Chapter 425: [One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six years AD]

Antarctica, Hearth Valley.

As the residence of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the most striking existence here is undoubtedly the ancient guardian tree Tedis in the middle of the valley.

Over the past few hundred years, Tedis has stopped growing and remained at about 300 meters in height. The height of 300 meters and the tree diameter of about 100 meters make it the largest thing in the entire Hearth Valley.

"Boom..." Thunder and holy light surging on it, and thunder sounded from time to time, adding a bit of majesty.

Thanks to the fact that it is surrounded by mountains, otherwise there are towering giant trees with such a magnificent sight growing suddenly in the vast snow, which must be seen from far away.

Under the huge figure of Tedis, some young paladins were lining up and practicing, and a few elders were instructing them.

"...You have similar experiences and similar qualities. You are both noble and determined warriors. That's why you became a member of the Silver Hand and inherited the belief in the Holy Light."

The sturdy old man with short white hair paced in front of the young knights. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and spoke in a serious tone.

"Five hundred years ago, the sun **** established the Silver Hand in the realm of the gods, and then moved it to the atrium. Now, it is the oldest knight order on earth."

"Following the ancient teachings, the Paladins are never greedy and never give up." The elder with a serious face stated slowly, "We are not famous, and we do not enjoy pleasure, but we will always be the firmest in justice. Advocates! You enter the Silver Hand, like all knights, and even better..."

During the break, two young knights got together to talk, and one of the blond youth said, "Do you think the knights were really founded by the sun god?"

"I think so. After all, we have already seen the knights of God's Domain with our own eyes." Another young man with black hair said.

"But they are not the sun gods," said the blond young man. "They are just his subordinates. As far as I know, the sun gods have not walked on earth for hundreds of years."

"The sun has always been there, from ancient times to the present." The black-haired young man pointed to the sky, the sun in the extreme day, "Furthermore, for the gods, how short a few hundred years are, maybe just a flick of a finger. It's a pity that our mortal lives are shorter than this."

Following his movements, the blond youth couldn't help but look up to the sky, and then the two of them opened their eyes wide, their faces full of shock.


Just listening to a violent roar, a gorgeous rainbow beam of light descended from the sky, with an astonishing momentum, as if spanning an endless distance and arriving at Hearth Valley in an instant.

The dazzling beam of light left a circle of wonderful lines on the ground. When the light dissipated, a blond man holding a flame appeared in the center of the lines.

"That's..." Most of the young knights were at a loss. They had never seen Rowe himself, nor were they familiar with portraits.

After a moment of stunned, the older knights recognized Rowe one after another, and immediately went up to meet him excitedly and knelt down on one knee.

"Big lord!"

"Sun God, after nearly four hundred years, you have finally come to the world again!"

Looking at the few people in front of him, Luo Wei couldn't help flashing some surprises and emotions in his eyes.

What he sighed was that after returning from Saka Star, the human paladins he once knew had undoubtedly died of old age, and the old men in front of him were several generations later.

What surprised him was that when he returned to Hearth Valley this time, someone called him the sun god. After all, within the Knights Order, his identity is always the Great Lord. It seems that over the past few hundred years, some cultural changes have inevitably occurred in the Silver Hand, which has absorbed members on Earth.

It won't become a religion that worships the sun **** in the future... Luo Wei thought with concern.

He's actually an atheist, loosely speaking, and that hasn't changed even after he became Asgard's sun god.

Luo Wei clearly knew that in the final analysis, all living beings are mortals, but there are some differences in strength and weakness.

He opened the Eye of Reckoning and looked at the group of Paladins in front of him.

Fortunately, compared to the past, the knights of the Silver Hand have not fallen, and have maintained a good character, showing a light or even almost pure white yellow in the vision of the Holy Light.

Even, almost half of the paladins were better than Rowe, which made him feel a little ashamed.

"Knights of the Silver Hand, you are all very good." Rowe encouraged the knights, and Ander came out of the Temple of Light not long after.

"Big lord, you're finally back!" Ander couldn't help but say, "Why haven't you heard from you for hundreds of years?"

"I went to a faraway place." Rowe smiled and didn't say much, then changed the subject, "Ander, let's go to the temple, you and me tell me what happened on Earth recently."


The two entered the Temple of Holy Light successively, and after a brief discussion, they entered the main topic.

Rowe asked, "According to the earth's chronology, what year is it now? Has anything major happened in the past and recently?"

"It's 1826 AD," Ander said. "In the hundreds of years you left, the earth has indeed changed a lot. Especially in the last 100 years, human beings have entered the gate of technological civilization very quickly."

"Even the human beings at the bottom have mostly begun to understand some real astronomical knowledge, the shape of the earth and the rotation of the sun and the earth."

Rowe nodded.

Ander continued: "Earlier this year, as far as I know, humans took the first photo. It has to be said that compared to most technological countries in the universe, the history of the earth is indeed a bit too fast. ."

Rowe listened to Ander's remarks gradually gained a clearer understanding of the history of the past few hundred years.

Obviously, the timeline has a fairly strong self-correcting ability, and Rowe is far less involved in Earth's history than Asgard.

Therefore, the earth does not seem to have caused any major changes. At least according to the historical level of his previous life, human history is still in the process of step-by-step development.

The great geographical discovery, the industrial revolution, North America, Washington... Everything is developing towards the world that Rowe is familiar with, which is undoubtedly gratifying news for him.

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, the second and third presidents of the United States passed away on the same day, which is not a small political event. This makes Rowe a little suspicious, not sure whether this small probability event is consistent with the original historical trajectory.

The two were talking when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"What's up?"

The young knight who knocked on the door came in with a strange expression: "There are... people outside."