Chapter 527: 【Donald Black】

Odin dragged Thor, walked towards the Rainbow Bridge, and said angrily, "You don't deserve all this!"

After noticing this movement, Luo Wei frowned, immediately stopped the battle that was about to start, turned around and flew over.

"It's me who spoiled you and made you still a defiant child for a thousand years!" Odin kept reprimanded.

Loki persuaded: "Father, he was just on impulse..."

"It's not for a while, he's always like this!" Odin said loudly, his voice trembling with anger, "He never corrected, because I never made him pay for his impulses, now is the time!"

"I want to exile you and train you until you wake up! Until you are worthy of your title!"

Today, when Odin woke up from his deep sleep, he heard the news that Thor had stormed into Jotunheim and started fighting with Laufey. He almost fainted again.

The old **** king was really angry, and he was really scared.

He knew that his time was running out, but Thor was still so impulsive and childish, which made him feel extremely anxious.

When he was still there, Thor might not have any big problems like this, but he might leave one day. If Thor was still like this then, I don't know what kind of disaster would happen.

Therefore, Odin realized that he had to do something, even if he was a little ruthless, to change Thor's stunned character.

Frigga clearly supported his idea, so there was no persuasion, although Thor cast a pleading look at his mother from time to time.

Hela also had no opinion.

Loki tried to persuade a few words, but unfortunately it was not very useful, only symbolic.

"Rovey!" Thor saw Rovey as if he had found a life-saving straw, and hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up and persuade my father!"

Rowe shook his head: "His Majesty Odin is your father, our king, what right do I have to change his mind."

In fact, he also hoped that Thor would suffer a little and change his character, so naturally he would not come forward to persuade him.

Judging from the original book, the experience of exile on Earth did have a positive impact on Thor.

No one who could speak said a word. Odin dragged Thor the whole time, and walked towards the teleportation hall while scolding him non-stop.

Hundreds of people gathered to watch, many of whom were Thor's acquaintances, which made him feel disgraced and his face full of bitterness.

Coming to the teleportation hall, Thor looked at his last hope: "Heimdall..."

However, Heimdall was more unmoved than the others, as if he did not see him at all, and saluted Odin: "Your Majesty."

Thor looked desperate.

Odin gasped slightly, but his anger did not subside. After calming down for a while, he said, "I will give you a new life. In this life, you will experience unprecedented weakness and hardships."

"You will understand how lucky you are with everything you have now!"

"You will understand why people are always in awe of the consequences, and why the truly powerful are always humble!"

Thor begged, "Father, I know I was wrong."

"You don't know!" Odin said, and then he pointed out.

Thor slanted, but Mjolnir suddenly lost control and took him to the ground, and he couldn't pick it up again.

No matter how hard he tried, Mjolnir hit the ground motionlessly, as if taking root.

"You are not worthy of Mjolnir in the first place. I gave you the privilege to use it." Odin said.

Thor felt unbelievable, and pulled him towards Mjolnir with all his strength, but the warhammer was still as steady as a mountain.

Even though he blushed like constipation, the situation didn't change at all.

Odin: "Only when you really deserve it, you can pick it up again, I won't give you the privilege again!"

Thor held the handle of the hammer in both hands and knelt on the ground, his expression painful.

Abandoned by one's own weapons...for a warrior who is charging, this may be the most brutal blow.

Holding the spear of eternity in his hand, Odin said loudly, "In the name of Bol, in the name of Bulli, I, Odin, the father of the gods, deprive you of your power, your divine name, your power!"


A dazzling light shot out from the spear of eternity and charged towards Thor.

Thor was immediately enveloped by these rays of light and panicked: "Father!"

The next scene was somewhat unexpected to Rowe.

I saw that after being enveloped by the light of the eternal spear, Thor's image began to change, from Xu Jinjiang to a thin little boy.

What's happening here?

Looking at Thor, who had turned into a child, Luo Wei couldn't help being stunned.

"Exiled from God's Domain!" Odin swung the spear of eternity.

The little boy that Thor turned into was immediately teleported away by the Rainbow Bridge and disappeared instantly.


New York at night.

Queens, a remote suburb.

In front of the orphanage, a bright beam of light descended from the sky and disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a little boy in a coma.

The little boy looked like he was only one or two years old. He was thin and disabled. His right leg was obviously lame. He was curled up on the ground, unconscious.

"What happened just now, go out and see." The two women came out of the orphanage one after another, and they noticed the little boy on the ground as soon as they went out.

"Oh my God, poor child!" They hurried forward and picked him up, "What cruel parents!"

The little boy was awakened by the movements of the two women and opened his eyes blankly: "Well..."

"Child, can you speak?" one of the gray-haired old women asked.

The little boy obviously couldn't speak, so he rubbed his eyes to himself.

"This child's leg..." Another woman found the boy's disability. His right leg was slender and short, obviously not normal.

The old woman also noticed and sighed: "It seems that this is the reason why he was abandoned... He should grow up here in the future, God bless."

"I think we need to give him a name"

"Yes, his parents didn't leave his name."

"Just call him Donald, 'Donald Black,' what do you think? "


In the hall of the Rainbow Bridge, Odin was breathing slightly while leaning on the spear of eternity, looking a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Frigga stepped forward to support him, her eyes were slightly red: "Thor will grow up."

Odin nodded: "Heimdall, report to me about Thor's situation in the atrium every day."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Heimdall replied.

Odin then looked at Luo Wei again: "Ro Wei, I know you are very familiar with the earth. You should pay attention to him at ordinary times."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Rowe nodded.

He never imagined that Odin would be so ruthless with his shot, he literally beat Thor into a mortal, and he was still a disabled child.

It seems that Thor will have a good time in the next few years...



