Chapter 465: 【Visit Ancient 1】

"Her name is Gu Yi." Rowe said.

At this time, Master Gu Yi had completely abandoned his past name and only called himself "Gu Yi", and his head was already bald. Most of the time, Kama Taj, who lived under the Himalayas, was just as shown in the movie. .

"Ancient One?" Krueger wondered, Xingying and Yondu were equally at a loss, apparently they had never heard of this name.

Luo Wei said, "Master Gu Yi is almost a hermit. Even on the planet where she lives, ordinary people don't know her existence. It's normal for you not to know."

He looked at Xingying and continued: "But she is definitely a genius magician. As long as she is willing, you should have a chance to return to a normal state."

"Great!" Although Luo Wei was not 100% sure, Xingying couldn't help but say something, his excitement was beyond words, "We can finally be separated!"

No one but him or them understands the pain of this oneness.

Starka and Aletta, they were originally a pair of brothers and sisters—of course, the kind that are not related by blood, step-siblings.

They grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and they fell in love with each other and became husband and wife.

However, in an accidental opportunity, they accidentally touched the unknown magic spell of the ancient Eagle God, making them merge into one and become the current Star Eagle, who can only show people in this image.

This combination gave them a powerful power beyond mortals, but it also brought them endless troubles. For example, since they became Star Eagles, the deeply-feeling couple has never enjoyed the unique pleasures between husband and wife.

They sometimes want to have children, but there is nothing they can do.

Over the years, Starka and Aletta have sought solutions many times, hoping to break the curse on their bodies, but to no avail. This time, Rowe, as the sun **** of Asgard, even though he didn't make a promise, still gave them unprecedented hope.

"The ancient master you mentioned, where is she now?" Xingying asked quickly.

Luo Wei got up and said, "She is on Earth. Since you are in a hurry to get out of this state, let's go over now."

"Wait a minute." Kruger said suddenly, "Take me with you... I want to see the legendary mage you mentioned."

Luo Wei nodded, and then contacted Heimdall again, asking him to open the Rainbow Bridge and send a few people to Earth, and Yongdu was also taken with him.

The light of the Rainbow Bridge flashed past, and the four of them appeared in the Himalayas.

For the purpose of not disturbing the secular human beings, the location they sent was far away from people. It was a snowy plateau. It was white and clean, and the scenery looked very moving.

"This is a really good place." Looking at the pure snow field around him, Yongdu smiled, "If I get tired of fighting one day in the future, maybe I will move to this planet to settle down."

"And then there is a son of the earth?" Luo Wei said casually.

"Haha." Yongdu smiled.

From here to Kama Taj, you need to climb over a snow-capped mountain of more than seven kilometers. Of course, this is nothing for the four of them, so they soon crossed the mountain and reached the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu.

Kama Taj, the ancient master, is located in a corner of Kathmandu.

As an old friend of the Supreme Sanctuary, Luo Wei also has a lot of contacts with Gu Yi, so after arriving at the place, several people met Gu Yi smoothly.

"Long time no see, Master Gu Yi." Luo Wei greeted.

Gu Yi also responded with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Star Eagle behind Luo Wei.

As the supreme mage who has been in charge of the Sanctuary for hundreds of years and one of the most superb spellcasters in the Nine Realms, she noticed something abnormal at the first sight of Star Eagle.

After staring at the star eagle for a while, Gu Yi frowned slightly and said slowly, "You... are not alone."

He could see the problem as soon as we met, which made Xingying overjoyed and even more excited: "As expected of Master Gu Yi, you are right, I am indeed not alone!"

Luo Wei felt that the conversation between the two seemed a bit strange, and then took the initiative to introduce: "Master Gu Yi, let me introduce to you, this is Xingying, a friend I met on Centaur, and we participated in the fight against the stars together. The battle of the invader Thanos."

"Like you said, Star Eagle is actually two people, Starka and Aletta, they have been affected by unknown magic and become what they are now... I think you may have a way to remove this magic, so take him Came to Kama Taj."

Gu nodded, then looked at Xingying and asked, "Tell me about what happened."

Star Eagle recounted the experience of Starka and Aletta, probably because of the combination of the two.

Gu Yi asked repeatedly, and it took a long time to finally figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Master Gu Yi, do you have a way to separate us and return to two normal people?" Xing Ying asked nervously.

"You said just now that you touched a statue of the Eagle God and then became like this?" Gu Yi asked.


"Is that statue still there?"

Xingying shook his head and said, "It's definitely gone. The battle just passed caused serious damage to the Star of Acturus, and the place where the statue was located has long been destroyed."

Gu Yi frowned and fell into deep thought. After a long while, he spoke again: "I have a way to separate you, but this method is a bit dangerous and may lead to the death of one of you."

"This..." Star Eagle fell into hesitation.

Starka and Aletta want to separate, the most important thing is to be able to get along like a normal couple. If they die, it will be better than the current state.

Rowe said at this time, "My healing spell may be able to help."

Gu Yi: "Separation will be a violent process, and it must be a healing spell so powerful that it is almost resurrected."

"As long as it doesn't come back to life, I'm sure." Luo Wei said confidently.

Speaking of which, there is no resurrection spell in the spells recorded in the holy deed, which is definitely something that he deeply regrets.

Although the resurrection technique is against the sky, the holy shield technique that can resist all damage is also very against the sky. In Rowe's opinion, since the holy shield technique can be used, the resurrection technique can also be used.

However, the fact is that the existence of resurrection is not recorded in the seven-layer spells of the Holy Book.

Although there are also some spells outside the system of the Holy Tome, very few of these spells are unimportant such as lighting spells, and resurrection spells should not be recorded in the holy deed in this form.

Does the Sanctuary really have no resurrection technique? Or is there another way? Rowe couldn't help thinking for a while.

