that after attaching the Tibu flaming rune, the Saffron Warhammer has not been upgraded to another level, and it is still an eighth-level weapon.

However, it is normal to think about it. One more level is the ninth level. It is the same level as the Orange Hammer Savras, which is obviously unlikely.

Rowe was fiddling with the shape of the flame-shaped Sulfuron warhammer, and suddenly his brows wrinkled, as if he had discovered something.

Can I bring the Sulfuron Warhammer in flame form into my body?

He hesitated for a moment and decided to give it a try.

He carefully pulled the flame so that it slowly melted into his arm, and then immediately expelled it to confirm that he could enter and exit.

After the initial confirmation, Rowe became more daring, and took all the Sulfuron warhammers in the form of flames into his body.

Compared with other flames, the flames formed by Sulfuron's warhammer obviously have many differences, and can even be said to be distinct, so Rowe can clearly feel the movement of this unique flame in his body.

In fact, this feeling is a little uncomfortable, after all, this is a foreign body that invades the body.

Therefore, Rowe did not rush the Sulfuron Warhammer to other parts of his body, but limited it to his arms.

After accommodating the Sulfuron Warhammer, his arm suddenly became much heavier, and it was inconvenient to move, as if it was swollen, and at the same time, his skin was fiery red, extremely hot.

However, Luo Wei also felt that his arm was full of strength at this time. It was several times stronger than before, and it became very strong, like a Ulu, like a unicorn arm.

This wonderful use of Tibu's flaming rune surprised Luo Wei very much, and he said that it was indeed Tibu.

Feeling the magic of Tibu's blazing flames, he immediately opened the holy deed and entered the experience space of King Gordok.

Before that, Rowe had challenged ogres such as King Gordok many times, but each time he failed.

It's not that he can't beat these ogres, but according to the rules, he can only kill King Gordok, and he can't kill more, otherwise the tribute reward will be cancelled.

In the process of battle, Gordok's younger brothers always try their best to protect their king, which makes it difficult for Rowe to complete the goal of killing only Gordok, and often accidentally kills other ogres.

He once estimated that the best way to achieve his goal is to kill Gordok as soon as he comes up, preferably within two moves, so that other ogres have no time to react.

But King Gordok is also an ogre king after all, a sixth-level BOSS, it is obviously unrealistic to kill him with two moves, at least not before.

Now that there is the Sulfuron Warhammer, Rowe thinks that his strength has greatly increased, and he should be able to do it.

"Ah ha ha……"

As soon as they entered the training space, the seven ogres all gave out their signature grinning smiles, waving huge weapons and running towards Rowe.

This was the best time to take action to kill King Gordok, and Rowe did not hesitate to start his wrath of revenge.

Immediately, his holy light flicked his wings, turned into a golden rainbow and shot out, appearing in front of King Gordok almost instantly, and then suddenly swung the Sulfuron warhammer.

Hammer of Justice!

King Gordok hurriedly swung his great sword to block, and immediately the warhammer slammed into the sword.


Hearing a loud noise, flames and holy light erupted at the same time, knocking out the huge body of King Gordok.

"Your Majesty!" The other ogres responded and prepared to protect King Gordok.

Rowe then charged up again and swung the warhammer again.


This time King Gordok failed to block in time, and only moved his body reluctantly, and then his sword-carrying arm was directly smashed by the Sulfuron Warhammer let out a scream.

The other ogres had already arrived, and one of them, the ogre mage observer Krush, sent a lightning bolt that hit Rowe's back.


Resisting the stinging pain of the lightning bolt, and dodging the attack of the ogre guards in front, Rowe continued to hunt down King Gordok.

King Gordok has no power to fight back now, and the severe pain of his arm being smashed makes him still scream.

When Rowe chased in front of him again, the Saffron warhammer slammed down, hitting his forehead, ending the battle.

It's funny to say, and I don't know who designed it. The moment King Gordok was killed, the other ogres who rushed towards Rowe immediately changed their postures, bent their knees, and slid to their knees. At the same time, he shouted to Rowe: "Your Majesty the King!"

Rowe was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that these ogres had changed him to be the king.

"The one who defeats the king is the new king," said Krush the Observer.

Rowe nodded, then turned his attention back to what Lord Gordok dropped.

There are two drop lists for King Gordok, one of which is a normal challenge reward, including two things.

A good forging blueprint, [Forging Blueprint: Brutal Blade], and a [Ogre King].

[The Ogre King: Now you are His Majesty the Ogre King. When you enter the experience space, you will be able to summon a random ogre to assist in the battle. 】